
Friday, February 26, 2021

Erin on Health Struggles and Future

Brooklyn Paine, Everly Paine, Holland Paine, Carson Paine

A few weeks ago, we shared a little bit about Erin Paine's health struggles. She just did an interview with Us Weekly (link below) and provided more details about what she has been through over the past several months. Among other things, Erin reveals in the interview that her chances of ever becoming pregnant with a fifth child are very small. She and Chad have always dreamed of having 10 or more children, so you can imagine how difficult this has been.

At the top of the page where they article is found, you can watch the video of the interview. Carlin chimes in and shares an update on Layla's heart.

Us Weekly Interview with Erin Paine

Photo courtesy of


  1. I remember that when Erin was asked how many kids she wanted, at first she was saying two, then three. But I don't remember her ever saying she wanted like 10 kids... And I think four kids is already a lot to take care of.

    1. People change their minds all the time.

    2. This is a comment for 2/26. It really isn't any of your business how many kids any of them have. You are not parenting them, paying for them or being asked to keep a look after them. Mind your own business.

    3. It’s not for us to decide. And it’s not the time to call out what you remember vs what Erin said. Leave her alone. Don’t watch it you don’t agree. Judging others.....Shame on you..

    4. Then they shouldn't put their lives out their for the public

    5. Someone being in the public eye doesn't give me a free pass to be mean. They are still real people with real feelings.

    6. I understand what you're saying, but I have 6 kids. I always said I'd love to have 6-8 kids. We haven't been able to get pregnant again after our 6th was born. He's almost 5 now. I could've definitely seen myself having 8 or 10 kids. I think your view kind of changes as each one comes along. I feel for her with her health issues. My husband and I both would live to have 1 or 2 more children or to adopt some day. 6 children does feel like a lot some days but we wouldn't have it any other way. No multiples in our family either. We couldn't have a child for the first 8 years of our marriage. Each one of our kids was wanted, desired, and hoped for with all of our hearts 💕

  2. So it's probably covid-related! I didn't know that. I also didn't know Erin had had covid twice. Poor Erin!

  3. If you were leaving it up to God, why would you plan on having ten kids?

    1. I think people use the "leaving it up to God" line as long as what happens is what they wanted in the first place. It just sounds more righteous to say it.

    2. I’ve realized that for people like the Bates and Duggars, “as many as God gives you” translates to “as many as possible”. Kelly pursued hormone therapy to support her last few pregnancies since she was having recurrent miscarriages before that. Michelle also wanted to pursue fertility treatment after losing Jubilee. Those were 2 instances in which their bodies were clearly not able to handle more children but they kept insisting on more.

    3. She wasn't planning on having ten kids, first she said at least ten, meaning she didn't have a specific number and second it's just an expression, she imagined she would have at least 10, I think everyone imagines what their future will look like, I sure do. Doesn't mean it will come true

    4. Well, if they think it's up to God shouldn't they be thinking now that God just wanted them to have four kids, but they are talking about other options, so it seems to me they desperately want a large family and it's up to them! I personally don't think God decides your family size, I think He gives free will,I mean look at all those other decisions we make out of our own free will, you can't say everything is destined.

    5. She said they dreamed of it, not planned for it.

    6. At one time several of the girls were talking about number of children and Erin said about herself "not double digits". Which to me meant nine or less. But all the girls surely must realize that unless they want as many as Kelly, they will have to use birth control of some kind, some day.

    7. When you leave it to God you can have a vision, it just means that you don't stop having kids at however many unless God decides that. God makes the decision.

  4. My heart goes out to Erin because we wanted a large family too but like Erin, I had issues and had to have a hysterectomy. And like Erin, I'm so grateful for the children the Lord blessed me with. I will be praying for this sweet mom.

  5. Aw, she has really been through the wringer! Bless her heart (meant in the nicest way possible).

  6. I wish her all the best.
    They can still adopt if they want their family to grow.

    1. The adoption process is often long, hard, and expensive. It is unkind to just flippantly say that they can adopt.

    2. Exactly, it would be a Christian thing to adopt. And really help the Lord with childeren to take care of.

    3. We are called to help widows and orphans, yet you never see the Bates or Duggars adopting. Adopting is hard, but not impossible! I know many who've done it. Aren't blessings worth the trouble?

    4. 11:48, it's totally worth it if it's what your family is supposed to do. Not everyone is. It's good to at least consider whether you're suposed to do it, though.

