
Monday, February 8, 2021

Erin's Health Struggles

The Paine family

We encourage you all to pray for Erin and Chad Paine. Erin recently made public the news of the health struggles she has had over the past few months. She has been through three surgeries, due to ruptured cysts. She ended up having one ovary and most of the other one removed. We know the Paines would appreciate your prayers as they continue to search for answers to the issues Erin is facing. 

Photo courtesy of Taryn Yager Photography (


  1. I feel so bad for her. I wonder if it fue to COVID - 19 (she mentioned having a hard time recovering from it). I know people who’ve had clotting issues due to the virus and since Erin has her clotting disorder, I figured that could’ve been a factor. Either way, I’m just speculating. I hope Erin is okay and feeling much better.

    1. I totally think Covid didn’t help. She’s an amazing person with a great husband and blessed with beautiful children and supportive family. Hoping her health stabilizes so she can enjoy life.

    2. I totally think Covid didn’t help. She’s an amazing person with a great husband and blessed with beautiful children and supportive family. Hoping her health stabilizes so she can enjoy life.

    3. I totally think Covid didn’t help. She’s an amazing person with a great husband and blessed with beautiful children and supportive family. Hoping her health stabilizes so she can enjoy life.

  2. Oh my goodness. I will certainly keep Erin and family in my daily prayers. May God’s presence and love be felt as they walk through this time in their lives.

  3. My heart goes out to them and they will certainly be in my prayers!

  4. My heart feels for her and Chad. I hope Erin will heed all her doctors advice and be content with God’s plan.

  5. Praying for you Erin. Chad is such a good man I'm sure he's taking good care of everyone. God bless you and thank you for sharing your struggles and heartache. I'm sure it helps so many who feel alone.

  6. How unfortunate, poor Erin has been through a lot lately firstly suffering the symptoms of long covid then this, I will pray for her physical and emotional healing, on the positive side she was lucky enough to have four beautiful healthy children which will bring her joy and I'm sure she's grateful to the Lord for that and it will bring her peace as she has to come to terms that she won't have any more children so they now will be extra special to her and Chad.

  7. Does this mean she won’t be able to have any more kids? That would be devastating if so.

    1. She has four kids, It’s more devasting if she has none or just one child

    2. Why? She already has four! Some women haven’t been able to have any kids!

    3. How is it devastating? As someone who has had an ovary and both fallopian tubes removed I am very blessed and grateful for my daughter.

    4. While most likely not "devastating", do acknowledge that it is often still hard for some woman to completely lose the chance to have more biological children if they planned to have more.

    5. Without full details of the preop and surgery, its unclear but usually would at least make it more difficult. Usually before this happens, doctors will give the option to store eggs. But this is not always the case if the hormones to bring eggs to maturity cause more harm.

    6. Saying it’s devastating for Erin, who has four kids, to have more kids is like saying a person who used to afford 10 Gucci bags can’t afford anymore.

    7. If her dream was to have a large family, then it might be hard for her to work her heart and mind around adjusting that dream, but if she keeps her trust in God, there is no reason to be devastated.

  8. Oh, dear. Been through a lot of that when I was younger, and the ruptured cysts and ones that had to be removed were so painful! Praying she has fewer issues now.

  9. Erin and Chad sending you my prayers hope you get better and i pray that you find all the answers you need . may god bless you and keep you safe and healthy always

  10. So sorry to hear this. Prayers for you and your family.

  11. Praying for Erin and her family❤. Thank you Ellie for this update.

  12. Sending lots of love and prayers for Erin and the family.

  13. Family, friends and fans care for Erin & Chad. Please keep us informed. I will pray for their family and for healing.

  14. Hoping for a quick recovery for Erin. She is such a sweet person, and I am sure this has been terribly difficult. I am sure her family is supporting her in every way possible.❤

  15. Praying dear sister.

  16. I will be more than happy to pray for her and I'm sure my small group ladies Bible study would be willing to pray for her.

  17. Oh that's sad to hear. Does this mean that their done having kids now? Hope and pray that Erin's health continues to improve and she can have more kiddos. Carson needs a little brother after having 3 little sisters in a row.

    1. Please, he doesn’t “need” a brother. I’m the only girl in my family and I’m perfectly fine. I’ve never wanted a sister. I have plenty of girl cousins and girl friends. Carson has lots of cousins his age and 3 sisters, he’ll be okay.

