
Thursday, February 4, 2021

Lawson's Ski Buddy

As we shared yesterday, the majority of the Bates family is in Colorado this week for a ski vacation, and a few individuals who aren't part of the family tagged along. Katie brought Travis, Nathan brought Esther, and Lawson brought a Hollywood star. You're probably wondering if you read that correctly. You did! Lawson is in a relationship with an actress.

Tiffany Espensen, a strong Christian who turns 22 next week, was adopted from China into an American family. She has been acting on the big screen since early childhood and appears in Spiderman: Homecoming, Netflix series Alexa and Katie, Avengers: Infinity War, and a number of other TV series and movies. One of her first roles was in the hit TV series Hannah Montana in 2007. You can read more about Tiffany on her IMDb page.

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. Tiffany is so pretty!

  2. Wow, I hope the relationships work out. I wish them the best.

  3. Wow, that’s so amazing! CONGRATULATIONS Lawson!!!!!!!!!

  4. She is too young for him.

    1. 😄 Well, glad we got that settled.

    2. How can you say that?? 🤷‍♀️ There’s tons of couples out there that are 5-8 years apart in age, and it works just fine!!!!! Look at John and Alyssa, they’re 5 years apart

    3. Okay, just WHY!? Come on! Please be nice! He's just 28! Just WHY! Please keep your ugly comments to yourself!

    4. My parents are 11 years apart.

    5. My parents are 10 years apart, they met when my mom was in her 20s and my dad in his 30s, there's nothing weird about it, if both are adults

    6. Ridiculous comment about she's too young for him . Age is only a number...what's important is their feelings & commitment to one another. God bless Lawson & Tiffany. Congratulations ❤💙🙏🥰

    7. You may not want that for yourself, but that doesn't mean it is true for them. My husband and I are further apart in age than they are. We married when I was 22. 25 years in and I barely notice the age difference.

    8. Age does not decide who one falls in love with.

    9. My hubby and I are six years apart and happily married for 10 years. He says it works because we have the same maturity level lol.

    10. As long as people keep on feeding into those comments, they'll keep posting them. Ya'll give them the reaction they want.

    11. I think her age is actually probably perfect for him. Lawson does not appear to be the most mature for his age. I do not mean that as an insult at all, that is just his personality or it could be just how he appears on the show. We all know he wants to do more with his music and I could see him liking acting. These two seem like they could be great fit to me.

    12. 6 years is nothing as far as age gap. She is 22 not 16.

    13. Get real! She's 22 years old. He just barely turned 29. My grandpa was 9 years older than my grandma.

  5. I think this relationship will be similar to trace and Chaney. They will “ date” for a couple of months and then Tiffany will call it off after she finds out what this family is really about

    1. That’s so rude! Just wish them well!

    2. Your judgment seems so shallow. I don’t think Trace and Chaney’s break up was on account of Chaney “finding out what this family was all about “!! I highly think it was her father getting in the way, not wanting Chaney to move away! He was skeptical right from the start about letting his daughter’fly’ away! Trace was very heart broken over the split! So sad!!

    3. I thought the same thing. She seems to “worldly” for a lifetime commitment with the Bates fam

    4. Remember grace they are all great family

    5. Time 6:28PM Fri 2/5/21
      Haven't made a comment on to this page
      For a long time. HOW DARE U SAY THAT
      Sorry I need to shout. BUT U ARE

    6. Anon @ 10:00 I'm not sure it was all due to her father. Chaney seemed a little freaked out by Jeb and Jud inserting themselves between her and Trace when they went bowling that time. And she made a comment about the two little boys not even wanting her and Trace to talk. Perhaps she felt that having seven year old children "supervise" adults over 21 was a little too much.

    7. What this family is all about? Really? Family and serving the lord does not sound bad to me. But then again I'm not judgmental like some.

    8. Agreed. I hope that Lawson is closer to engagement rather than courtship.

    9. @12:47-the Bates are all actors in their reality show; Tiffany is an actress, too! Albeit in more mainstream movies; but she is a Christian similar to their beliefs.