    5. Anon 1:57. It's a commandment from Scripture. You don't get to decide if you are "supposed to do it."

    6. 1:57 Just who is "supposed to" adopt? I'm an adoptive parent and it was something I wanted to do.

    7. I hope Erin and Chad will obey the Bible's commandment to help orphans and widows!

    8. 7:51, please tell me what verse "commands" all Christians to adopt children. There isn't one. The Bible does say to take care of orphans and widows. How many widows are you taking care of? You can support widows and orphans without taking them into your home.

    9. 8:11, I'm using the word "supposed" to as in it's being God's will for your life. I don't think it's God's will for every family to adopt, as 7:51 thinks.

    10. Anon 5:41. I have helped both widows and orphans. It sounds like you help orphans (great!) but not widows, for some reason?

    11. If everyone adopted, there would be no homeless children in the world. What a shame everyone doesn't! So much emphasis on having multiple biological children!

    12. 11:02, I am not sure how you got that from what I said.

    13. 11:04, I don't think everyone is cut out to be an adoptive parent. It can be a challenging road.

  7. My heart goes out to you Erin and the rest of your family during this time. Always remember that God has a plan for you and the four little blessings God has already given to you and Chad. I will be praying for you and that Gods will be done. On another note, the kids have grown up so much! It feels like Holland was born just yesterday! Also, Brooklyn and Everly are beautiful and Carson is getting so tall! Sending lots of love your way💓

  8. Wow, so she had COVID twice and both her and her doctors attribute her reproductive issues to COVID, and her family still doesn’t take appropriate precautions. I’ve seen research showing that people with COVID have increased risk of blood clots and therefore internal bleeding. Since several of the Bates have a clotting disorder, the risk is probably even higher for them. They should be taking more care of themselves. I don’t see what the big deal is with wearing a mask and socially distancing, when the alternative is losing your ability to have children at prime child baring age, or other things like long term lung or heart damage.

    1. I just wanted to clarify, it isn’t the blood clots that lead to bleeding, but the inability to break them down that does.

    2. I agree. The Duggars and the Bates seem to be very care free with the Covid. Even if you don't care about your own health you should be pro life and protect other people.

  9. I don't feel bad at all. My best friend hasn't been able to have any kids.

    1. Just because someone else has it worse does not mean we can’t have empathy. It seems Erin is accepting of God’s will and acknowledges with gratitude the blessings of her four children. She still suffered a loss.
      I truly don’t understand why a person’s situation is deemed worthy of empathy if it is the worst case scenario. That is like telling someone who lost a parent that they have no right to grieve because there are people who grew up without parents. I sincerely mean no disrespect, but it saddens me that society is seemingly beginning to dictate who is worthy of empathy and who isn’t.
      Even Mary wept as her Son died on the cross knowing full well that He would rise again in 3 days.

    2. What a nasty thing to say! 😡😡😡

    3. It's called empathy.

    4. @3:35, You cant compare Erin’s situation to a person who has lost a parent. Erin did not lose a child she just lost the ability to have more.
      Yes we as a society should show empathy to people who have lost loved ones, but I don’t think we should be required to show sympathy for people who just can’t get what they want when they already have enough.

    5. @11:17 Who are you to determine what is "enough"? Did someone instruct you when to stop having children?

    6. Who are you to say what situation warrants permission to grieve or be sad? Erin being sad about the loss of the ability to bear children takes nothing from the grief of your friend who can’t have any. Yes, someone always has it worse, it doesn’t mean you can’t grieve. I pray you never hear the words spoken to you that you just spoke towards Erin

    7. I am so sorry your friend has not been able to have children of her own, that doesn’t excuse cold comments towards other people’s losses, and yes a women’s fertility being diminished almost entirely is a physical and mental trauma, prayers to your friend and anyone who lost the choice of growing their family in their time and dreams

    8. Actually, to the person said Erin has not lost a child...she lost 3 babies before she became pregnant with Carson. Whether its miscarriage or a baby that dies of sids or something, they still matter in the eyes of God and the parents.

  10. I am soo sorry, Erin! Praying for you!!!

    1. No reason to be sad. This is His will.

    2. 6:01, it's ok to feel human emotions like sadness over a dream that dies. It doesn't mean you stay sad forever or that you don't accept God's will.