    2. Why in the world would Carson need a brother? He has tons of cousins. Carson needs a healthy mother. Plenty of boys don't have brothers and grow up fine.

    3. He needs a mom who can spent time with him. Not a lot of siblings.

  18. I feel badly for Erin. I had many such cysts and had to have my uterus removed. It is not a difficult surgery to recover from physically, but is might be a definite loss to be grieved if you were hoping for more children, as I’m guessing Erin is. Hopefully, they find a way to become pregnant, with the remaining ovary. Maybe they even had harvested eggs. But if they can have no more children, Erin needs to take care of herself. If I could I would tell Erin to allow herself to grieve her loss, taking all the time she needs. Erin is blessed with a wonderful husband and children who will support her, and remind her what she has. She also has one of the most supportive families I have ever seen. And above all, Erin has her faith, knowing God will walk through this with her.

    1. You are very sweet and that’s very true I am sure she is very sad. I hope the Lord fills her with joy and brings her through the pain. I know I would be devastated if I had to have my ovaries removed. But I am sure she will always be thankful she chose to trust God in having those four as close as they came because if she had chosen wait and decide when each child came she wouldn’t have had all four.

    2. Well, if she'd decided on her own timing, she might have had twins or triplets, and had even more than she does right now!

    3. If she'd given her body breaks between pregnancies, this might not have happened at all. Her body is breaking down from four pregnancies in 5-6 years. Ironically, birth control might have extended her fertility.

    4. 8:00, you have no idea what you're talking about. I had multiple issues with ruptured cysts and a cyst removal operation before I was ever married/had kids.

  19. I'll be praying for wisdom for her doctors to give them answers. I love what Erin wrote on her post about God holding their hands and seeing through this. That kind of faith is such an encouragement to me in my own walk with the Lord. May God grant them peace in whatever happens.

  20. 🙏🙏 Prayers for Erin and Chad, may God put his hands on the family and help them through this

  21. Awful news. Praying for Erin and Chad. May they fill God's love as He carries them during this difficult time.

  22. Sending Prayers to the Paines. Hope you get better soon Erin

  23. I’m so sorry i hope you get better! I will be praying for you!! 🙏

  24. Bless you Erin! Praying for recovery and healing in Jesus' name

  25. Oh no! May she recover and heal quickly. Gets lots of rest too. Good vibes sending her way.

  26. Hi Erin and family, I am sorry to hear about your health issues and will pray for you. My first daughter is named Erin and also has health issues but she is doing great now through the power of prayer. May God hold you in his arms for you to be safe. May your children be loved and your husband find the loving embrace of god to help him through this journey. I pray for your health to be cured and your heart be filled with love. God Bless you Erin.

  27. Hi, I just read this post and I will pray for Erin’s health and recovery and for answers to her problems. However one thing I wanted to say is I have suffered from a similar thing, ovarian cysts, and I was diagnosed with a condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I don’t know what other symptoms Erin has but this could be something worth looking into, if only to rule it out as a diagnosis. I don’t know if you could pass this along to them maybe.

  28. I'm sorry that Erin is facing health issues. What answers are they looking for? It seems they know what happened; what issues are there? One recovers from the surgery and that's it as far as I see it. Perhaps no more babies for them but they do have 4 healthy children to be grateful for. It seems she should be grateful that she will be well and able to continue with her life and tend to her home and family. Why are such posts evasive like this?

    1. If they kept part of an ovary, it was because she wants to be able to have more children. The post is not evasive. She has had multiple ruptured cysts, which are extremely painful. Some cysts take over an ovary and necessitate the removal of part or all of the ovary. Been there, done that. Of course she was already grateful for her children. Just wish her well instead of assuming things.

    2. Just not kind.

    3. Well, they are probably trying to find the cause of her problem. Maybe they are worried about serious illness but too scared to talk about it. It's not normal for women to bleed so much, that's why they are trying to find answers. I'm not sure what you find evasive.

    4. No if they kept part of one ovary it was to prevent her from going into menopause at such a young age. Early menopause is not fun and that is a far more likely reason to keep part of one ovary, especially given that she already has 4 children.