    10. Jeremy Vuolo was "worldly" too before marrying Jinger Duggar, yet they seem to be happily married and happily raising their kids! That's all I wish for Lawson at some point in the future (no rush).

    11. Time 12:08PM Sun 2/7/21
      First off the Bates aren't actors reality stars. They mention they are
      Actors. So dont make some up like that.

  6. Oh wow... I'm not surprised it's a star but figured it would be a musician. Good for them.

  7. Yes! Wonderful, I thought we'd have to wait until the pandemic was over before they would start courting,but I can't resist asking this question, how will Lawson deal with his partner kissing other men while acting, that's why I would never have expected a member of this family to partner with an actress, I sure am surprised but in a nice way, goes to show they are more liberal than we give them credit.

    1. If I were acting in covid days, I would sure be balking about kissing anyone.

    2. 5:19 Has it ever occurred to you that Lawson could have been kissing other girlfriends he may have had over the years? He's almost 30 years old and I really doubt he's as conservative as you think in this department.

    3. @4:47am,members of this family don't kiss before marriage, everybody knows that, they declare it themselves.

    4. 5:43 I don’t recall Lawson openly making that declaration. It’s been primarily the parents and the daughters. It’s not realistic to assume every single member of this family follows all the same rules to the letter. Even Zach admitted that he and his wife kissed before marriage. Lawson gets around and not with chaperones watching his every move.

    5. Anon @ 5:43 Just because the others do not kiss doesn't mean that Lawson will not. They supposedly set their own relationship rules and if Lawson thinks it is ok to kiss, then that should be ok with their parents. Zach and Whitney kissed and I'm sad they were made to feel guilty about it.

  8. Yay! That's so exciting! God bless you all!

  9. I can't wait to watch the courtships of Katie and Travis, Nathan and Esther and Lawson and Tiffany on Bringing Up Bates. It's very exciting and I'm so happy for them. Natasha b

    1. Can’t wait can’t wait can’t wait 🤣

  10. I am really happy for Lawson and Tiffany!

  11. I would love to hear how Lawson and Tiffany met! I hope Nathan and Esther got engaged on this trip! I hope Katie and Travis get engaged soon! There could be THREE Bates weddings this year!

    1. I was thinking the same thing: would love to know how Lawson met Tiffany. They are a CUTE couple! :-) best wishes to them. She seems perfect for him.

  12. I don’t know about Lawson’s ski buddy; I know he’d like us all to “think” there’s something romantic about this relationship! I’m suspicious!

    1. His comment was definitely romantic. And the way she has her hand on his shirt.. no question. It would be an outright lie otherwise.

  13. Liberty grad; so she’s his type of Christian.

    1. What do you mean by " his type of Christian"? The last I knew God doesn't care. We're all going to the same heaven.

    2. What I meant by my comment is the Bates practice are Evangelical Christians. They have very strict and different beliefs from say a Catholic or Methodist. They also follow IBLP-a very strict organization with very specific standard as to their interpretation of the Bible.

    3. Liberty is not connected or similar to IBLP, though . . .

    4. Take a good hard look at Liberty U; it’s mission and standards are very much inline with IBLP and evangelical Christianity.

    5. IBLP is a curious offshoot of fundamentalism. The pants-wearing, contemporary music-listening Liberty crowd would disagree with you.

  14. Holy Mackrel!!

    Can’t wait for Thursday and the new series to begin!
    I’m surprised Lawson’s relationship didn’t sneak out into the news sooner.
    Maybe it was out there and I just read the wrong news feeds?
    But best wishes to the new happy couples and the entire Bates family.

  15. I haven't heard of her before, but that's exciting for them!

  16. I guess Tiffany will not give up her acting roles now. No way will the Bates family be okay with her keeping the roles she had in the past.

    1. What's past is past.

    2. She's an adult! The Bateses don't have to be OK with what she does.

  17. Time will tell how this relationship works out - I wish them well, but their lifestyles have been very different. With an ongoing acting career, I do not see Tiffany having babies (yet)and living a "quieter " life for quite some time. . . she is very young.