    3. So beautifully said 10:27.

  11. This is so sad! Did I understand correctly that Erin said that since she had Covid for the 2nd time, she started having these issues? Probably Covid weakened her health. One thing is that they already have four healthy kids and it's a lot, so even if they never have more children they still will have these four!!

    1. A long term effect of covid is blood clotting.

  12. I feel for Erin and wish her the best. However, I am more concerned about Chad. It seems like he is and has been shouldering working a physical job and juggling his children and household upkeep plus caring for Erin!!! How long can he maintain this load? It’s beautiful how he does it all; but at some point continuing at this pace, Chad could end up sick!

    1. Maybe they weren’t meant to have any more children. God works in mysterious ways

    2. I'm sure her family is helping also.

    3. I worry about Chad, as well. He takes so much upon himself for everyone. But his love for Erin knows no bounds. I hope he has time to privately grieve. It’s his loss too.

  13. Wishing you great love and miracles. You deserve both Erin.

  14. I think Erin can probably get a few more pregnancies in. I’ll be praying for her

    1. Unlikely due to her medical condition

    2. Did you even read the article?

  15. Those of you who think Covid is still "just a bad cold," take heed of Erin's statement of when her troubles began and how she had Covid twice. Covid can leave a lot of internal organ damage, blood clots, the works. We are nowhere near out of the woods yet with the danger of this virus and its variants. Every new case is a chance for even more mutations. We still need to be taking precautions, all of us, even those who have been vaccinated, until our community spread numbers are much lower. We have not knocked out this virus yet and it has fought back successfully by mutating.

  16. It’s hard to feel sorry for someone who already has four kids.

    1. All she need do is look at Michaela, that will make her grateful for her 4 children

    2. She wasn't asking for sympathy. She simply stated what's been going on. She doesnt owe anyone an explanation. Especially those of you who tell her how she should feel. She is grateful for the 4 she has. She said that ,then stated that they assumed they'd have more. Dont we all have some expectations about our futures? Why should she be any different. I've never seen such judgemental people than some of you on this page. Truly unbelievable.

    3. I certainly hope you never want to purchase new clothing, get a new car, buy a bigger home, get a pet, go on a vacation.... Just because you have something doesn't mean that you should instantly be fine with never being able to fulfill your vision for what you want in your future. She always envisioned a large family and now that is being ripped away from her. That is devastating and it isn't up to you to judge her and determine what she is and is not allowed to want in her life.

    4. I hope Michaela and Brandon Keilen adopt someday if fertility treatments don't work. My aunt couldn't get pregnant, so my aunt and uncle adopted both of their daughters from China.

  17. Time 12:45PM Sat 2/27/21.
    Sorry to hear about Erin's health
    Problems. Congrats to Erin & Chad
    For excepting baby number 5.

    1. Umm Neddy, you need to reread the post. Erin is not expecting. In fact, she said that it’s almost impossible for her to conceive again.

    2. Who said she was having baby #5 Neddy?

    3. they are not having baby number five. that would be a miracle

    4. lucy,
      miracles CAN happen.

  18. Erin has been through the wringer!! Thank God she is doing better. The scary thing is not knowing if Covid may have played a role in her illness!! Lots of unknowns with this virus!! Chad is too good to be true!! They are both truly blessed.

  19. This is so sad. My heart goes out to them.

  20. Difficult? She must be very very thankful she has four healthy children.
    Wasn't it as many as God gives? Well He gives you four!

  21. I'm curious to know how Erin came to be infected twice with COVID. Her experience is an example of how dangerous and unpredictable this virus can be, even with young people. It's a shame that there are still people who do not take it seriously. My sister and BIL are still suffering from the effects of it two months after first getting sick. Being over 65, I am very thankful that I've been vaccinated. I hope the vaccine becomes more readily available to everyone very soon!

    1. So having Covid doesn't give you antibodies to fight a second infection? Or was it that she was really never cured of Covid and tested positive a second time without ever really testing negative in between? How did Chad and the children escape being infected? Did she self-isolate? Carlin and Evan also had Covid but we never heard that any of them were ever truly isolating.

    2. Kathy - from what I understand, antibodies only last a few months on some people.

    3. Evan's family had it, too.

    4. One can be infected with Covid more than once. Usually, one has antibodies for around 3 months after having it, but after that, they could contract it again.

    5. There are variants circulating now, and antibodies from the original strain are not very effective against the new strains.