    5. 4:23, when I had surgery to remove an ovary because of a complex cyst two years ago, they were also going to biopsy in case it was cancerous, and the surgeon asked if I wanted to have more children, in which case he would try to preserve part of an ovary. I was in my mid-40s, not in prime child-bearing years like Erin.

  29. Poor her, I jooe she has fully recovered.
    Does this mean she can't have any more children?

    1. Not if she still has part of an ovary.

    2. I tried to find if you could still have children if you only have part of an ovary. If so that is crazy amazing!!!

    3. 2:51, when I went through this, the doctor asked if I wanted to have any more kids, and if so, he would try to preserve part of an ovary. Interesting, isn't it?

  30. Praying Erin! For both you and your beautiful family!

  31. Erin you are in the Good Lord's hands he will heal you and you will be taken care of

  32. As another poster commented, I'm wondering what answers Erin is looking for? I've been through the same thing with ruptured cysts, along with multiple fibroids and endometreosis. Surgery was the only treatment that gave me permanent relief, along with going through menopause. The hormones I'd been given prior to that were only a stop-gap measure. Erin is very fortunate to have four beautiful kids. Many women in this situation are never able to conceive. I hope she recovers well from her surgeries and has no further problems.

  33. Bless her heart! I had something similar happen to me and ended up having two surgeries with a hysterectomy. I had dermoid cysts and very bad endometriosis. Unfortunately I had no children. Everyone recovers differently. It has been a long road for me. After years on prescription HRT I finally found out about bio identically progesterone from a Dr. John Lee book. It has been such a blessing! I will be praying for healing and comfort for Erin and Chad! I am so glad she has such a large, loving family to support her! I wish I could give her a hug! -Julie

    1. I'm on bioidentical progesterone too, and I love it! Unfortunately, we have to be vigilant, because there are ongoing efforts to restrict our access to it.

    2. Who is trying to restrict your access to bioidentical progesterone? And why?

  34. All kinds of bizarre medical things we don't fully understand are happening to adults and kids after they have had Covid... it's awful. Hoping they can find a treatment that works for her.

    1. While Covid-19 most likely contributed to her failing health, the greatest issues were probably caused by her blood clotting disorder ( which probably made Covid worse for her) and potential other health issues she has not shared.

    2. Ovarian cysts are relatively common. Some go away on their own and don't cause symptoms. Others can be quite painful. There's no way to prevent them and surgery is the primary treatment for those that cause serious problems. I highly doubt COVID had anything to do with it.

    3. My friend’s two grandsons had Covid which affected their appendix. Both are in their early teens,both had emergency appendectomies. Erin is lucky she is recovering finally. A partial ovary will keep hormones going. God Bless!!

  35. I hope Erin is able to get pregnant again, and if not that's okay. She and Chad Paine has 3 pretty daughters and 1 handsome son plus countless nieces and nephews on both sides. Maybe she could get ovarian implants. I hope Brandon and Michaela Keilen have children through pregnancy, but if nothing works since they haven't had any yet, they should adopt newborn babies as there are newborn babies that need parents like Brandon and Michaela Keilen. My aunt and uncle on my mom's side who's my mom's younger sister couldn't have children, but they adopted 2 pretty daughters from China.

    1. It’s a fallacy that there are many adoptable newborns available. Many older children and those with special needs are waiting for permanent homes.

    2. That’s perfect, because they’d likely want to adopt an older boy anyway, like between 4-9 years old.

    3. It's almost impossible to adopt a newborn or even 1 year old in the USA. They would have to go international.

    4. A newborn would be too young for Carson anyway. They should adopt a boy around his age, domestically or international. Perhaps a boy of four, same age as Brooklyn.

    5. Good to know there are so many strangers on a blog, ready with expert fertility and adoption advice on what the Paines and Keilens “should” do. Good grief!

  36. Sending well wishes to Erin!
    Hope Chad is getting some help too, that’s a lot to take on by yourself :(

    1. @1:02-I am hoping Chad is getting some support and relief, too! He deserves a break and some loving on him. He seems to carry his own weight, Erins and his family all the time!!!