    1. I made a similar comment earlier and people are calling me rude. I will say again what I said before, if you don’t want rude comments live a private life.

    2. Maybe Lawson doesn't have a problem with her lifestyle. He's been trying to break into the music business for years, hardly living a "quieter" life.

    3. @10:42- Lawson does not live a quiet life! None of tha Bates do! They are a boisterous, busy bunch!!! She may have baby after baby; but her life will not be quiet——just different!!!

    4. @4:25 I don’t think living a public life gives anyone a free pass to criticize people. The Bates having their family life public is just like us having friends who know all our business just on a bigger scale. I don’t think many people would be ok with openly criticizing a friend of theirs, and I think it should be the same to anyone who has a more public life too.
      I am not sure why anyone is following this page if they don’t like who the Bates are as people anyway.

      But with all that said I don’t think there was anything rude about what 10:42 said.

  18. Really hoping for a season 10 of "Bringing Up Bates"!
    Love watching it with my granddaughters :)

  19. The Bates family is about be christian, having kids and that's it. I respect them for that, I think it's wonderful, that is "not the real life" but is amazing. But that is not what she wants, she is an actress, she is an independent woman, she's not made to stay at home and be a mom of a lot of kids. I think Lawson has to think about that. If he wants to be famous and live a different lifestyle or if he wants to be a husband and dad.

    1. He's already thought about that, that's why he's chosen her and not someone from a fundamental family,he's always been fun loving he never had intentions of living his parents life, but his parents have not expected that of him, they have always let him live his life however he wanted it, they didn't use chaperones when he left the house he even did concerts and traveling on his own, Gil and Kelly don't force any of their kids to do things the way they have, they just incourage them to follow their example but only if it's what they really want,they wouldn't want them to be miserable just to satisfy the parents wants,he's too freedom loving to want a life like his parents and he's going to keep this even after marriage,and kudos to him.

    2. Lawson is a 28 year old adult. He should have thought about Tiffany’s life expectations. He is not some teenager or young adult to not think about that stuff.

    3. Who are you to say “what she wants” in her future?? I had a successful career before deciding to be a stay at home mom. You’re making a lot of assumptions about someone you don’t even know. And you can also be an independent woman while still being a Christian and having a large family. People can be multifaceted, you shouldn’t put them into boxes. And there are also many famous actors and actresses who happen to be wonderful parents too.

    4. Do you know her personally? Kind of presumptous of you to specualate on what she will want or not.

    5. I don't agree that in order to be a Christian, your life has to be all about having lots of kids and that's it. It might be the Bates' way, but it's definitely not the only way. It's taking a very narrow view and excluding women who have careers outside the home, as well as the men in their lives who embrace their independence. You're also implying that you can't be an actor/actress and also be a Christian. It's not either/or.

    6. I dont see Lawson as the 'settling down" type I think he picked the girl for him... I dont see them settling down for years... maybe a reason him and Jana never worked out.

    7. @4:43am,you can be a Christian actress and I'm sure there are many, but a fundamental Christian like for example the Bates or Duggar children couldn't be an actor or actress because that would mean dressing the way you are told and kiss who you are told for the movie or program, but obviously the Bates are OK with their son marrying someone like that so that's great for all envolved.

    8. I’m guessing Jay has already “thought about” Tiffany and her life goals. Remember, these people do not enter relationships lightly.

    9. Time 12:05PM Sun 2/7/21
      Maybe a reason him & Jana never worked
      Out. Jana & Lawson was never a couple
      That is just a rumor.

    10. “Jay”-crazy auto correct for “Lawson”! Sorry!

  20. Could be 3 Bates weddings this year, but Mr Bates only has to pay for one of them!! Pray for guidance, and the wisdom to pay attention to the guidance. God's plan is perfect. God bless.

    1. I don’t like the idea of only the brides parents paying for the wedding. I know it’s tradition but times are different and weddings cost a lot money. A bates wedding will surely be expensive with their thousands of guests. If they want the brides family to pay they need to stick to whatever budget the brides family has. If they want to go overboard and invite thousands of people the Bates need to pitch in a bit. It’s only fair.