    6. LOL, Anon 12:08. Cases are dropping dramatically every day. Those variants aren't stopping that from happening.

  22. In the past, I have noticed that Erin frequently chewed gum in the Bring Up Bates segments. I also just noticed her chewing gum in the segment above. If this is a daily practice for Erin, could it also be related to her getting covid twice? It has made me think twice about buying gum now.

    1. Gum causes covid? Do the doctors know?

    2. I’m genuinely curious, what does chewing gum have to do with all of this?

    3. I don’t know if it has anything to do with her catching Covid, but I found it distasteful and distracting

    4. The medical community would be so very grateful if it was that simple. Good Lord.

    5. Interesting. Can you please explain your thinking a little further on this?

    6. I think I know what the poster meant, I was reading an article about which foods risk passing on covid, most foods are cooked so if germs of the virus end up on it the temperature from the cooking will kill them but if you eat already prepared food like gum or bread or nuts with your hands that has touched a surface with the germs,( even the pack could have germs) you end up passing it on to your mouth with your fingers that touched the food.

    7. @8:12....Think about the process of chewing gum.
      Your mouth is continuously opening and closing no matter where you are or who you are around. If you happen to be in close contact with a person who has Covid or even in the same room but with little ventilation, those particles could enter your own body through, mouth, nose or eyes. I am not a doctor, but you asked my opinion and that is how I understand Covid to be spread. Now if you wear a mask or two and chew gum, that might be a safer practice.

    8. Or the problem could be putting gum in your mouth with unclean hands, while out in public. Touching things at a store, touching a shopping cart, money, the pinpad of a debit/credit machine, pumping gas or touching the outside of your mask, then touching gum or food and putting it in your mouth without washing your hands thoroughly.

    9. Erin chewing gum has ABSOLUTELY so impact on her getting COVID a second time. You can have your opinions, but if Erin wants to chew gum, she can. You don't need to be worried about chewing gum. Have you ever chewed gum during COVID? I'm sure you have and you don't have COVID.

  23. Let’s start with Erin getting Covid twice (!!!), Carlin & Evan once and Kelly & Gil still hold their “I Love You” day festivities ? Are they just in denial of the pandemic? And, now, Erin has major complications!

    1. Evan got it from work. Erin's body reacting differently than other people's have, doesn't mean that the whole Bates family needs to be afraid.

  24. I hope Erin and Chad are able to find comfort in the joy of having 4 healthy children, and don't focus on not being able to have more. And if they feel that having 4 doesn't satisfy them, there are many children who need fostoring and or adoption. Perhaps they could open their hearts to one less fortunate and who needs a good family.

    1. I've never seen any sign they are interested in that.

    2. Or of helping orphans in any way!

    3. Maybe you've never seen it, but it is still a possibility.

  25. im sorry Erin but i love bring up bates. love it

  26. Sorry for her struggles, but 10 or more children? What about Michaela who would be happy with just one, who has watched everyone around her have lots of children?

    1. Two different people, two different situations. Erin's family size has no relationship to Michaella's.

    2. Her name is Michael.

    3. @7:42- the Bates call her by different names . Sometimes Michael and sometimes Michaela! So, I guess both are okay with her.

  27. I'm sure she is thankful for the blessings she has. I pray that she has peace in her heart. And always have hope, it's a slim chance but not impossible.

  28. It's better not to dream of a certain number of children, but to accept what God gives you. God wanted Erin to have four children, and she has four. They are beautiful, too!

    1. Wow. I certainly hope you have never once wanted anything in life. Your judgment does not make you impressive, it makes you insensitive.

  29. How unprofessional to sit in your car for an interview.

    1. And chew gum! It was weird

    2. She was talking about her personal life for her family's social media and TV program, not doing a hard-hitting nightly news program. She didn't need to be professional. Stop being ridiculous.

    3. It's her business, that's why she is doing it. It's good to be professional for your business. Chewing gum while sitting in a car isn't professional, by any standard.

    4. Chewing gum is not a good look. She knows how many people view her


  30. Praying for her and the family. Her husband sounds like blessing but I’m sure this is hard on him too.

  31. I hope she feels better soon and the doctors are able to help her. As the article says, she's had covid twice and has suffered from these side effects, despite her age and general good health. The bible directs us to love our neighbour as ourselves and to help others, that includes doing everything possible not to spread the virus. In other words we need to protect ourselves and others by wearing a mask, washing/sanitising our hands regularly and socially distancing ourselves from others outside our households. It may be inconvenient, however, we can prevent others from suffering in similar ways to Erin and her family. Even beyond her suffering with the effects to her health, it can't have been cheap to undergo three surgeries.

