
Monday, March 15, 2021

Ellie and Addee Visit Florida

Ellie Bates with Maci Webster, Zoey Webster, Allie Webster, Lexi Webster

Addallee and Ellie just returned from a two-week trip to Florida to visit Alyssa and John. Since Addee and Ellie were so young when the Bates started filming for their show, it's easy to think of them as the "little" girls. But can you believe that Addee just turned 15 and that Ellie will be 14 in April? 

The two of them were able to spend quality time with the Websters, as well as help watch the girls while Alyssa and John packed and worked on their new house. That's right, the Websters are now homeowners! Their house is a fixer-upper, but it won't be long before it's finished and ready for move-in. We will keep you updated. This month, the Websters have also had house help from the Stewarts and some of Alyssa's unmarried brothers.

Addallee Bates with Maci Webster, Zoey Webster, Allie Webster, Lexi Webster

 Photos courtesy of @websterforever


  1. Time 6:36PM Mon 3/15/21
    Happy Monday Everyone
    Ellie will be 14 her birthday will
    Land on a Wed her birthday is
    April 28th born in 2007 &
    Addee s birthday was last month
    Land on a Wed her birthday was
    February 17th born in 2006.
    Nice photo of both girls those
    Dresses they were was fashionable even their nieces dresses as well.

  2. Beautiful teens with gorgeous dimples!! How great to help Alyssa & John. The little Websters are so cute. Congrats on the house!

  3. And they r turnong into beautiful young women, just like their sisters.

  4. It's nice to see pictures of the younger girls who are now very lovely young ladies. It's great they could spend time with Alyssa & John and be of help to them while they are fixing up their new home.

  5. All the Bates girls are beautiful, and the grandchildren are so cute!

  6. Those are beautiful pictures. Addallee and Ellie have grown into young ladies right before our eyes. I have no doubt they were a big help to Alyssa. And they look liked they loved ever minute of their time with the little girls. Again I say beautiful pictures!!!

  7. Aw, they're all adorable. They must have had so much fun getting to see the new baby and the rest of the girls.

  8. It won't be long until Addalee and Ellie will be getting there learner's permit. It will be fun to watch Addalee getting her license. I'm glad the girls were able to visit and help out. I can't wait to see the Webster's new house when it's finished. My parents and I are patiently waiting for the new season.

    1. We surely are patiently waiting for the new season Natasha b.

  9. Addalee and Ellie look so alike that I'm always mistaking them for one anther, in these pictures I thought Addalee was in the top picture as Ellie is taller and looks older, they're both a mix of mom and dad with wider noses like dad but rounder noses like mom as dad has an L shaped nose, they also look quite a bit like Alyssa.

  10. The Bates really seem like they barely care about school or work. They’re always on vacation it seems.

    1. Most of public school is watching movies, pyjama day, waiting for 30 kids to receive hand-out worksheets, waiting for 30 kids to get their coats off then on later, 30 kids each taking a turn to read aloud. Homeschooling takes a fraction of the time.

    2. It certainly doesn't seem like the younger ones like "school"--and who can blame them? School, to them, is sitting in front of a workbook or a computer.

    3. Even during Covid; they have vacations more than anyone else I know!!!

    4. I looks as though the Stewarts were only in Florida for a few days, likely a long weekend. The Bates sisters may have brought their schoolwork with them or did it online. We only see a smidgen of their lives.

    5. @7:12

      I taught public school for five years! You couldn’t be more wrong!

    6. No can possibly say they don't seem to like schoolwork. We literally hear and see nothing that could make one logically conclude that.

    7. Retired public school teacher here. 7:12, you are misinformed about public school education. I think that if you volunteered in a public school classroom, it would be eye-opening for you. My students were engaged in meaningful activities all day long.

    8. anon@7:12 I taught in a public elementary school for 35 years. While I can't deny that there can be logistical challenges with typical classroom numbers, anywhere from 25 students or more, you make a very broad assumption. The vasat majority of of my classroom time was actually spent teaching, whether in large or small groups, or individually. Your comment makes it sound like teachers are lazy and uninspired. It is an insult to hard working and conscientious teachers everywhere. I'm quite certain that not every homeschooling environment is perfect.

