
Monday, April 19, 2021

Laughs from Zach

Gil Bates and Kelly Bates

"Well I was such a good kid, my mom tried 18 more times unsuccessfully to replicate me." 

-Zach Bates

This week on a new episode of Bringing Up Bates, the Bates gather to celebrate Kelly Jo. Michael comes up with the idea of sharing memories that the kids have of their mom, and Zach kicks it off with a bit of humor (video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Zach is so funny! He seems like a great guy. Kelly always has her mouth open.

    1. That was an unnecessary thing to say about Kelly. So she smiles and laughs and talks, so what? She's an expressive person. Leave her alone.

    2. I didn’t take the poster’s comment as critical, but rather in the spirit of fun.

    3. Maybe making fun.

  2. Oh Zach 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the laugh 😅

  3. Sounds like something my brother would say.

  4. What surgery was Kelly preparing for? Was this a serious life-threatening procedure? Why did they make such a big deal out of it? I find it curious that these people who constantly talk about their love of God, heaven and the close love they have for their savior, are so frightened to meet Him. These people 'pray for heaven' yet seem to frightened to perhaps actually prepare to GO THERE? They should have no fear of medical procedures since they proclaim confidence in their religious beliefs.

    1. Watch the show and you would know.

    2. 4:18 - You can’t really believe what you are saying! I know you are just wanting to get a rise out of us and I shouldn’t respond. But I feel I have to. You certainly misunderstand Christians. Suffering hurts everyone. While we, as Christians believe God walks with us in our sufferings, it doesn’t mean we welcome suffering. Even Jesus asked His Father to take this cup (His suffering death on the cross) from him. And though we believe that we will join with God and all those who have gone before, it doesn’t mean that V we are eager to leave our earthly families and our lives here in God’s creation.

    3. 4:18, it's scary to think of leaving your family without their wife and mom. Being a Christian doesn't mean you don't have human emotions. It means you work through those emotions, bringing your thoughts into captivity. Sometimes it's a process and not just an instant thing.

    4. Surgery,that you've never had before, can be a scary thing. You don't know what to expect, how you will feel, will there be a lot of pain or not. No Christian is a super human who never has fears. Even fearing dying is normal as there might be pain beforehand. We all get afraid of certain things.

    5. It is a natural feeling to fear a surgery or a medical procedure even when they believe in God a lot of it is because of the family and friends that they, God forbid, might leave behind.

    6. It's not that they're frightened to go there, it's human nature to be fearful of the unknown. Medical procedures can be scary.

    7. Kelly is having surgery for GERD. Apparently, she’s be struggling with it for a while.

    8. Thank you 10:46. That’s exactly how I, a Christian, feel.

  5. I love Zach's sense of humor! I was happy (and also a sense of relief) to hear that he's going to work in the tree business with Gil!

  6. You need to remember that just because they are Christians doesn’t mean they WANT to die! God gave us the desire to live. And people still don’t want to leave their families and children on earth. That doesn’t mean they are so “ scared” but we do have a desire to live life. They still are trusting God, that comment really made no sense. Just cause we are Christians doesn’t mean we want to die lol

  7. Kelly is photographed with her mouth open because she is usually talking.

    1. Some people are talkers, some are more quiet, and some are in the middle. That's just one of many things that make up the variety of humans.

    2. That’s right, and Kelly should not be made to feel self-conscious.

  8. I love mama Kelly she's a lot like me . I'm a talker to, but my family love's me.I'm just worried that the three with the store are starting to put money ahead of family . I hope not.


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