
Thursday, April 8, 2021

'He or She, What will the Baby Be?' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "He or She, What will the Baby Be?"

  • “We’re trying to have the right spirit and the right attitude about the good things and the bad things and realizing God’s working them all for something good, even if we can’t see it,” says Gil
  • Since Erin, Whitney, and Carlin started the Bates Sisters Boutique one year ago, the business has grown. They need more space and are considering opening a storefront.
  • Several of the Bates contracted COVID-19, but Erin has struggled the most with it. Her recovery has been long, and she is dealing with frequent headache, fatigue, nausea, and sore throat. Tammy Paine, Chad’s mom, is visiting for a few weeks to help out. “With Erin being down, I feel like half of me is gone to some extent,” says Chad. “It blows me away how strong she is through it…”
  • At this point, they aren’t sure if Erin is dealing with complications from COVID, or possibly Lyme Disease.
  • Josie and Kelton are finishing up the final touches on their home renovations. After trying for a few months to get pregnant, Josie suffered a miscarriage. “Our world turned completely upside down,” says Josie. “I just remember feeling so many emotions.” Josie says the doctor doesn’t think that her miscarriage was caused by the same condition that some of her sisters have, but she is going to do blood work to investigate.
  • Josie’s business, Effortless Beauty, is more than one year old. She and her business partner, Grace Rochat, do hair and makeup for weddings and events, and now Katie is joining the team. Josie and Katie are taking an advanced makeup course online.
  • Katie says it hasn’t yet been determined if she will move to New Jersey when she and Travis get married.  “If it was up to me, I’d be getting engaged tomorrow, but we’re taking our time, and it’s going to happen when it needs to,” she says. “I mean, our timeline isn’t too far out.” She tells Josie and Grace that she can work in the business for at least a year.
  • Zach has been working with the sheriff’s department for 10 years and is logging 50-60 hours a week. He is planning to leave law enforcement and return to Bates Tree Service. Years ago, Gil made a similar decision when he left his position as an employee at a sales company and started the tree business.
  • In Florida, Alyssa tells John that she is pregnant with their fourth child. Later, they do a live-stream gender reveal. Some friends help the Websters pull it off. One of the friends calls Gil right before to tell him what the gender is so he can shoot off a powder cannon in Tennessee when the gender is announced in Florida. “He’s loving rubbing this in!” says Kelly.
  • Kelly goes on a walk with Michael to catch up on life. Michael is waiting to take her nursing state boards. Kelly also talks about the medical issues she is dealing with. She has GERD, which has turned into Barrett’s Esophagus. Kelly was terrified when she was told that she has pre-cancerous cells. Her medicine is not working, and she is going to have surgery.
  • Lawson is at Los Angeles International Airport picking up Esther Faith, a little girl from the Philippines who needs a life-saving heart surgery that is not available to her in her country. “This really took so much effort to pull this off,” says Nathan. “It took at least 10 doctors working constantly, nurses traveling back and forth to the Philippines to care for Esther. So many political individuals making phone calls to the embassy, providing recommendations.”
  • Lawson and Nathan accompany Esther to Orlando, where she has the surgery. It goes very well. This will be the only surgery that Esther will need. She will soon return to the Philippines, where she will be able to live a normal life without restrictions.


  1. can't wait to see this on TV

  2. Where can I watch this? Sounds like a great episode! And I'm so exited for Katie!! πŸ’

    1. You can watch it at times when they air it on Frndly TV. It costs $6 a month for the basic plan.

  3. It was so relaxing to watch the show again. Well worth the wait!
    Looking forward to hearing more about Lawson, Nathan and any other possible new relationships.
    I was very surprised to hear about Zack’s change in jobs and the extent of Erin’s and Kelly’s medical struggles. May 2021 bring much healing and continued prayers for this family.

  4. I was happy to see Alyssa and John gender reveal party that it was a girl. I'm sorry for Kelton and Josie's loss. Hopefully in time God will give them another child. NatashΓ  b

    1. Josie is already pregnant with another baby due this June

    2. This was filmed last summer and Josie is pregnant with another girl due in June.

  5. Why isn’t season 10 on Amazon prime?

    1. Never out immediately takes months to catchup... only just got season 9.. predict summer before 10 first few episodes

  6. I'm so sick of these over-the-top gender reveals, especially the ones involving smoke and guns. Celebrating a new baby is NOT supposed to be a violent occasion.

    1. Plus several people have died on gender reveals, including an expecting father... and one of them even started a wild fire. What happened to cutting a cake?

    2. Shooting pink powder is hardly violent. 🀣🀣🀣

    3. Violence is all about intent, specifically "behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something." So you can put your mind at ease. Not one single Bates gender reveal has been violent. Don't you feel better now?

    4. Shooting color into the air isn't that over the top. It's fairly simple. And it certainly isn't violent. 🀣🀣🀣🀣

    5. This is funny. You can get one of these cannons for less than $15 online. It takes a matter of seconds to shoot it off. There's nothing "over the top" about it. And certainly nothing "violent" about it either.

    6. Who got killed or hurt at these violent gender reveals?

    7. Violent, they are toy guns that shoot confetti! And if you're tired of watching the show choose something else to watch instead of complaining.

