
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Lawson Celebrates Tiffany's 22nd

Tiffany celebrated her 22nd birthday yesterday with a small party, and Lawson was able to attend. Lawson also presented his girlfriend with 22 red roses. Don't these two just make an adorable couple? In case you hadn't heard, Tiffany joined in on the Bates' ski trip to Breckenridge last week.

Lawson Bates and Tiffany Espensen

Photo courtesy of


  1. Happy birthday Tiffany! Hope you had a lovely party and that you have a great year ahead. God bless.

  2. They sure are a beautiful couple, can't wait to see how incredibly beautiful their children are going to be, so please hurry up getting married,lol!

  3. Aww such a cute couple! Tyffani is so pretty! 🥰

  4. Tiffany is not dressed modestly by Bates standards. Where did the Bates go wrong with Lawson? He is in not interested in girls in denim jumpers.

    1. Which girls were wearing denim jumpers at courtship?

    2. How is she not modest? Everything is covered except her arms and I doubt many people think arms are immodest.

    3. Lol non of the girls the Bates boys have dated have strict modesty standards. Most of the Bates girls don’t have them either anymore. Times change and people’s convictions change as well.

    4. I hope that is sarcasm! A girls values are not in how she dresses but what she holds in her heart.

    5. His sisters don't wear denim jumpers either.

    6. She is dressed exactly how his sisters dress nowadays.

  5. So much for side hugging and modest clothing.

    1. Has been living on his own. 28 years old and they have always said the rules are in their home 🤷🏼‍♀️

    2. Pretty sure the Bates don’t do side hugging, Those are the Duggars. Good for the Bates too, side hugging is ridiculous tbh.

    3. There is nothing wrong with what Tiffany is wearing! She looks amazing!

    4. That's over! Now they aren't even waiting until 5 minutes after getting married to drop their parent's dress code. Of course, Tiffany might not have been raised like the Bates. I think she looks great!

    5. 8:58 Sounds like you assume the Bates kids will never change or have all the same convictions of their parents and marry only someone who perfectly fits a certain mold.. Once they’re adults, they can make their own decisions.

    6. Just because you choose to wear pants doesn't mean you dont dress modest. Stop judging....

  6. Oh my goodness! She is gorgeous. They are a very striking couple. If they are at the point where they have announced it to us, they are into a relationship. I wish them well.

  7. They are adorable together. So happy for them.

  8. They are a cute couple!! That's sweet ofs Lawson.

  9. So sweet. Happy Birthday to Tiffany

  10. They do make an adorable couple. A Happy Belated Birthday Tiffany!

  11. Replies
    1. That’s an odd comment. Rather than offering congratulations, you sound as if you think this relationship isn’t right for some reason.

  12. Love that cute dress!

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIFFANY Happiness and Blessings.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  14. Does she not follow the same dress code?

    1. Does she look like she does? Some of the Bates young women wear dresses above their knees too. And pants.

    2. Um, obviously not, and good for her

    3. Obviously not. Most of the Bates girls ditch the “modesty conviction” the second they are married. At least Lawson and Tiffany are authentic from the get go.

  15. Just wondering if Tiffany is a fundamentalist also???

    1. I would assume not based on her clothing choices and being in the tv/movie industry. But I also wouldn’t consider Lawson a fundamentalist based on his choices either so maybe a good match.

    2. Google her. You will learn their beliefs are the same.
      She said she's CAREFUL which roles she takes because she represents Jesus! May He be glorified by her witness of Him to the world! Many jewels on the crown she receives to cast at Jesus feet on that GLORIOUS day!!😍

  16. They look very happy together. I think the Bates "dress code" is a leftover trademark from their early years which made them famous. I don't think it is as vitally central to their convictions as they lead us to believe. I just wish they would be more open because no one would judge them if they would just be honest about it.

  17. Why is everyone SO concerened about how Tiffany dresses? She is an ADULT living in the real world. Rosealeigh

  18. I think it’s important to understand as “real” as they attempt to keep their show- it is still a show and therefore, things are going to get played up and down, for the sake of television. Though Lawson adheres to his parents faith- his convictions can and will vary - he’s an adult. This can be plainly seen with one glance at his social media accounts. While none of that is necessarily “bad” - it does make fans question the authenticity of the show and this family from time to time.

  19. I am surprised Lawson got a girlfriend. My mom said the same thing.


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