
Friday, March 5, 2021

Carlin and Whitney on Family Size

Whitney Bates, Carlin Stewart, Erin Paine

Last week, we shared an interview that Erin Paine did with Us Weekly about her health struggles and how they will impact her ability to grow her family. Whitney Bates and Carlin Stewart also joined in for a short segment of that interview to discuss their family plans. 

When asked if they will have 19 children like Gil and Kelly Bates, Whitney and Carlin both said no. Whitney is expecting No. 4 in June, and Carlin has 13-month-old Layla. Both ladies said they do want "a few" more children, though. For the full interview, follow the link below. If you watch the video at the top of that page, you'll hear Erin chime in with some comic relief regarding her four young children and her policy on knocking on closed doors.

Us Weekly: Carlin Stewart and Whitney Bates on Family Size

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. I really hope that carlin has another kid. she seems to be really really good with layla! whitney is really good with her kids too!

  2. Very few women can even have 19 if they wanted, especially when breastfeeding, which is normally nature’s birth control.

    1. Breastfeeding absolutely did not work as birth control for me! I got pregnant 4 1/2 months after having a baby and was solely breastfeeding!!

    2. 10:20 - It depends on the person but it definitely works on some people

  3. Leave it up to God.

    1. They are not leaving it up to God, they've said no, they'll just have a few more they are deciding how many children they'll have,Alyssa is also stopping,Josie wants a career so she obviously won't have a large family, they can have large families if they want to be stay at home moms but if they wanted a career and lots of children who would look after the children aunties and grandma,now that would be taking advantage of others and they weren't brought up like that.

    2. Doing an occasional hairdo for a bride is not "a career."

    3. 10:06, you have a report to make on the status of their hair and makeup business? I suppose business has been slow with covid and all, but I'm curious how you have this personal knowledge.

  4. They are both great mom’s and how ever many children they have is a blessing.

  5. Time 2:01AM Sat 3/6/21
    Both are great women in the end of
    The day they will be great moms
    I think they all will have 5 or
    Maybe 7 kids. Hey that's my opinion..

  6. I thought it was incredibly insensitive of the interviewer to ask Carlin and Whitney how many kids they want. Erin just finished pouring out her heart that she probably won't be able to have any more kids because of everything she's just gone through, including three surgeries and being left with only one third of an ovary. Terrible interviewer.

    1. The Bates have marketed themselves as a family that doesn't use birth control. That's all anyone is interested in.

  7. The article erroneously stated that Whitney was 22, which means readers not in the know might think she had her first baby at 16!

    1. They were referring to Carlin there I think, and she is in fact 22. What they got wrong was that they said she’s a student at Crown College, which she’s not.

    2. 1:20, this is a direct quote from the article: As for their sister-in-law Whitney Bates, the Lincoln Memorial University grad, 22, told Us that 19 children “sounds a little high,” for her and husband Zach Bates.

  8. I have never been interested in the number of children each married Bates has or wants to have.
    Nor are the birth episodes a favorite. But I do appreciate the other shows. They are what keep me coming back each week and hold my interest. To each his own, as the saying goes.

  9. Of all the ladies 18 and older in the family, I don't believe any of them will have 19 children... Either way it'll be interesting to see!

  10. So funny! Love all of you!!

  11. I found this subject interesting about how many children they want . Why talk about when they always say they will leave it up to God.

    1. They talk about it because interviewers ask them.

    2. Just because Gil & Kelly Jo decided to leave it up to God, does not mean the kids follow that. I don’t know that I’ve heard any of their children say they do the same. Just like I’m sure most adult children don’t hold completely to their parents standards and beliefs, the Bates children have minds of their own.

    3. I’ve never heard any of the Bates kids say they plan to leave their family size up to God. Just because their parents did that, doesn’t mean they have to be the same way.

    4. Um, ain’t no way Carlin and Whitney are leaving it up to God. lol. They have never stated that.

  12. Who do you think decides the questions they get asked on the couch?

  13. They are both still young - they may end up having more than they are planning right now! 😂 women can have babies into their 40s so I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up having a lot more. Not 19, but more than a few.

  14. Do they have any other topics besides having babies ? It seems to be and odsession with them. Your young enjoy your life and live in the moment'

    1. Maybe you should write UP and ask them to use other topics in their interviews then.

    2. They ARE enjoying their lives. Who are we to tell them how they are and are not allowed to enjoy their lives?

    3. I agree with 8:41. All this family and baby talk makes these women very boring to listen to.

    4. 3:47, they are talking about it because UP is ASKING them about it. I'm sure they have other things they talk about in real life.

  15. Whenever I see topics like this, my heart aches for Michael.

    1. I doubt Michael wants people to feel sorry or agonize for her. What's so heartbreaking about infertility is that no matter how much you try to move on with life, sometimes it's other people who can't let go and keep reminding you of it. I speak from experience.

    2. That’s a good point 7:52. I’ll remember that. From Original Poster.


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