
Thursday, March 25, 2021

Kolter Turns 1

Happy 1st birthday to Kolter Smith! 

When older brother Kade was celebrating his first birthday, Tori was almost five months away from delivering Kolter. Tori is due with baby Charlotte Smith in June, so the age gap will be even smaller between these two. In the next five days, two more Bates grandchildren will celebrate birthdays.

Gil Bates, Kelly Bates, Kolter Smith

Photo courtesy of


  1. Happy First Birthday Kolter! Both of the boys are going to be so over the moon when they meet Charlotte Raine! I can’t wait until all of the Bates June grand babies are born!

    1. Will a one and two year old really be "over the moon" when a newborn enters the house, taking up all their mother's attention? The toddlers I've known have been angry and confused at the disruption caused by an infant.

    2. They'd be over the moon if someone gives them a new Tonka truck, or some sweets. But a baby? Unlikely.

    3. 11:24, my toddlers never were. They were fascinated by their new siblings.

    4. Very well explained Anonymous March 25, 11:24pm. Don't need to add my comment now.

    5. If a mom is giving her newborn all her attention and not giving any to her older kids, then, yeah, that would cause a problem. Wise moms know how to have a balance between children.

  2. That can't be healthy for Tori.

    1. 4:04. You forget who her amazing mother is.

    2. What does that have to do with Tori and her health? She is not a clone of her mother.

  3. Awe Gil and Kelly matching, how cute!

  4. Awww happy birthday kolter!!! I hope you have a great day!!

  5. I totally forgot she was expecting again. Seems like this guy was just born!

    1. I mean, he pretty much was just born

    2. No, it feels like it's been a verrrry long year since he was born. 😄

  6. Happy 1st Birthday to you Mr. Kotler Grey Smith. You are so cute and look just like your big brother Kade some. Not sure which parent he best resembles, Tori or Bobby? Can't wait to see you as a big bro in June to little sister Charlotte at age 15 months. This is the first picture I've seen of Kotler in awhile. He has gotten so big since January when the Smith family did pregnancy and gender reveal pics for the media to announce Baby #3. Have a great day. Can't believe the only Bates grandbaby born during the COVID19 pandemic when it started in the US officially(and only grandson in born in 2020 with Layla as the only granddaughter that year 3 months before Kotler arrived and COVID19 began) is 1 already. Haley P. from Colorado

    1. It'd be so cool if Bobby and Tori have ten kids in ten years, all in a row. Wow!

    2. @11:16

      No it wouldn’t!

    3. You’re crazy! Ten in ten?? You have them!!

  7. Kelly looks so good! Awe Hope Kolter had a good day.

    1. What about Gil?

    2. Gil's quite a little dude!

    3. Kelly looks thinner/healthier... Gil looks like he usually does.

  8. HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY KOLTER Happiness and blessings throughout your birthday year.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  9. Such a beautiful family. Those babies are a blessing for sure. Mine are 4(in April),2, 1 and pregnant with number four! I’ve never been healthier and my kids are the best of friends! I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Congrats Tori, you seem like a great mama! There will always be the negative people who want to ruin your happiness, it means you’re doing something right. God bless you and yours.

    1. Congrats! Mine weren't quite that close in age, but life with littles was so fun and love-filled, even though it was a lot of work. Most worthwhile things are.

  10. I need a long nap just thinking about having three kids so close in age. Whatever rocks your socks!

  11. Little one's are only fascinated briefly by a new baby. Sorry they get jealous etc. Can't devout the time needed with each child so close together. Little one's want parents attention also not capable of helping.

    1. I have 5 kids, all around 2 years apart, and it's possible to give your next-oldest love and attention when you have a new baby. You need to be patient with them and aware of your kids' moods and behaviors. It IS possible to handle it so that your littles don't experience jealousy or only briefly.

    2. Hmm, that wasn't my experience with my littles.

    3. What's wrong with feeling jealous? I wouldn't tell my children NOT to feel something that they feel.

    4. 9:27, who said anything about telling a child not to feel jealous? I certainly didn't.

    5. 9:27, jealousy in a small child is an unhealthy emotion that makes them feel unhappy. It's not in any way a positive emotion for them. Nobody said TO tell a child not to feel something that they feel, and telling a small child that wouldn't make sense to them anyway. Not sure why you brought that up since nobody said anything about that.

    6. Little ones don't usually constantly want a parents' attention. If they do, something is wrong, because they should be playing, exploring, napping at different times during the day.

  12. "There will always be the negative people who want to ruin your happiness, it means you’re doing something right."

    The Bates are fine people, which is more than I can say about YOU!

    1. Be nice someone just voiced how they feel. Directed to Anonymous March 27, 8:48pm

    2. Who are you talking to, 8:48. I don’t see negativity at the level you are referring to. You come across like a very mean-spirited person. Do you honestly know the “YOU” you say is being negative. You need to practice what you preach.

    3. "Who are you talking to, 8:48. I don’t see negativity at the level you are referring to. You come across like a very mean-spirited person. Do you honestly know the “YOU” you say is being negative. You need to practice what you preach."

      Why don't you mind your own business, Bates hater!?

  13. Happy 1st birthday Kolter hope you had a special day may god bless you and keep you safe always

  14. She is really popping them out- looks like this may be the couple that beats 19 and makes it to 20!!

  15. Happy bday K!

    - Adley


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