    2. 4:30 - I agree. My parents pitched in for both my brothers’ weddings. I also know a couple who paid for their wedding completely on their own. It’s time to move on from those old fashioned ideals that the bride’s family pays

    3. I'm sure the tv show pays the filmed weddings like they do all their trips and events which all are content for the show.

    4. There are no hard and fast rules any longer for who pays. We helped with expenses for my son's wedding, as have many other groom's parents we know. It's simply the fair and equitable thing to do. Even the newlywed couple pitches in. Some traditions are just plain silly.

    5. We are contributing a chunk to our daughter's wedding and to our son's., same amount for each. But they themselves are paying for the majority of the costs. We paid for all their education (two degrees, up to a Masters, 6 years) and they had no debt coming out of University. That was where we chose to help them.

  21. Congrats to the Bates family!! Wish them well and love them all ❤

  22. i think her and lawson could work out. he is in show business also doing singing. I do not see him or nathan being like the others

  23. Oh how nice. Glad Lawson has a special lady friend now. Always had a feeling because of his fame in being a country singer and songwriter that he was bound to see a famous woman as his future wife. Hope all works out and soon both he and Nathan will make it public that they are courting. Hope Tiffany is the "one" and they will marry someday. The Bates need more intercultural relationships and family members. I don't mean to sound critical, but I always wished of all the future in-laws that some would be outside of the family's Caucasian (White) race and be Asian American, African American, Middle Eastern American,Hispanic, Latino,or Native American. There is no harm in a mixed culture marriage as long as your equally yoked(aka both Christians)according to God's Word.

    1. He may have “ fame” in fundamentalist Christian circles, however the vast majority of people have never heard of him or the Bates family.

    2. It's one thing to not want any one of another skin color in your family (blatantly wrong), but it is also not a "need" to have people from other cultures in your family. Whatever happened to marrying the person who God wants for you without caring what a superficial thing like their skin color or something else they didn't choose like their culuture is? Neither will determine whether they make a good spouse or a bad spouse.

    3. @9:51. I imagine Nathan and Ester are already courting and could be engaged by now!!!

    4. I don't think it's a "need" to have a different ethnic background/origins in the family but it is nice to see!!

    5. Anon 9:51 I don't think the Bates NEED multicultural people in their family, because it's a personal preference who someone picks as a spouse, not a need. For instance my Mom and Dad had twelve children who are white and we all married white people because that was our preference. Most ethnicities marry people of their own ethnicity. That doesn't mean you don't like other races but that you are more attracted to certain attributes of people of your own race. Nothing wrong with that.

    6. My husband and I didn’t marry to bring more culture to our families. We married because we had the same values, laughed together and loved each other enough to work through any cultural differences.

    7. 9:29 I'm curious to know what "attributes" of your own race you found more attractive than other races. I ask because my son, who is Korean adoptee, married a Caucasian woman. I believe they were attracted to each other for reasons that had absolutely nothing to do with race.

    8. 6:23 This is 9:29 and the attributes we are attracted to are the attributes that are similar to ours such as traditions, physical features, the music we all love, the way we worship, similar style in the way we were raised and are raising our children together, our beautiful European background and history and our goals together to visit our ancestral European countries. I could go on and on about the connections we have for the spouses we chose and them for us. We are very proud of our Caucasian ethnicity. I hope every ethnicity is proud of who they are too. We are all created in the image of God so no one is more important then anyone else,so that isn't the reason we chose to marry other white people, it's because of the list of reasons I said earlier.

    9. @11:26 Whatever works for you. I will say that there are many different cultural and other differences within the Caucasian race- religion, food, etc. I have more in common with friends who are people of color than I do with some of my own white relatives!

  24. I’m so happy for them!!!! Congratulations!!!🎊🎈🎉 🙏🏻❤️

  25. I'm not really interested in all the new relationships. I pray for Michael and Brandon. I really want so bad for them to be able to have kids of their own. Will they do invitro? Praying for them.

