
Monday, April 12, 2021

Celebrating Katie

Addee Bates, Ellie Bates, Katie Bates, Travis Clark

It’s the second week of Bringing Up Bates season 10, which means that this Thursday, you’ll be treated to another new episode. The summary and a promo video are below.

Bringing Up Bates: Smitten in the Smokies
Katie is Turing 20 and celebrating her special day with her boyfriend, Travis. But how is the young couple navigating their relationship in the age of COVID? Meanwhile, the Bates Sisters Boutique decides to purchase a storefront and makes plans to renovate the space. Later, Katie, Travis, Gil, Kelly, Lawson, Isaiah, and some of the younger kids head to the Smoky Mountains for some outdoor birthday fun, but will a gem mining adventure reveal a surprise proposal?

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Trust is something I wish that these young adults had the privilege of during their dating. You can date someone, and they can respect your boundaries, and if they don't, you should walk away.

    1. I would add that you should also be able to trust yourself to do whatever you believe is the right thing, without another pair of eyes watching.

    2. Sounds nice in theory, but the fact is that many couples let down those boundaries in the face of temptation.

    3. I'm sure they want to but sometimes people can give in to temptation, yes even fundamental families, Anna Duggar's sister had a child out of wedlock, Kendra's parents married six months before she was born,so they are really giving them a helping hand by shaperoning, make sure they don't do something they will later regret,we have all done something we later regretted.

    4. @1:17 yet Kelly and Gil did not have charopenes and yet they are married. Zach and Whit kiss and they are married. They should have the opportunity to get to know each other and not babysit their siblings on their dates. Lawson and Nathan do not have the same restrictions as their sisters.

    5. I believe Zach and Whitney regret that they kissed before marriage, many couples regret their decisions when they let their guard down during temptations. A chaperone helps to prevent these temptations even coming up. I had chaperones when I was engaged and I don't regret a thing about it, makes your marriage that much more special:)

    6. @1:20pm, I think maybe Gil and Kelly give their sons more freedom because they trust them to marry the girl if they do make a mistake and she gets pregnant, but can they really be sure about someone else's son if that happens to their daughter? Anna's parents got the shock of their lives when the father of Anna's sisters child refused to take on the responsibility,and others can learn from that,I reckon.

    7. 1:17 Aren't all children a blessing from God, even the ones born out of wedlock?

    8. Anon 1:56. So they trust their sons to do the right thing (marry a pregnant girlfriend) but they dont' trust their daughters to avoid pregnancy altogether? Why so little faith in their girls?

    9. 3:14, the children are a blessing, but the heartache is not.

    10. Yes, babies are a blessing, but there are extra stresses and challenges to single parenting or a rushed marriage.

    11. Exactly, 9:10. I don’t understand the difference in the trust issues for the two sexes. I’m sure they raise them all to respect and care for others. I hope they all adhere to their parents’ teachings; I think they all should be trusted, boys and girls.

    12. 7:30, just maybe it's the guys they DIDN'T raise.

    13. nathon and lawson do have same restrictions as the girs

  2. Always funny to me how they tease the proposal on the episode description, when we already know it happened last week and not back on Katie’s birthday in October....

  3. So sad they don't trust their kids enough to be alone with the opposite sex.

    1. 10:46 am, it’s not that they don’t trust their kids to be alone with the opposite gender, but anyone can be tempted with anything, so they do it so temptations don’t arise when they are alone and so they don’t give into that temptation. Have a great day!

      God Bless

    2. Trust does not factor when alone with the one Tou love. I experienced it, and now our lives are ruined. Praying for God to restore, and certainly plan to have Chaperones from now on. God Bless You!

    3. Agree! They raise their children to obey Jesus and them; to follow the Bible teachings; yet the parents do not trust their children will carry out those standards when with the opposite gender! Very conflicted.

    4. Guess you didn't see the videos where the bates explain why they have chaperones when a couple is in the dating stage (and it's not because they don't trust them...)

    5. Because "trusted" kids have never gotten into trouble before. 🙄

    6. My parents shouldn't have trusted me. It's not sad, it's good parenting.

    7. Um, yeah. You know anyone can be tempted, right? Being brought up in a Christian family doesn't make anyone immune.

    8. That's not sad. It's just extra safety.
      Plus the kids have a choice whether to do it or not.

    9. 2:45- How could your lives be ruined? If your God is forgiving, what’s the problem?

    10. Anon 9:53. Of course anyone can be tempted! But they've been raised to resist these temptations and adhere to their Christian values. Gil and Kelly must not trust them to do so. Besides, if they really wanted to be alone, they could find a way.

    11. 10:01, sexual temptation is something you don't understand until you're in the middle of it. Knowing something and doing it are two different things.

