
Friday, April 30, 2021

Katie's Car Accident

Kelly Bates, Katie Bates, Ellie Bates

"There's just something about Katie and a car. If we are going anywhere, I volunteer to drive. Thankfully, Travis is a good driver, so I'll feel a whole lot better if he just sticks behind the wheel."

-Kelly Bates

Last year, Katie got into her first car accident, which crushed the front of her car and deployed the airbag. She says it was the scariest thing that has ever happened to her. Thankfully, she was okay and just ended up with a black eye and swelling on one side of her face.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Car accident, really!? I’m so sorry 😞!

  2. I’m so glad Kathy is alright!
    Kelly’s driving tip, if followed, can save many lives.
    Hoping the wedding is awhile off yet.

    1. Agreed, she is not yet matured.

    2. Anonymous at 10:53am .

      Here name us Katie not Kathy

  3. Was the other driver hurt? It sounds like she cut someone off, but no one says whether they were injured. Katie needs to go to driving school. You can't expect Travis to drive her everywhere.

    1. Driving is a privilege not a right. She sounds way too causal about her accident.

    2. Our kids took driver's ed in high school. A certified driving instructor taught the course. With Katie being homeschooled, I wonder if she took a driver's ed course. We found that taking such a course lowered our car insurance rates.

    3. You don't need to go to driving school to learn right of way. I have a feeling Katie won't make the same mistake twice.

    4. Here were I live you have to go to a driving school. If you get caught driving with out a license you have to pay a hefty find.

    5. 12:07, she has a license.

  4. Why did Travis have to miss his banquet? Couldn't Katie stay at his home alone while he attended? It was probably only a couple of hours.

  5. No fun 🚗 I'm so glad Katie is ok, 😊

  6. Katie seems easily distracted; not a great characteristic to have for responsible driving!

  7. I hope someone can encourage Katie to enroll in drivers ed to strengthen her driving skills!

  8. Poor Katie. Driving doesn’t come easy for me as well. I have horrible driving anxiety and it’s been so incredibly hard to overcome it.

    1. I have anxiety on freeways, even when I’m a passenger. People are all driving like bats out of you-know-where nowadays. It wasn’t always this bad.

    2. I don’t think anxiety is Katie’s problem. I think she is careless.

  9. I've come across a lot of people lately who seem to think that they have the right of way when making a left turn without a green arrow and generally make up their own rules of the road. Katie could probably use a refresher driving course.

    1. If no one's coming you can turn left when on a green light and no green arrow.

  10. Scariest thing that has ever happened to her. Hope she realizes she could have killed someone.

  11. I had two bad accidents- not my fault- and get increasingly stressed as a passenger. I’m better as the driver. It’s like a type of PTSD, with no disrespect to veterans. Katie’s young & could benefit by driving school. That could reduce her anxiety & also, lower insurance rate.

    1. Saying you’ve experienced PTDS isn’t disrespectful to vets. PTSD isn’t exclusive to the military, any traumatic situation can cause it.

    2. My dad is a veteran with PTSD, and I was in a traumatic car accident when I was younger and also have PTSD. Traumatic Stress is not only caused by being in the military, military members are aware of this and they won’t be offended by you saying that.

  12. Katie strikes me as very immature. She’s got some growing up to do, starting with another run through Driver’s’ Ed.

  13. I just watched a rerun of Katie when she first started to drive. She was so reckless and laughed about it, while all the people in the car did was scream. It was not the right way to learn at all. I’m glad it wasn’t more serious. She needs to take this as a warning. She doesn’t need Travis to drive her around. She needs to take driving seriously!

    1. She needs her Dad or Mom to teach her.

  14. So glad Katie is okay!

  15. I’m confident Katy will be fine, however she needs more time to mature in a lot of areas. She will have to do her maturing as a married woman instead of under her parent’s guidance. Thankfully, Travis seems like a great guy and obviously loves a Kathy very much.

  16. Katie needs to be taught how to drive by a professional driving instructor.Not anyone if her family 'taking her out' on the road. This still needs to happen even if she has her license.

  17. Let us think also about the person or person's that could have been hurt.

  18. She better shape up on her driving skills before she moves to NJ. I live there and driving is crazy here! She's in for a shock.

  19. I live in the north western portion of NJ where there are farms and small towns. Driving is much less stressful than in the Northeastern sections of the state. I highly recommend raising children in this more less populated area, although many say to keep it a well-kept secret so it stays this way.

  20. Katie, for some reason, is far less mature than her sisters at that age. Maybe Gil and Kelly should reconsider whether she is ready for marriage. A car accident is not a joke.

    1. I don’t think Katie is very mature at all, but I don’t think getting in a car accident is something that defines a person’s maturity. It can happen to anyone.

    2. 11:44, readers complained about Tori and Carlin being immature at her age too.

    3. EVERYONE STOP katie is VERY mature

  21. The Bates have a new driver every single year, almost. Do they have an organized method of teaching them? How do they make sure they dont' forget anything? Do they just drive around till the new driver seems to "get it"?

  22. The family does some driving instruction. On television, Zach has been shown teaching kids to drive. He does a great job. But there are always three people in the back seat screaming and carrying on. I hope it’s just for the show and that Zach does one-on-one instruction. Lawson is terrible as a driving instructor on film because he showboats and tries to be funny, focusing on himself, not the driver.

  23. Did they even mention the other party to the accident? Clearly, she cut someone off. Were they OK?

  24. If this happened last year why are you posting it now?

    1. That's not how UPtv works.

    2. This was featured on the show so they shared it now Kelley.

  25. Glad Katie is alright! Lol, Katie is lucky to have a good driver like Travis!


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