
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

I Love You Day 2021

The Bates had their annual Valentine's Day party, which they call I Love You Day. There's always a theme for costumes, and this year's theme was animals. Here's a sneak peek at one of the couple's costumes. Do you recognize them?

Photo courtesy of @carlinbates98


  1. Carlin & Evan of course! :)

  2. Hukuna MatataπŸ˜‚ wow those are great costumes and face paintings. Izzy rue looks cute. Did they win the contest for best costumes for I love you day?

  3. Oh my word! That makeup is amazing! Carlin and Layla look so cute! And of course we can't forget Even! He looks nothing like himself!

  4. That is a fun theme. I hope they all had a great time!

  5. Think this would probably be my least favorite theme, but I hope they had a fun time together!

  6. Replies
    1. I agree. This is just getting weird, and has nothing to do with St. Valentine and what he was martyred for.

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. They are combining Valentines Day with Halloween!

  7. No I dont recognize which family is
    Which but love the Lion King costumes. Time 4:18PM Tues 2/23/21

  8. Does anyone else find that kind of disturbing? I hope the little kids weren't scared.

    1. I found these costumes utterly creepy. And this has no connection to St. Valentine’s Day whatsoever. It might as well be a random costume party.

    2. Agree I feel that way too

    3. Isn’t Disney super mainstream for the Bates? How do they know about Disney characters? Can’t imagine they watched those videos growing up!

    4. 5:19 - the Bates have gone to Disney multiple times in the past few years. I think Carlin and Evan especially have been there many times.

    5. They can dress up for Valentines Day if the want to.

    6. It's I love you day a family day. They can do whatever they want

    7. Sure they can dress up like this for Valentines Day if they want to, but we also have a right to say if we don’t like it since they have put themselves in the public’s eye

  9. I'm guessing Carlin & Evan and their daughter. Love the costumes!

  10. Evan, Carlin and baby Layla!

  11. I love costume parties! We always had them with my family. So much fun and so creative!

  12. At least they didn't mock old people this time.

    1. That was definitely their worst theme so far.

    2. Oh please! They didn’t mock them last time. We are all going to get old unless we die prematurely. I laugh about middle age. Why not? No one needs to be so serious!

    3. Mick old people—I wonder how much they get for pushing AARP on their show? And Sensodyne toothpaste, too? Just want it to stay a family show and not sneak in commercial$.

    4. I agree with you Feb 24,2021 at 6:28pm. I liked seen them dress up as old people. We got to see what Kelly and Gil look like as old people.

  13. These themes are silly and I don't see any remote connection to "I Love You" They totally changed the direction of this family celebration to entertain viewers. I would much rather see the kids go to the drugstore with their $10 to purchase a sibling a gift and a home-cooked meal like they used to.

    1. I have to agree. You can tell UPTV is providing all the costumes and likely the makeup, too. I found the more simple celebrations to be more genuine.

    2. Well, they sure look like they are having fun with it, which is more important than what we think as outsiders.

    3. I completely agree! What used to be a heartwarming get together has now turned into a costume party competition. Not to mention how uncomfortable the costumes would be. I don’t think they would feel very relaxed and able to enjoy each other’s company in those hot costumes.

    4. They enjoy the dressing up so they should do it. No one makes anyone participate!

    5. @1:19 I totally agree! I would love to see them go back to the early days. No frills, no competing for a best in show prize, no out doing everyone. Bring back the simplier days! Part of the charm of the early days of the show was how they were down to earth and simple now everything seems to be over the top and for the sake of the show. I see plenty of families like this on tv. I want something new...Bring back the old Bates.

    6. 6:35 Oh my goodness you said exactly how I have felt about the Bates going from that beautiful simplistic and charming down to earth Christian family to being this over spending, self promoting, look at me and what I got type family. This pursuit of fame and money has taken This family down a whole different road. I never watch their show anymore because they aren't the same people anymore. It's a shame what happened to the Bates family of yesteryear.

  14. I think the theme of animals is great. If they do do some thing strictly for entertainment purposes, well why not I have a TV show after all! I think they’re a wonderful family.

  15. Layla must have been frightened from her Daddy's face.
    I do not get why they need a theme - just enjoy the "I Love You Day"
    meaning. . . . that by itself IS meaningful.

  16. So fun! I would start something like this if I lived near my extended family members!

  17. I think the extent of the costumes and themes are off-putting. What does that have to do with the love you have for one another. I, too, like the simpler, more personal version of I Love You Day where they chose thoughtful gifts for one another. By the time they spend the money on costuming and make up, they could choose a nice gift or donate to a charity that would have meaning to the receiver. I also am not a fan of the couple’s dinner the evening before. It’s way too exclusive. Your worth to the family should not be tied to the fact that you are married. They need to have an I Love You Day party and a Everyone Is Welcome dinner.

    1. Everyone is welcome at the I Love You Day party. It's ok to let the married couples have a special event.

    2. I have a vague recollection that they did have that once, when Lawson and Nathan, who are unmarried, (or maybe it was Lawson and Trace?) participated in the couples dinner.