    12. 10:01, I was raised to resist temptation, and that didn't stop me. It's naive to think that Christian young people aren't tempted and don't fall into sin in this area, because that's just not true, either now or 30 years ago when I was a teen. Or 60 years ago when my parents were teens.

    13. 9:22, God doesn't shield us from every natural consequence of our sin. He knows sin hurts us and others, which is a main reason why He warns us against it.

    14. Anon @ 3:42 It isn't just the dating phase where they are chaperoned. It is even when engaged, right up to the moment they say "I do".

      Anon@8:13 I don't think the girls do have the choice. It is one of Gil and Kelly's rules as long as the kids live in their home. Just like having to wear dresses/skirts. If it wasn't a rule, why did Zach and Whitney feel so guilty that they had to confess a simple kiss to his parents. Until someone is able to get a job and move out of the house, they will always be under Gil and Kelly's rules until they marry.

    15. You give your kids all the religious training, all the right tools, to be able to decide if they want to be moral and have Christian values, then you have to trust them that they can stand up to the test. If you simply prevent them from ever testing their beliefs, then is their purity an achievement? Not really. They end up at the altar, pure, but not because of their own religious convictions.

    16. 1:24, not necessarily true. They can still have the convictions without having the opportunity to test whether they'll give in to temptation or not. Controlling their thought lives is battle enough.

    17. 9:59- I believe the discussion is about adult children, not minors. Parents shouldn’t continue to play the role of disciplinarian, watchdog, or expect to keep on dictating the lives of their adult children. You do have to trust them to make good decisions. However, they’re bound to fumble.. That’s how we learn and grow.

    18. 1:24, I have a conviction against alcohol, but I've never "tested" myself by walking into a bar.

    19. 9:57 So, you've never been to a party, wedding or other functon where alcohol is served?

    20. 10:49, twice as a child and once as an adult. I had no choice in being there as a child. As an adult it was at a family member's wedding, one bottle of wine per table. Alcohol smells vile. I have no interest in swallowing it.

  4. I wonder if that rule applies to their sons, especially when they are living or working out of state or dating girls in other towns.

    1. Do yo really think when Lawson is in LA with Tiffany, he tries to rustle up a chaperone?

    2. @1:51- Yes! Like Lawson and Nathan!!!

    3. Totally agree! Double standard between the females and males in this family

    4. Perhaps the girls that Lawson and Nathan are dating, their parents may not be as strict as the Bates are when it comes to courtship/dating. Tiffany does not live in Tennessee, so Gil & Kelly can't exactly send a chaperone out to LA if Lawson is there visiting her, right?

  5. It took me a while to realize that the grown woman beside Katy is thirteen year old Ellie. God have blessed them with such beautiful girls.

  6. Chaperones do not indicate that parents don't trust their children any more than wearing seatbelts and following the rules of the road indicate that they weren't taught to drive carefully.

    1. I would way rather have had my parents instil this system when I was dating than trusted me the way they did. Satan tries to ruin the lives of Christian young people by making sin appealing All.The.Time.

    2. @3:50-two very different protections; the seatbelt does have ears; little chaperones do making personal conversations impossible! Private conversations are very important when you are getting to know another person!

    3. I wear a seat belt because it's the law and I know that when I drive or ride in a car, there are things that can affect my safety that are entirely out of my control. I can't control the behavior of other drivers, car defects, or the weather, for instance. If an adult couple believes they need a chaperone on their dates, it's like saying they don't have faith in their ability to control their own desires, IMO. Life is filled with temptations. If you think you'll succumb to your sexual urges, be sure you have a safety-net with effective contraception. Having a watchdog around 24/7 is not the answer. Personal responsiblity is.

    4. If I recall correctly, Chaney was quite taken aback when Jud and Jeb chaperoned them while bowling. The little boys were quite intrusive, sitting between Trace and Chaney, interrupting their conversation etc. How does anyone develop a relationship under those conditions? It might have been the reason Chaney broke off the courtship with Trace.

  7. Why haven't you posted anything about Allie and Carlin's birthdays on April 11th? There is literally a birthday chart on this blog and the Bates posted about it.

    1. Stop being so critical, please. The writers of the blog do an amazing job of covering the Bates Family. I’m sure somehow the birthdays will be covered. You just seem to want to call attention to yourself and knowledge of the Bates family.

    2. If there is literally a birthday chart, why do you need a post?

  8. As far as COVID is concerned, I don't think this family adjusted the way they did anything during it.. They continued on as if everything was normal. They went to the Smoky Mountains to have fun back in October, no masks, no precautions. Why even mention it in your description above?

  9. Geez, you already have a couples picture of Travis with Katie at the top with the family and poor Jed Duggar is already married and there his picture is all alone. :o)


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