
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Jackson's "Aww" Moment


Bates brothers hang Christmas lights at the homestead

"Everybody's heard the song "I'll Be Home for Christmas," but most people really don't understand what it means until you're away from home for that amount of time. It just means so much to be able to come home and see family for Christmas."

-Jackson Bates

Now that's an "aww" moment if we've ever heard one! You know you've raised your son right when you hear something that profound come out of his mouth. Jackson, who recently turned 19, was away at ALERT training last fall, and as you'll see in this video clip, he was thrilled to make it home for Christmas.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Out of curiosity, I checked out the ALERT website. Frankly, I found it kind of creepy. I was astounded at the high tuition costs, just for their "boot camp". EMT basic training and certification is twice the cost of other programs. It sounds like they are trying to emulate a military-type training, right down to the uniforms and officer titles. Just join the real military and save your money. If you want to help people, become a health-care professional.

    1. The military is a WAY bigger commitment. This is also residential, so of course it's more expensive than staying at home and taking an EMT course.

  2. Why must they send their sons to a 'special Christian training facility'? Why isn't the United States military training good enough for them? Why do most things they do have to be sequestered with other Christian people? Wouldn't they 'fight' for all people of the United States in a crisis? On another note, US military training is FREE...these people pay thousands for this training. So much for a frugal-struggling family. They are cashing in on UP.

    1. My guess is because ALERT academy is faith based while the US military is not really faith based anymore in this time and age like it used to be back in the time of our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents etc. Now the US military allows LGBTQ people in the military and shut out any mention of God,even though they still allow military chaplains and churches on the base,but mainly nowadays,the military churches are nondenominational and allow other religious practices such as Islam,Hinduism and Buddhism etc. worship in one church with different services. That is probably why the Bates (and Duggar) boys choose to go through ALERT instead of joining the military that so they don't get mixed up with the wrong ideas and so they can stand up for their faith values they were raised on.

    2. My son-in-law who is in the US Air Force spent Christmas in Afghanistan. My nephew who is a Marine hasn't been home for Christmas in 2 years. I think these Bates fellows are somewhat "spoiled", even though they seemed to appreciate being home for Christmas.

    3. 1:47 The faith values they claim to have don't amount to much if they would crack upon being exposed to people of other religions or life styles. If you're going to sequester yourself with only other like-minded people, you are closing yourself off to others with whom you just might learn a thing or two. Human beings are a lot more than their religion, gender, or sexuality. BTW, my dad was a Marine pilot during WWII. I can assure you, there were gay people enlisted at that time. They didn't advertise it, but everyone knew. My dad didn't care, as long as they did their job. Also, the chaplains at that time performed many different roles as they were serving a very diverse goup of people and they weren't all Christians. If you are sure of your beliefs, whatever they are, you shouldn't feel threatened by those who don't share them.

    4. @1:47- How are they going to “stand up” for their values if they’re only around likeminded Christian fundamentalists? As I see it, you should simply set an example in your day to day living for everyone by being a kind and respectful human being. It doesn’t require advertising your religion or telling others what they believe is wrong in your eyes.

  3. Glad Jackson came home. I hope my nephew goes to the alert training and does all 3 phases. I think it would be good for all young men. It's nice to see the boys working together. I know their parents are very proud of them. Natasha b

    1. Natasha, if that's what you want for your nephews, why don't you go to the girls training?? Jill

    2. Why should Natasha go to something when she's talking about her nephews ?

  4. I thought Jackson wanted to enter the Marines. That would be far better than the Alert camp, since the Marines would train him for a profession, plus provide medical benefits and ultimately a pension if he stays in it. With Alert, you pay for it, then attend it, and you're done.

    1. Well, yeah, Alert isn't meant to be the same as the military.

    2. I would respect Jackson if he joined the Marines..or any Military Branch. I doubt that will happen. We have real deployments for a year or more at times. Lots of Christmas’s, Anniversaries, birthdays and every family gathering possible are missed regularly. I doubt any of the Bates have the discipline and commitment it takes to serve our Country and or submit to those in higher rank and authority who don’t believe exactly like they do.

  5. Most 18 year old boys enjoy the adventure and independence of leaving home.

  6. I respect their way of thinking but they need to know that the real world isn't christian or baptist, I mean, there are a lot of religions and denominatios and if you want to live as a real christian, you have to respect others beliefs and also share your experiences with them.

    1. 4:13, Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me." A true Christian believes that Jesus is the only way, because that's what Jesus said.

    2. The real world is under the sway of Satan, who deceives many away from the true God.

    3. 12:19 What I understand you to say is that certain religions and denominations are deceived and of Satan. Is there only one that is acceptable to you? What about people of the Jewish faith or any other that doesn't fit your idea of what's "true". I find it reprehesible that anyone would say that people are of the devil if they don't follow their particular brand of church doctrine. It's little wonder there's so much strife in the world. To be clear, I think that Satan is a mythical figure, one completely made up to keep people indoctrinated through fear.

    4. If you think Satan is mythical, your lens will prevent you from understanding anything else I might say. But Jesus referred to him as the father of lies.

    5. The Greek Christians survived 500 years of Ottoman Muslim rule. They did not give in to the "real world"; they held steady in their beliefs.

    6. 2:55 You’re right. I can’t understand anyone who believes in fairy tales,

    7. Me neither, 9:26. Like the fairy tale that we all got here, in our incredibly complex bodies, by accident or random chance.

  7. Lily and Elly - when are you going to shut down the comment section? So tired of the continual snark and judgement allowed in here and as Christians you shouldn't allow it. Sad. Should only be light. We have enough darkness in the world without the comments on a Christian blog being such a downer. UnBiblical, too. Phillipians 4:8

    1. AMEN!!! As a Christian who LOVES this family I am astounded when I come to read the posts! The criticism of Christians on every post IS persecution! Why are these critics, non Christians watching this show and reading ANYTHING ANYWHERE about this family or any Christian ACCEPT to persecute and bring judgement!! This is a private blog please don't allow the negative! And I SURE HOPE THE FAMILY DOES NOT READ THIS BLOG. PEOPLE CAN BE SO MEAN.

    2. This is not a private blog because it is posted publicly. This family has chosen to broadcast their life as well as acknowledge those they are affiliated with. As such, they must make a statement on the Duggar situation

    3. 3:32, they "must" make a statement? Who made that rule?


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