    3. I agree with you about the couple's dinner. I don't think a family should exclude anyone because they aren't married or in a relationship. I think it could be very hurtful to be left out of something special for that reason. I don't really understand why they need to have a separate dinner the night before the party. Maybe they do it because of the family who had to travel from out of town or out of state to be there. Either way, I feel that everyone should be included.

    4. I think ALL the adult children, whether married or single, should be able to have a dinner together the evening before, without their parents. It's unfair to exclude anybody. I remember Jana Duggar mentioning that she's left out of sibling parties because she's not married, but she understands it. I would not be so understanding. They are your siblings having some sibling-bonding time, and no adult sibling should be excluded.

    5. @12:41- you are correct; think it was Lawson and Trace that “crashed “ the couples dinner. Trace was dressed as a woman.

    6. I think they do the couples dinner because they can do something more focused on the romantic part of Valentines while also making the main event about family.

    7. In a day of participation trophy’s of course this would be an issue. The couples dinner was shown to be like a mini marriage conference. Where they would talk about stuff in marriage. Is that bad because then the conversation would exclude them? Sometimes there is good reason to not include everyone or where do you stop. Why have an adults dinner at all you’re excluding teens... why then exclude the children.... guys days should never happen that excludes girls...girls doing a girls day horrible. None of this means they never to things will everyone.

    8. Any of my children are welcome at my table at any time! Marital status irrelevant!

    9. 12:46, it's not that they aren't welcoming them at their table. This is a special event that does NOT take place at their home.

    10. No matter where they have it, it is the people, not the place, that does the excluding.

    11. It is ONE night a year.

  18. Stewart family you are adorable!!! God bless.

  19. That’s gotta be Evan, Carlin and Layla! I absolutely love the costumes and face paintings! It’s a good thing the family is getting together and enjoying fellowship with one another. Mental health is sometimes more important than physical health! On a side note... I wonder if we will be hearing a pregnancy announcement from the Stewarts anytime soon?

    1. What’s wrong with Layla? Why do you want them to have another one soo bad?

    2. @10:34 It’s not wanting them to have another soo bad; but just when will the inevitable happen!

    3. 10:34, wondering is not the same as wanting something sooooo bad.

    4. They may want to wait since Layla has had health issues & according to Carlin, is having a major checkup in May involving her heart.

  20. 1:19- I’m with you! This “I live you day” has gotten out of hand! It’s like a Broadway production with the level of costumes and showing off!

  21. I wonder if they do the costume parties so they can have fun. They exchange gifts which can become boring to watch and waiting for everyone to open, share a hug etc would be tedious. My family changed our gathering tradition as we all got married and had our own families.

  22. This has absolutely nothing to do with Valentine's Day. Really bizarre behaviour from this family that does many other nice things. But this just makes no sense.

    1. What do you want them to dress up in Valentines costumes for Valentines Day.

      They can dress up in anything they want to.

    2. 3:28PM: They can dress up in something red, or pink, or with hearts on a T-shirt or tie or other, for Valentine's Day/I Love You Day, rather than elaborate, expensive, professional costumes. Simple. Keep the focus on LOVE, rather than on who has the best costume.

  23. It is very hypocritical for the Bates to not celebrate Halloween and then dress up in costume for Valentine's Day

    1. It's because the basis of Halloween is evil/mischievous spirits, but the basis of Valentine's day is love. But I agree with you. The original purpose of Halloween is not a part of the current cultural holiday, which is generally just to dress up for fun and eat candy. So if you're willing to dress up in costumes for fun and eat treats, why not do it on Halloween?

    2. No. It's not. They don't have a problem with dressing up. They have a problem with celebrating a holiday with ties to the occult.

    3. I totally agree. I do like the Bates, but this really annoys me.

    4. So someone who disagrees with origins of Halloween can’t dress up? We don’t do Halloween but celebrate Purim didn’t realize that made me a hypocrite.

  24. No, I wouldn't have recognized them until I saw the "Photo Courtesty of.....", which gave it away, lol!

  25. Made for TV showoffs. The ridiculous level of these 'parties' has nothing to do with the original premise of getting together for Valentine's Day. Where do these people continue to find professional level costumes? The cost is not realistic for these kids starting out in life. I believe it's all paid for by UP network. They need to quit the fakeness of this show. Didn't they just return from a ski trip out west? All this traveling and money-spending is not what these families are supposed to be about. I, for one, am tired of it.

    1. Then don’t watch the show

    2. Agree 100%. God bless you for having fun as a family.

    3. The Bates are enjoying a vacation of their own. That they didn't get to take last year because of Covid.
      They didn't ask UPtv to follow their. Family have to go on vacation at sometime.