    1. I believe they spoke about trying invitro years ago. Very expensive.

    2. I question why it bother you that much, maybe the new couples will face the same challenges? Then maybe you can rejoyce about the news of new couples, and pray for them all. I will pray that you find the strenght to post publicly, since you care so much !

    3. I have No Issue with any relationships in the family, but I would also like to see Michaella pregnant! I don't get how she wants babies so bad, why after 5 years of marriage still not?! I know IVF is expensive but maybe use a low dose of fertility pills... But love her and Brandon either way

    4. It's one thing to have empathy for someone, but it's quite another to think you're entitled to details about private matters the Keilens are not sharing right now. If you are truly concerned for them, or any couple you may know experiencing infertility, do NOT suggest what they should or shouldn't be doing, or make it the topic of conversation. Having walked in their shoes, I didn't appreciate it all when the focus of conversation with certain people started with, "Any baby news?" It hurt terribly, every single time. Their so-called concern was an intrusion. We are much more than our ability to procreate.

    5. @3:17 Yours is a very insensitive comment. You have no idea what their fertility issues are, or what interventions they've taken. To question why they haven't had a baby is really quite thoughtless. IVF does not come with any guarantees and the costs are prohibitive for many couples. Sometimes fertility drugs aren't the answer because there can be physiological problems that prevent them from working. If you love the Keilens so much, you have a very strange way of showing it.

    6. Anon3:17- Apparently you do not know much about infertility. Sometimes it is never resolved, despite all the technological interventions.

    7. My interpretation of the situation is that the Keilens decided to accept God's will and while it hurts try to find content and happiness even though his will might not go along with their personal wishes. They very well might think that using all sorts of medical inteventions to make something happen that God hasn't given them yet is not the right way to deal with the situation. They also don't put themselves out there a lot - so I find it utterly disrespectful to bring them, their personal tragedy and their decisions (and we have really no ideas about what they feel and what they do)up all the time. I really hope neither of them reads this because it must hurt them to no end. Strangers shouldn't place their own wishes and judgements as an extra burden on their shoulders, even if it comes out of a well meant place. Pray in private by all means.

    8. @2:43 Your reasoning is putting an awful lot on God. I don't think it's His will that any couple has trouble having biological children, any more than He has anything to do with people getting cancer or other illness. Stuff happens, randomly, and to an extent, unfairly. It's just life. I never could never have biological children, but I never thought God had anything to do with it. It was my body that simply didn't cooperate.

    9. @2:43 I think they just prefer to keep certain things private. They may have pursued medical interventions, but without success. I agree that people shouldn't keep bringing up this subject and just leave them be.

  26. Well, I guess we can put the Jana and Lawson rumors to rest. I hope it works out for all of them and I hope Trace finds someone

  27. That’s wonderful! I hope they have a lifetime of happiness!

  28. When is bringing up Bates new season coming to tv

  29. Yeah, Lawson has a ski bunny. Natasha b

  30. I hope this isn’t a publicity stunt brought on by an over zealous agent.
    I’m not usually this suspicious, but ... seems strange.

  31. Does Lawson want to break into Hollywood and needs a connection? It wouldn't surprise me.

    1. Lawson = the Jeremy Vuolo of the Bates family

  32. Who is Esther?
    How long have she and Nathan been courting?

    1. We have only been given Esther’s first name and one pic of her with Nathan. Someone seemed to know that they have been in a relationship since April of last year, so around 10 months. Also know that they are not wanting their relationship on camera. I wouldn’t be surprised if they would actually tie the knot without us having been made aware of their wedding date.... I totally admire them for keeping things quiet

  33. Wonderful news for Lawson and this young lady! Let's wish them well.

  34. You dont base a human relationship on if they are a CUTE couple or not. Rosealeigh

  35. YAY!!! I'm so happy for Lawson and this young lady!!!!! I hope and am praying that everything works out!

  36. Part of the reason that the three older boys other than Zach are single is that none of them have steady jobs. This is not a coincidence. That is probably why Traces relationship failed.


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