
Monday, February 15, 2021

4 Webster Sisters

Allie Webster, Zoey Webster, Lexi Webster, Maci Webster

Maci Jo Webster is six days old. Although they aren't the first family in the Bates clan to have four children, Alyssa and John Webster are the first to have four kids of the same gender. Four beautiful girls! For those asking if Maci will be their last baby, Alyssa has said in the past that that is a very real possibility. 

Photo courtesy of @websterforever


  1. What a beautiful picture of four precious girls! Given Alyssa’s past heart issues, I hope they do what is best for her health in regards to family planning.

    1. You mean like working with her doctor and having a hospital birth.

  2. Alyssa and John probably wanted to try one last time for a boy, they are all very happy about this baby's birth as it is their last they are enjoying this special moment,Whitney also stated one time that she can't imagine having a large family,and Tori wants to work as a teacher in the future, probably most of the Bates children won't follow their parents footsteps, and I think most of the Duggar children will follow their parents footsteps, apart from John and Abby and Jill and Derrick who have said they won't and Jinger and Jeremy have hinted they won't, so since we're counting Duggar and Bates family size possibilities I presume the Duggars will end up with a much larger family than the Bates when they have had all the grandchildren.

    1. It’s fine to keep trying for a boy or girl, but you need to stop at some point. Trying for a baby just because you want a specific gender is not right.

    2. In one episode Alyssa said she wanted six children, however in another she told Mama Jane that if she had four girls they were going to quit. She MAY have been using birth control when she was dealing with her heart issues so it is possible they are not averse to using it again.

      Regarding the Duggars, it seems that JB and M still try to control their married kids, though housing and employment, so they may have a bigger influence on the adult kids than Gil and Kelly exert on theirs. Just speculation as I know none of the people personally.

    3. Time 1:16PM Tues 2/16/21
      Where is your proof that JB & Michelle
      Control their adult kids? As I recall
      I read that JB said he let's his kids
      Pick their true loves. So JB & Michelle
      Don't control their married kids.
      Your mean opinions to yourself.
      What your saying is plain rude.

    4. Alyssa actually said recently that they were hoping for a girl with this baby because she wouldn’t know what to do with a boy at this point. (Obviously slightly joking, but this baby was also a surprise so they weren’t “trying for a boy”. She has also implied that they use some form of natural family planning, and that she doesn’t think they’ll have another baby but if they do it won’t be for another two years.

    5. They always say it’s a surprise.

    6. 6:07, that's because it is. Conception is not a guaranteed thing.

  3. Very sweet picture!

  4. Beautiful girls. I enjoy watching their YouTube videos.

  5. All four girls are beautiful💗 I hope Zoey is getting used to being a big sister! Congrats Webster family😊

  6. They each sure have their own look! Such beautiful girls!

  7. Time 2:03PM Mon 2/15/21
    Awww cute photo of the Webster
    Sisters. Happy Presidents Day
    Everyone. ❤❤❤❤🧸🧸❤🦄🦄

  8. Blessed to have 4 healthy daughters and a great husband/dad! Love this family!

  9. I think it's pretty neat not only has Alyssa and John Webster have four girls, but that the girls birthdays are in the month order of January, February, March and April.
    Lexi Mae, Maci Jo, Zoey Joy and Allie Jane.

  10. They are all adorable! Four is a wonderful and fun number of children. I was one of four siblings and it was great.

    1. I am too. My siblings are some of my best friends.

  11. I don’t think this will be their last, I think Alyssa will have an unplanned pregnancy or two. She is only 26 and they don’t use hormonal birth control.

    1. 6:17PM: They may start using birth control. Alyssa has really suffered from morning sickness, worsening with each pregnancy.

    2. There are non hormonal birth control options. Her pregnancies are quite difficult throughout.

    3. Agree. She’ll have to take big measures if she wants to actually stop right now. If she doesn’t, I definitely see her getting pregnant again.

    4. @5:43, yes there are non hormonal options but they are not as effective as hormonal birth control. My obgyn said that in order for non hormonal contraceptives to work the couples need to be very diligent and careful. Are John and Alyssa up for the task?

    5. 3:35 Whether they are up for the task is none of my concern. I don’t fret over other peoples’ family planning.

    6. When done correctly, especially with modern technology (thermometers, apps, etc), natural family planning is just as effective as hormonal contraceptive. It doesn’t take much more work than remembering to pop a pill every day either.

    7. I agree. Alyssa is still very young and she will get the baby feever again once Maci is older.

  12. The Webster girls are absolutely gorgeous💗 Maci is going to be very well taken care of! On a side note, Josie did not look very pregnant in a picture of her modeling in their Batessistersboutique website. I am assuming she is not showing yet because she is so petite. My guess is another girl for Josie... what are your guesses?

    1. It doesn’t help to speculate on gender, there is no way of knowing until they announce it

    2. My guess is a boy, because she has said that with this pregnancy she barely had morning sickness, and she had a lot with Willow! But before this I thought a girl too, so we'll see

  13. Welcome Maci! Beautiful group of young ladies! God bless the Webster family.

  14. What a sweet baby!!! And the girls look so excited to have a baby sister. Beautiful family. But I do hope they try for a 5th, mabye it will be a boy lol.

    1. I hope they don't try for a 5th child,just to try for a boy, because God just might give them another girl.

    2. Even if they had a fifth girl, I'll bet they would still love her.

  15. Awe,what a cute family picture of all 4 sisters. Love that John and Alyssa have an all girl family. Having all girls is a blessing But having 4 now born within the first 4 months (one each month😁👍) of the year sounds fun. One birthday party each month from January to April for the Webster family now. Haley P. from Colorado

  16. For once, their smiles seem genuine and not forced! They must love their baby sister.

    1. If you mean forced, like parents telling their kids to smile for the camera, as parents have been doing for decades, then sure, I guess you could say their smiles are forced.

    2. I agree! Most pf the time, they look like their smiles are forced!

  17. I don't know. God plans for larger sized families than his. It could be them.

  18. Congratulations John & Alyssa Webster on Macie Jo. I am sure everything went ok. I wonder how the girls and you are doing? I hope I can watch the announcement & the gender reveil party & birth or even pictures of Macie Jo hopefully due to coved 19 that it will be on season 10 of bringing up bates. I can't wait❣️ Natasha b

  19. Four beautiful little girls. Best friends forever.
    God Bless
    Marilyn.Joan and Marion

    1. Lol, quite unlikely they’ll all be best friends — that’s just an unlikely fantasy

    2. My sisters are in my very top level of friends.


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