      All you do is complain they quite watching

  26. Ugh. I hate Disney stuff.

    1. No one is telling you to support Disney. But the Bates can if they choose to.

    2. Feb 25 @ 11:31am you must be and old women if you don't like Disney. Kids love Disney. Disney helps kids grow up. Better they nickelodeon

    3. I'm not an old woman, and I don't like Disney.

    4. Anon 3:24 - that is one of the rudest comments. Men and women of all ages either like Disney or they don’t. It has nothing to do with age. In fact, I’m 74 and can’t remember a time when I didn’t love Disney.

    5. I love Disney!!

  27. Everyone saying that the Bates need to go back to how they were in the beginning-- the only way a show like that is going to happen again is with a DIFFERENT family. UP TV would need to find another family who has not yet become TV stars and changed their lifestyle accordingly. No family as far along the money/celebrity path as the Bates is going back-- it's time to get a new family to take that journey, if that's what you want to watch.

    1. You are absolutely right and I wish Up tv would start looking for a more relatable, Christian conservative living family because this one is too caught up in money and fame. We can't even relate to this over indulgent lifestyle in this family and with all the suffering and hardship that is going on in our country right now it is in poor taste to see this. They could feed a small family for months on just what they spend on one of their wardrobes.

    2. 2:02 Even if the network found another suitable family to suit your ideals, that family would come to dissapoint, too. Fame and money have a way of doing that to people.

    3. Anon 4:35 I don't think every family who got on tv and started out as a very conservative Christian family would allow themselves to fall so in love with money and fame that it changes who they once were. There are lots of Christian families who would get out of the contracts and get off of tv before they let that happen to their children and themselves. Strong Christians love God way too much then to let that happen to themselves. The Bates fell in love with the money.

  28. It sounds like most are in agreement that they’ve gone too far with this. I wish the show would realize what made this family popular in the first place, it was the love of the family being together that came through. They are taking this “recipe for success” and ruining it. Sometimes the old saying “less is more” really rings true, especially in this instance. Why do people think they need to change something that already worked?

  29. It is a shame that the Bates have changed so much. When they first aired I Love You Day Kelly was taken the younger ones to buy a gift for one another. No costumes no elaborate anything just a simple way they celebrate I Love You Day. Now it’s so ridiculous. I no longer watch the show, I check in from time to time here on the blog and just amazed at how they have completed did a turn around. When Zach was dating Whitney she was asked to not wear pants( they actually said on the show that they talked to her about wearing pants and she chose to adhere to their beliefs. Well low and behold look at Lawson and Nathan’s girlfriends. Pants and even short dresses and that seems to be ok now. Huuummm, what changed, their beliefs changed, Gods Word never changes. I wonder if they will ever realize just how worldly they have become.

    1. Whitney must have really loved Zach a lot to not be peeved that his parents asked her not to wear pants. Not Zach but his parents. I'm glad she found the independence and strength to start dressing as she chooses. Even Gil's and Kelly's parents wear slacks. Nothing un-Christian about that.

    2. I think part of this change came from letting go of IBLP and closeness to the Duggars.

  30. Congratulations, Bates family on another fantastic I Love you day!
    Make a lot of us want to join the family !

  31. I only know who the family is because of layla I don't recognise the 2 adults at all but they must be carlin and Evan

  32. themselves. Show is just fine. Why is everyone complaining. I like I love you day. Uptv didn't give them the clothes to wear they had them in their attic or Kelly's mom might have had them or Gils mom & dad might have had the cloths.

    1. Lol, you believe they had dozens of high quality costumes in their attic?

    2. Yes, everyone has high quality Lions King or kangaroo costumes in their attic.

  33. Do Kelly & Gil not understand the seriousness of the pandemic; especially when a few of their children have contracted it! I think this party was totally irresponsible. Most of us have sacrificed so many different traditions & gatherings to keep safe; why don’t they follow suit???

    1. 6:40PM: I agree!!!! And Kelly's stepfather just recently passed away from Covid. I don't understand it either.

    2. When they have lost a family member and have another who has had serious complications from Covid (Erin), I would expect them to take things a bit more seriously. If they all practiced social distancing & at least limited time shopping, traveling, having parties, attending church in person, etc. It would make them all getting together at least a little safer. Enjoy following this family but hate to see them not take things a bit more seriously.

    3. I cried reading this post. I lost my mom last week and I did not even get to hug her one last time due to COVID. My family can’t get together to console each other. Yet people are acting like there is no pandemic and are having unnecessary parties. This makes my heart hurt.

  34. I saw this and immediately thought it was creepy looking too. It's their family and to each his own, but, personally I like to dress up in a more traditional classic way for Valentines Day. I'm surprised some of the little ones didn't get scared.

  35. I think they had a giant pile of costumes in their attic. These costumes just happen to fit the theme of I Love You day each year. There are lots of costumes and they are all in great shape and look new.

    1. 9:31—highly doubt they had a stockpile of high quality costumes in perfect condition. From where or what would they have compiled these pieces? Think about it.

  36. Everyone Is WRONG!!!!!!! This is just a fun family tradition and I really like it. It should totally be a thing every year. Great Costumes!


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