    8. 5:04 - several people have. Look it up online.

    9. I'm 5:04. I am aware that there have been isolated cases of gender reveals going terribly wrong. But no one was ever hurt or killed at a Bates or Duggar gender reveal. There was NO violence. You are redefining words, which is not an honest or logical thing to do.

    10. 8:55, what you are talking about is called an "accident," not "violence."

    11. 8:12 - It might have been and accident but I still wouldn’t risk anyone’s life over some explosive gender reveal. I’d rather just tell people what the sex is than risk an accident.

    12. 2:27, it's called being responsible and aiming a powder cannon away from everyone. It's not "explosive" in the sense of gunpowder or pyrotechnics.

  7. I'm sorry to hear Zach is leaving law enforcement. He always seemed so proud of his career and appeared to really thrive in it. Perhaps it doesn't pay enough to support 4 children. Is there a lot of work cutting down trees? I hope it works out for him.

    1. He said it was the 12 hour days.

    2. It does seem a little strange, especially after hearing his siblings praise him for being good at it. I wonder if they're concerned about his safety with all the anti-police hatred going on.

  8. Great BUB episode!

  9. Why would Zach quit such a good job to go back to the family business? He'll most likely make less money and he's going to have four kids to support!

    1. Did you watch the episode? He said it was because of all the 12 hour days and not getting to see his family.

    2. They talked about it in the episode.

  10. Wow! For people who call themselves Christians, the Bateses sure love violent things! Jesus would not approve of that cannon!

    1. I don't think you understand what the word violence means. 🀣

    2. You are hilarious! Jesus hates murder and violence against people because people were created in His image. Did they hurt or kill anyone with that cannon? I would be putting that energy into fighting against abortion rather than gender reveals, because killing unborn babies is actually violent.

    3. How do you know the mind of Christ about this issue? The Bible doesn't say anything about "cannons" that shoot compressed air and colored powder, not cannonballs, by the way. It does say things about not hating and killing or purposely hurting people. I think you are redefining the word violence in addition to putting words in God's mouth, but I'm not sure to what purpose.

    4. πŸ˜‚ I can't even! 🀣

    5. Lol what! Have you read your bible?

    6. How many people who comment on here actually watch the show or even follow the family? John and Alyssa released a YouTube video of the gender reveal ages ago, and the “cannon” is a large party popper filled with powder. The cannon is not a weapon or dangerous in the least.

    7. 12:42, some people don't let facts get in the way of their opinions. πŸ˜„

  11. I think Zach made a big mistake leaving the sheriffs' department. He was half way to retirement. Tree work is quite physical..he's not getting any steady paycheck; no benefits; no retirement. Bad move IMO. I thoroughly believe he was pressured by Whit and his parents to leave routine work. If these people claim to be so traditional; traditionally, isn't that what a father does, LEAVES THE HOUSE AND GOES OUT TO WORK ALL DAY?

    1. How do you cut trees if you don't leave the house? The illogical comments in this post are pretty funny.

    2. 7:19, that was his decision to make. In the episode he explained how his job was taking away from his family because he was working such long days. The tree job also involves leaving the house, by the way. People don't usually pay you to cut the trees in your house. πŸ˜‚

    3. Or maybe he and Whitney looked at the budget, decided that they could make it with the tree cutting and the dress business, and made the decision so he could actually see his kids before they go to bed at night. You know, actually want to spend time with his kids since he's a traditional father?

    4. Maybe he decided to leave law enforcement because of the many risks associated with the job. It could be they are making a comfortable income from the TV show and the boutique business, along with tree cutting.

    5. Why do people think they know all the details to speak so openly on what others should do? Or why they are doing it?

    6. It was stated in the show that Zach didn't like the 12 hour work days in law enforcement. If my husband were a cop, I'd never get a good night's sleep as it's a very risky profession. As far as tree cutting- you have to leave the house to do that!

  12. How do we watch this online?

  13. I can't find the episode anywhere...everyone has been saying frndly streams it but it's not on their schedule at all. Am I missing something??

    1. It’s on Frndly. I watched it last Thursday at 8, CST. I’m sure it will be rerun this Thursday at 7, CST

  14. Finally watching this. Could Esther be any more precious?

  15. The boutique must be really successful for Zach to walk away from good pay, overtime pay, health benefits and a retirement.

    How does a 20 year old that doesn't have a job afford a diamond ring?
    I used to like this family but feel like they have changed their values.

    1. He's going to be working too.

    2. 4:55, changing jobs so you can spend more time with your kids is EXACTLY what this family is about. That's not a changed value. How do you know the young man doesn't have a way of making an income? I don't think you have knowledge of that. Besides, if you really don't have a lot of money, you can actually get a family heirloom ring, cost zero, or at a pawn shop, cost low, or an estate sale or Craigslist, or lots of other places. Why do we have to jump to the worst conclusions instead of just assuming these people have the intellect to figure things out for themselves?

  16. Zach could easily have transferred to or applied for a position that was not 12-hour shift oriented. There are many positions in the courthouses in which there are set 9-5 courthouse security. No reason to leave his pension and benefits to go and cut down trees with Daddy. I think this work experience has helped him to actually grow up and mature. Too bad he gave in to his parents' pressures.


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