  32. So sorry to hear about your many health struggles and the fact that another pregnancy would be a complete miracle for you when you so desire to add more children to your happy family. I am praying for that miracle, but most of all, that you will be healthy both physically and emotionally.
    One little tip, (or perhaps big) in regards to the menopause-like symptoms of night sweats etc, I read somewhere that taking vitamin E oil capsules helped to ward off those symptoms so when I started having so much night sweats, more mood swings, and the occasional hot flash (that were so bad they even caused confusion or inability to focus on tasks at hand) I started taking the vitamin E twice a day (400UI) and after several weeks or a month of being on them, have had no more symptoms!!!!! (besides the normal female mood swings) I don’t dare let myself run out of them, as they have helped SO much!! So any of you ladies reading this, this is my recommendation for you all when you come to that time. I am no doctor, so of course can’t guarantee it will work for everyone, but definitely don’t hurt to give it an honest shot! And hopefully it can help at least some of you! 😊

    1. Yes, I was thinking that there are natural things that help a lot with menopause symptoms. She doesn't have to live with that.

    2. When you are experiencing early menopause symptoms due to surgery or other medical intervention, it's an abrupt change and the problems can be much more severe than going through a normal menopause that happens gradually. Years ago, I had to take lupron injections for four months to shrink fibroids prior to surgery. It was like going from 100mph to 0 in the span of a few weeks. I could not tolerate temperatures over 65 degrees. Ten years later, I went through natural menopause. There was no comparison.

  33. Erin looks stunning in the video clip even though she's suffered terribly in the past few months. I can't imagine what she's going through right now but I'm sure her faith and family will get her through the rough times.
    As she said she's extremely blessed to have had 4 healthy babies with this condition. Wishing you all the best Erin in the future.
    Love from Helen in Sydney Australia.

  34. Four kids is more than enough

    1. If that's how you feel about your life, then by all means, don't have more than four children. You don't get to tell someone else how many children is enough for them.

  35. How was she planning to fit 10 or more kids in that small house?

    1. Where did it say she was planning on “fitting” 10 kids in that house?

    2. Truthie,
      I meant, since she was planning on having more than 10 kids, how was she planning on fitting them in their same house if it came to fruition.

    3. Obviously 🙄 with more kids they would get a bigger house 🤷‍♀️. They’ve already talked about getting a bigger one for a few years already. Erin is fairly particular about what her dream house/property will be like, and perhaps they are just saving up for it, as well as trying to find it....

    4. I love their cottage and property. If they bought the property, maybe Chad could add on to the house.

    5. 8:38PM: They would probably move to a bigger home. They have talked about buying property and building their own home.

  36. I'm so sorry about Erin's recent health issues. Hope for the best that God will work a miracle in Erin and Chad's life and give them a miracle fifth child if He so chooses. I don't know much about infertility struggles after having 1 and 1/2 ovaries removed,but it sounds serious and I wonder if she and Chad could try to do fertility treatments to have more kids. Surely the hormone treatments she is already doing and that could help them to have more kids of their own. Or maybe adoption from the state foster care system or international adoption could be an option too if they are looking to expand their family. Best wishes to the Paine family at this time. Haley P. from Colorado

    1. The miracle God will work is allowing Erin to come to terms with her limitations. She will come to accept how things are and will focus on the beautiful and bright children she has. She has so many gifts by which to praise God. I know she appreciates Chad and her wonderful family. Some folks have so much less.

    2. As someone who struggled with infertility for many years and could never have biological children, I will say that the hardest part of it all was acceptance, letting go and making myself ready for a new chapter. So much of our identity and feelings of self-worth are tied up in our fertility, unfortunately. Many women approach menopause with a sense of doom and failure, rather than embracing what can be a new lease on life. I imagine in this family it is even more challenging, considering they believe it's God's will that they have as many kids as possible.

    3. I thought they believed it was God's will to let God decide their family size, not necessarily to have as many kids as possible, but to just forgo birth control.

  37. I can only imagine how hard this is for Erin. There are other ways to bear fruit besides physically. You can bear fruit spiritually. I wish her comfort.

  38. I am really sad for Erin. This is hard on any woman - I would almost go so far as to say it'd be difficult even if you weren't wanting more kids. To know you've lost the ability even if someday you wanted to again. And for Erin it's a loss of her hopes and dreams. I'll be praying for her!