    9. Thank you, 11:17. You are so right.
      From a hard-working, dedicated teacher

  11. Saw the vlogs The Webster Family and The Stewart Family put on their YouTube channels for the crossover episodes of their channels. Is was fun to see Alyssa and John and Carlin and Evan having fun painting the Webster's new fixer upper. Can't wait to see how it all turns out once the Webster's move in officially and do a new home tour fully furnished and settled later this Spring or Summer. Haley P. from Colorado

  12. Whoever complains about these girls and their "forced" smiles needs to take a good look at these pictures.

    1. Those little girls must be so tired of being told to "smile." I've never seen kids subjected to so many photo shoots.

    2. Alyssa seems to think that "matching" is the height of sophistication.

    3. I love the coordinating outfits and kids usually love smiling for the camera!

    4. 2:47 & 2:48 For starters, we live in a technological age where it's very common for parents to take what seems like endless photos of their kids and post them for all to see. It's just so easy now, no developing film, etc. I don't think the Websters should be faulted for that. Some day, their kids will appreciate having such wonderful photos to look at. My dad, bless his heart, had a Kodak camera back in the 1950's when I was growing up that he used to take wonderful kodachrome slides of us. He documented every holiday, trip, and special occasion- even the ordinary days. My mother would get exasperated sometimes. However, I treasure those memories still today and had all the slides digitalize. I appreciate seeing things once again through my dad's eyes. As far as the matching clothes, I don't think it calls for such a passive aggressive comment. Why criticize such a harmless thing?

  13. Cute picture of Ellie and baby. Does she do her school work while in Florida?

  14. Ellie: Do the Bates or the Duggars celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

    1. The Duggars celebrated St. Patrick's Day in one of the earlier seasons of 18 Kids and Counting. They had a green breakfast and read about St. Patrick.

    2. 5:52PM: Thanks for the info...I didn't remember that. Thanks

  15. I love the way this family turns out to help one another. Adder and Ellie are beautiful young women. I’m sure John and Alyssa appreciate all that the girls are doing for them.

    1. Young girls, not women.

    2. 8:59, teenagers are young women, not young girls.

    3. You think 13-year old Ellie is a woman?

    4. No, I think she's a young woman or a girl. Not a "young girl."

  16. Are they visiting or babysitting? Sounds like they were invited so they could watch the kids.

    1. I have a feeling these girls are like me. When I was a girl I wanted to be helping take care of the new baby in the family. I remember begging my mom to let me stay home from school to care for my nephew. I was never forced to care for babies. I believe these girls loved ever minute of their time with the Webster family.

    2. Obviously they did both.

    3. Visiting n meet maci jo why r u being karen?! Get out of here!

    4. I’m sure they did both. I personally love spending time with my nieces and nephews whatever chance I get- maybe Addee and Ellie don’t mind extra time with the girls, even if it is called “babysitting”!

    5. I am sure the girls have plenty of babies to look after at home--Erins and Carlins for example.

    6. 2:58, these are their nieces who they do NOT get to see all the time, including their new niece who they had never seen.

  17. wow! Addee looks so much like Michael and Ellie looks like Tori!!

  18. Well, the first sentence of the second paragraph actually answers your question.

  19. When I was 14, I was invited to spend the summer with an aunt and uncle in California. I was actually there to babysit my little cousin, but it was still a nice vacation as I got to vist other family there, and see/do a lot of fun activities. I had a great time even though I was mainly there to watch a toddler all day. I'm sure it's no different for these two, yes they're mainly babysitting, but it's fun because you're not at home and with family you don't see very often. :-)

  20. Addallee looks so much like Kelly!

  21. Alyssa bought them dresses so they could match?

    1. Her girls often match. The big girls aren't wearing matching dresses. They look like the kind their older sisters sell in their boutique.

  22. Boys can care for little kids, too, Isiah and Warren!

    1. Aren't they working the tree business, though? What's wrong with the girls doing it?

    2. They are doing renovations the Websters but seem to leave all the childcare to the girls.

    3. There is no tree business anymore.

    4. Believe it or not, some girls love watching little kids. It's not like some punishment. 🙄

    5. I don't get what's so weird about the girls doing this. So what if boys can watch babies? Maybe the girls were the ones who wanted to go, or maybe that's who Alyssa invited. Why does the boy/girl equality thing always have to be brought up? Why can't they be free to just do what they want to do?

  23. All of the females in this family are natural beauties. I don't agree with their religious views, but I do think it's nice how they help each other out. No one is this family has to feel all alone and without support.


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