
Friday, April 16, 2021

Bates Take on the Rail Runner

Kelly Bates

"This girl knows slow. She is not for fast."

-Gil Bates

What did you think of last night's new episode of Bringing Up Bates? How about a fun web exclusive video that wasn't included in the show? 

While they are at Anakeesta in Gatlinburg, the Bates also ride the Rail Runner. Most of you probably know that Kelly is scared of heights and speed, so this isn't her activity of choice, but she ventures on it with her kids (video below). Would you ride the Rail Runner?

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. I felt for Travis-the little boys always talking to him about “the ring” (what could such young boys know about engagement!), Katie constantly saying she wants a ring, too. Travis gets it! We all get it! Be quiet and allow your engagement (which of course has now happened) naturally happen when Travis is ready to propose. Katie just asks very immature and annoying! Travis seems like a very level headed, nice young man. I hope he truly IS ready to marry Katie!!! Renting a storefront is a solid business plan and interesting to watch. Erin still looked a bit I’ll in the couple of minutes she was shown :(
    Way too many commercials for a 30 minute show!

    1. Haha, you don't think with all those older siblings getting married that Jud and Jeb don't know about rings and engagement? Why wouldn't they?

    2. 2:51 you don’t have to be so negative. It wasn’t like the little kids or Katie for that matter where being very serious. They said it in a jokingly manner and at the end Katie said “she just wants to marry him one day.” Also if you’re complaining about the commercials being to long for a 30 minute show then maybe you should record it and watch after and fast forward thru the commercials. As for the storefront I think that is a solid business idea and will do great!

      God Bless!

    3. 8:11 please rewatch the episode and listen carefully to the littles speaking to Travis about when he plans to ask Katie to marry him. It was to the level of annoying. Watch his body language; it speaks louder than his very polite reply to Katie’s brothers. He easily could have said leave me alone or it’s none of your concern. No one else asked the boys to give him a break either. I heard Katie’s comment; quite a contrast to how she has been expecting a ring everyone she sees him!!!
      I do DVR the show; but had time to watch this episode. Regardless, a 30 minute show should not have 10 minutes of commercials!
      May God Bless you, too!

  2. I'm with Kelly Jo on that!!

  3. Ugh. Gil's grammar is atrocious.

  4. The word “ain’t” has also come up a number of times on the show too, but not just with Gil.
    Growing up, I used the word “ ain’t” once. Learned my lesson quickly!

    1. What happened? Were you disciplined for using the word "ain't"? Couldn't your parents just tell you not to use it, if it bothered them?

    2. I wasn’t disciplined at all, just reminded not to use the word again. They had already reminded my brother and I not to use the word after it was said on a tv show where it was used frequently. I think it was on the Andy Griffith show. Opie used it. You certainly jump to conclusions! Didn’t
      your parents teach you not to do that?

    3. Jumped to conclusions? They were questions. What do you mean?

  5. Kelly Jo almost doesn't know how to speak English, her grammar and pronunciation is so bad. There is no hope for Gil either.

    1. Pick, pick, pick.

    2. @ 3:29...Kelly Jo has recently stated that she was diagnosed with precancerous cells in her throat. We need to pray for her full recovery and competent doctors. I would think that could be the cause of any speaking difficulties she may have at this time, although I haven’t noticed any.

    3. And yet if you were at their house I bet they would be hospitable and kind.

    4. This is very common speech in the South..especially in the more rural areas. I often speak this way as well. However, let me just say that I have no problem writing and using correct grammar when needed. Actually I am a reading interventionist. My point is, dont just assume that because they speak this way they are not educated.

  6. What if Katie's boyfriend said, No, I'm not really interested in getting engaged to anyone at this time? He said he had school to finish, etc. I think it is Kelly who has 'taught' her daughters how to be pushy and desperate to be engaged. Her conversation with Travis at that mining station was inexcusable.

    1. I agree they ate always pushing for every one to be engaged give them time.

  7. Not me! Just call me wimpy!😮


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