    1. Yes, it was a hard thing for me to go through, and I was a lot older than her.

  39. Thankfully they didn't put off having children. They will take comfort in that.

    1. Yes. And thankfully they found out what was causing her miscarriages so she could safely have their 4.

    2. It's likely that having four back-to-back is what caused this problem. Similar to Alyssa. It's just not healthy to do that. Michelle and Kelly were very lucky. I suspect if they'd given their bodies a rest between pregnancies their health issues would not be so dire.

    3. 10:39, people who haven't had four kids have also had complications. We don't know her complete medical history, so it's pointless to speculate. We could be wrong.

  40. I am quite saddened that Erin will need to deal with the effects of menopause at such a young age. This will increase her risks of other health concerns such as heart disease and osteoporosis. So, while she may be grieving some that she has likely lost the opportunity for future pregnancies, she may also be grieving for the other reasons too. Hopefully her body will adjust to the remaining ovary and she will not need too much medical support to maintain her health. All the best to her.

  41. So sorry to hear of your health issues. You have a beautiful family and GOD has blessed your life. I will keep you all in prayer. Remember, GOD can do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think!

  42. This is really sad. No woman should have to deal with losing her fertility and being on HRT (which has its own long term health implications) in her 20s. I hope this serves as a wake up call to this family, as well and their friends and fans, that they should be taking COVID more seriously and not traveling to weddings or vacations right now. There are so many long term health effects people are suffering, even though the survival rate is high.

    1. I hope she looks into bioidentical hormones.

  43. Kinda can’t believe the poor behavior in the comments section. This is Erin’s life and her sharing her heart and her vulnerability both emotionally and physically. You respond with chastising how many children she would like (her business, not yours) and blaming her and her family for their covid choices? Wow. Nice Christian behavior y’all. How about “we are so sorry you’re hurting right now and you’re scared and we’re praying for good health, peace and miracles for you and you family.” Keep the snide stuff to yourself or better yet: CHANGE the way the YOU think. It’s bitter and unhealthy

    1. 100% agree, 8:11. Such an uncompassionate bunch of comments.

    2. She is the one who brought up Covid herself.

    3. The snide comments are most likely coming from people that are also hurting, that’s why they are lashing out. Perhaps some of them aren’t able to have any children at all. Even if their behavior is wrong , we should pray for them

    4. It doesn't matter if she brought up Covid. People can still be kind.

    5. Interesting that you think Erin and her family bear no responsibility for their covid choices. If you make certain choices about covid, then accept the consequences without complaining or whining (to be clear: I'm not saying Erin is the one whining, she seems to be accepting her situation gracefully). I'm not sure at this point that we fully realize what all the long-term health effects of covid are. I suspect some are going to wish as they get older that they had taken covid more seriously in 2020-21.

    6. 5:52, we have zero knowledge of where she got covid. You know that people who have been very cautious have also gotten covid, right?

    7. 8:11. I sincerely hope that the Bates family does not read this blog. It must be so hurtful for them to have to process such unkind remarks on every single forum, without fail.

    8. Totally agree, 8:11. I’m disturbed by the fact that these outrageously hurtful comments are allowed on a fan blog that’s run by a family friend.

    9. 11:56, yes people who have been very cautious have gotten covid because they had the misfortune to come into contact with someone with covid. In general, though, people who are very cautious are less likely to get covid than those who are not serious about avoiding it. I think we can agree about that.

    10. Well, yes, everyone who gets it was in contact with someone who had covid.

  44. I'm sure she is very grateful to God for her 4 beautiful children. My sister in law wanted more than 1 child but never could get pregnant again after her daughter's birth for reasons unknown. Some people can't get pregnant at all so I think if God gives you 4 children you should be very satisfied. I don't understand why people would want more than 4 children, I think that is a perfect sized family in today's world.

    1. You may not understand it, but women like me do. I had five, and was sad I couldn't have a sixth. I am thankful for the five I had. And I love my fifth dearly. I can't imagine life without him, and five was the perfect size for our family.

    2. @Leila... I don't understand why any human being would eat meat or drink the milk of another animal. It's completely unnecessary in today's world, unhealthy, and harmful to the environment. But unless you are also a vegan, I'm guessing you can't see my point of view.

      You don't get to decide what other people value or what you think is right for another person's life. Judging her for wanting more children is cruel and insensitive.

