
Monday, March 22, 2021

Bedtime with the Paines

Happy Monday morning! We wanted to share this adorable photo of the Paines. It's a snapshot into their evening routine, which includes Bible time as a family of six. Carson is approaching his sixth birthday in May, and Brooklyn will be five in August. Everly is almost three, and Holland is one.

Carson Paine, Holland Paine, Everly Paine, Chad Paine, Brooklyn Paine

Photo courtesy of


  1. I am so excited that the show is starting back up. I just love your family and your Christian values.

  2. hey i love the family but i live in NorWay and wonder where i can watch the show home in norway

  3. Who sleeps on the mattress on the floor?

    1. That's a trundle bed. There is no mattress on the floor.

    2. It’s a mattress with a frame around it. A trundle bed pulls out from under another bed and doesn’t sit on the floor. JMO

    3. The mattress is in a trundle frame and is a safe choice for little ones who may fall out of a bed. Stop judging.

    4. A trundle bed has a frame. That is a mattress with a sheet on the floor.

    5. They'll need to move soon. They can't have four pre-teens in that tiny room. Carson will soon be six.

    6. My youngest daughter loved sleeping in her trundle bed!

    7. Probably their 2 year old daughter? Not sure why you’re thinking that is odd. Floor beds are safer and less intimidating for toddlers transitioning from cribs to beds.

    8. 10:58, it IS in a frame. Maybe you need to enlarge the picture.

    9. Let's settle the silly trundle argument. Google "trundle bed" and you will see frames that look like this one as well as other styles.

    10. You need to broaden your knowledge of the world. Did you know there are cultures that sleep on bare or even dirt floors.

    11. There are cultures that do lots of things. Why is that relevant here? We are talking about a family that doesn't do a lot of things from other cultures.

  4. This picture is so cute. Although I do wish they would consider moving. It would be better so 4 kids were not so crammed together to sleep in one room and so Carson could have his own room since he is a boy and his 3 sisters share 1 room instead. After all Erin and Chad have lived in their honeymoon cottage since they married in 2013 (7 1/2 years) and they have four kids now and are crammed as a family of 6 in a small house. Isn't it time they expanded and moved to a larger house and maybe if they are so attached to their little home,they could rent it out to another future Bates couple (since 3 of them are in a relationship with someone right now) to start out in and the Paines could buy a new "fixer upper" since both Erin and Chad are so good flipping houses with their ability's in interior design and construction. I mean the both of them make good money from working in construction and in the Bates Sisters Boutique,they can afford to buy a bigger house? Haley P. from Colorado

    1. They might be saving up or looking for a new place.

    2. 11:55AM: Chad and Erin don't own their home. They wouldn't be able to rent it out to another member of their family if they move.

    3. People live in RV’s with kids. This size home was normal for many only 2 generations ago and is still normal in many other places of the world. Nothing wrong with living tiny.

    4. How do we know they make "good money"? We don't know if the Bates Boutique is profitable, or if Chad has made a profit on his home flips.

    5. They are renting their current home. I think they said they were looking for property to buy. That can take time to find just the right one. Not sure if they want to build or buy an existing home.

    6. My nephew and his wife have 4 kids sharing a bedroom. Two sets of bunk beds. It works just fine.

    7. Think about the square footage of the home Erin and most of her siblings grew up in; it was probably smaller per person per square foot than this home!!!

  5. They have had a number of medical emergencies this year. It might just be in their best interest to stay where they are and allow Erin plenty of time to heal and rest up. Moving is so time consuming, with or without 4 children, even with lots of family helping. It

    1. Very good point. They're capable of figuring out their lives without help from us oh-so-wise commenters. 😄

  6. There’s nothing wrong with kids sharing a room that young. My boys shared a room until they were teens. Probably when they get older, they might need their own room, like boys and girls in different rooms.

    1. Agreed. We grew up sharing rooms, and my kids have done the same. It's good to learn how to share space with other people and to get along with people whose personalities are different from yours. Sharing a room with my very opposite sister prepared me for college roommates.

    2. You think Brooklyn will go to college?

    3. 4:06. I hope she gets to go!

    4. Brooklyn's mom and aunts went to college.

    5. Her mom and aunts never left home to share a room in a dorm. So she doesn't need preparation for dorm life or college roommates. The Bates think that could lead to immoral things, so they make their kids stay at home for college.

    6. 11:17, these are different parents, not Gil and Kelly. They may let their girls go away to a Christian college, like PCC where Bobby and Kelton went.

  7. I enjoy watching the Paine famiy. I love the photo. I enjoy watching bringing up bates I can't wait for season 10 on April 8th. Natasha b

  8. It really isn’t our business if they want to stay in their small house. The kids are young enough to still share a room. My grandparents raised 12 kids in a 3 bedroom house.

    1. We had 3 kids in a room for years growing up, and it was fine. We had other rooms and outdoors to play in and be by ourselves if we wanted. Sharing a room when you're a kid makes it easier to transition to sharing a dorm room, apartment, or house later on.

    2. LOL, these kids will never share a dorm room.

    3. 4:06, not necessarily true. The Bates kids go to college. One of them might go to a college farther from home.

  9. Awe so sweet! Brooklyn's hair is so long.

  10. The kids are getting so big! The Paines are such a sweet family and you can see how much Erin and Chad love their children. 💗

  11. Carson's hair looks so much cleaner and nicer in this lovely pic!

  12. So Sweet! Love the pic:) Can we see a pic of Michael and Brandon, I haven't seen a pic of them for SOOO long :(

    1. The Keilens appear to be more reserved about sharing their lives. I respect them for that.


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