    2. Poor Chad is really overworked. I wish Erin would cut him a break. He always looks exhausted.

    3. Yeah, he looks sooo exhausted in this picture. 😂

  37. Erin always adopt a boy so Cason could have a brother to play, for example like Kade and Kolter and and by end of June Bradley and Jayden

    1. Yes, adopting a boy about six years old would be perfect for him! I hope they do it!

    2. What is with people suggesting Erin adopt a boy so Carson has a brother?? Give them a break!! There are so many cousins to play with as it is! Next, the same people will start in on Alyssa to adopt a boy!!!

    3. Adoption shouldn't be taken lightly or about providing playmates for your kids. It should be about what your family can do for the adopted child and providing for their own unique needs.

    4. Why are people so I obsessed with adoption? we as a society should be encouraging families to stay together. There should be more programs so a mother or family doesn’t need to give up their kids for adoption.

    5. 11:36, I think what really needs to happen is for fathers to step up to the plate and support their child and child's mother, or better yet, to not have children outside of marriage.

  38. When you know The Lord the issues of this world don't seem as drastic as they do to the unsaved. Prayers for you Erin.

  39. So sorry to read this about Erin. She will be in our prayers for a speedy recovery and an answer to her problems.
    God Bless Erin,Chad,Carson.Brooklyn,Everly and Holland
    Joan,Marilyn and Marion

  40. Praying for you and your family. God bless

  41. I was sorry to hear, about Erin's health issues. I will be sending lots of positive thoughts Erin's way, as she continues to deal, with the aforementioned issues.

  42. My heart goes out to her and the family. They're a wonderful family and truly blessed. Natasha b

  43. Stay strong and keep the faith. God speed on your recovery. My prayers are with you all. Relax and let every pamper you. You deserve the pampering.

  44. Praying for grace and mercy to go thru this trial and tribulation. God is in control and reminds me of a scripture St.John 13:7"And Jesus replied,"you don't understand now what I'm doing, but someday you will" Praying God's perfect will be done in Jesus's mighty all powerful name

  45. I just had a Hystectomy,and Prolapse bladder surgery last Monday February 1. I also has a small mask on omy overy and took it out. I came out of surgery with no pain.

    1. No pain is a blessing!! My ovary removal caused pain for about a week.

  46. It is a choice from God. Only He leads.

  47. We are called to help widows and orphans, so if Erin adopted a little boy she'd be doing God's work. Perhaps a young boy around Carson's age, five years old.

  48. I hope she adopts an older boy to keep Carson company. Boys aren't really happy playing with just girls.

    1. anon@8:01 As an adoptive parent, I must respond. People need to be careful about how they frame adoption. No one should adopt a child in order to provide "company" for someone, like they are a pet, or focus on what he or she can do for your existing family. It should be about what your family can do for that child. Adoption comes with boundless joy, but it is not without its own unique challenges. I think many people underestimate the emotional and psychological needs that are specific to adoptees who have lost connection to their biological roots and experienced trauma. (Separation from from birth parents is trauma, no matter the age.) Professional counseling from an adoption-experienced therapist is a must for any family before, during and after an adoption. An enlightening read is, "The Primal Wound", by Nancy Verrier. It gives essential insight from the perspective of adoptees.

    2. @8:34,
      I have always been wondering this. When a child is put up for adoption or foster care, are things done beforehand to try to reunite the child with its birth family? As you said loosing biological roots and family is traumatizing so I hope things are done to try and reunite a child with its birth mother or blood relatives before being adopted by strangers.

    3. 11:33- In the cases of children in foster care, the courts will make every attempt for birth family unification. Sometimes it simply isn't possible, depending on circumstances. If a woman wishes to place her child for adoption, reputable adoption agencies will counsel and give guidance on how to proceed. They want to avoid having her change her mind after the child is placed with an adoptive
      family and the conflict that would insue. (There is a window of time after placement where she can do this. Once the adoption is finalized, it's unusual for it to be overturned.) Many domestic adoptions are now open, where the birth mother/family can have ongoing contact with the adoptive family and the child.

  49. It is quite horrifying to see how many people here don't value girls. Please re-think your comments.

    1. That is not what is happening here. There is value in having a brother, too, you know.

  50. I can only imagi e how hard this is for Erin. Sending her thoughts and prayers.

  51. Sending prayers for Erin! I have been watching the Bates for years and want you to know that I am keeping Erin in prayer. Erin, may God bless you and your beautiful family.


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