    3. Me too. I also have 3 girls and a boy, and I sure would like another one even if it is another girl, but that's not what my husband wants.

    4. How can you guess if someone is a vegan?

      You never have to guess; they will always tell you.

  45. sorry for all her health problems. May God heal her. but having so many kids close is not good for the boday, also having covid twice also took a hit to her body. love the four kids you have. may God comfront her.

  46. This is so sad! Praying that God will work a miracle and heal her! And that she'd be able to have more kids....SO HARD.

    1. I doubt she’ll have more children by birth. The partial ovary was spared to aid in hormone production I’m told. If it happens, then it’s meant to be. Four is enough for most people.

  47. Years from now, it will be interesting to see what path Erin & Chad's lives have taken. Given their interest in having a large family, perhaps God will bring them together with a sibling group who dream of being adopted together.

    1. I've seen no sign they are interested in adoption.

    2. 10:37, they haven't had time to think about adoption! They have four young children who keep them busy. Perhaps they'll think about it when their kids are a bit older.

    3. I don't understand. They can think about a fifth biological child but can't think about adoption? Come on, they're just not interested.

    4. There are very few children under 2 available for adoption. There isn’t just this building housing children waiting to start living in families for people. I’m glad a family with four children are not going to be competition for childless couples.

    5. Why would they limit themselves to a child under 2? As you say, there is a lot of competition. I assumed they'd want an older child who needed a home.

    6. Most kids will end up with relatives or back with their parent’s. Why have you decided they should want should want to adopt a 10 year old? Are you hoping a 19 year should find themselves without living parents or extended family. You know those orphanage abroad do have older kids in them but most have a living parent. They are in the orphanage mostly to get education and medical care. COVID is not taking adults in their 30’s leaving scores of orphans.

    7. Besides there being health issues they may not be approved to adopt.

    8. There are many homeless children, Anon 12:17. They are both in the US and outside the US. Many, many children. Erin and Chad should have no trouble finding a child of any age, and especially not an older child. You think that every child in a orphanage really has loving parents just waiting to take them back? Are you really saying that every child in the world has a good home?

    9. Why wouldn't they adopt an older child? It doesn't have to be a child under 2. They love children a lot, that much is clear, and I'm sure they'd be happy to welcome another into their home.

    10. It sure sounds like people dont want Erin and Chad to adopt. Is it better to leave an older child in an orphanage? There are many, many older kids there, desperately hoping for a good home.

  48. I am sorry to hear the news about Erin's health. The whole entire family suffered a loss. But encourages me about the Bates family is that even though they have endured some painful situations they don't let those situations bring them down but they use those situations to uplift any one the come in contact with. I want to finish this comment with a scripture
    Psalm 119:165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

  49. What happened with Carson’s hair? It needs a good wash, I think.

    1. Erin and Chad keep their kids very clean. He probably has some hair gel in his hair.

    2. I was too focused on their adorable faces to notice whether someone needs a shampoo. He obviously had his hair spiked up with some type of product.

    3. Wow, when I look at this picture I see four adorable kids.

    4. His hair looks very greasy. It's sticking up.

    5. It's sticking up because it's been styled that way.

    6. His hair looks very greasy, unusual in a little kid

    7. 1:44, it is sticking up on purpose. There is obviously some sort of hair product in there to help it stand up.

    8. No one would do that on purpose to their son's hair. Just needs a wash.

    9. No, sometimes moms spike their kids' hair up. It looks weirder because the tree in the background is blending in with it.

    10. Carson's hair has become so brown, it used to be blonde. It also used to lay flat.

    11. 12:15, I have seen another picture from this photo shoot, and you can clearly see that it's blonder on the sides and darker on the top AND there is product in it to spike it. Most of Erin's more recent pictures show his hair with product in it, styled.

    12. Carson's hair obviously has some gel in it and even if it was greasy, (it happens to everyone), it wouldn't be your problem.

  50. Funny. It's styled. I'm sure it got washed later to remove the hair product and get the hair squeaky clean.

  51. They are blessed to have four beautiful, healthy children. I would be ecstatic if my daughter was able to have children.

  52. Wow, so it was Covid's side effect for Erin... How unfortunate. First she had several miscarriages due to her blood condition, now this, and all is directed at reproduction system. Growing up in a large family, she probably never even thought that this issues can exist or would affect her.

  53. These comments make me sad for humanity. May God bless and comfort Erin's family.

  54. Praying for Erin!


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