
Thursday, April 1, 2021

New Episode Summary and Countdown

The Webster family

Just one week to go until the premiere of Bringing Up Bates season 10! As the UPtv network has done for past seasons, they created a countdown clip to show the first moments of the first episode. Nineteen seconds will be added each day, so be sure to keep coming back. That video is below, as is the written summary for the first episode, which airs Thursday, April 8th, at 9pm ET/8pm CT.

April 8, 9pm ET: He or She, What will the Baby Be?

A new year brings a renewed sense of hope and vitality for the Bates family! The Bates Sisters Boutique reveal their plans to move into a storefront space. Meanwhile, Josie’s beauty business is thriving, but she and Kelton are dealing with heartbreak after suffering a miscarriage, hopeful she will get pregnant again. Now that Michaella is almost a nurse, Kelly Jo leans on her daughter for advice about her health complications. Later, Alyssa and John, thrilled to be expecting their fourth child, get creative with a socially distant gender reveal party! Will baby #4 finally be a boy?

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Love this family can't wait for them to be on

  2. any updates on michael having kids

    1. That's her business! It sounds like she's really enjoying building her nursing career, so maybe she's accepted the fact that having biological children wasn't meant to be for her.

    2. @4:37 If the Keilens have news to share in that department, they'll likely do so on their own timetable. I seriously hope you don't ask people in your life for the same kind of update on having kids. It's rude.

    3. Lucy; maybe way too sensitive personal subject. She is still pursuing her nursing education.

    4. I’m sorry Lucy for all the backlash. Your question was not insensitive. Especially since the Keilens have chosen to share their infertility struggles. It’s a natural curiosity when people have chosen to be public about something that others would consider private.

    5. 12:50 I think they ended up initially sharing information, because they were being hammered with questions about why they weren’t having kids right off the bat. I’m not sure why any fan thinks they’re entitled to detailed updates on the Keilens’ reproductive efforts.

    6. It's insensitive because most people who can't have children don't want people constantly asking about it. If there is an update, we'll know when they tell us. I'm sure the only reason they made it public in the first place was because they were getting inundated with people asking why they weren't having kids. And then to keep asking after that is just continuing to pour salt in the wound.

    7. anon@12:50 Even when someone shares personal information, I don't think it gives people on the receiving end of it license to probe for more just because they are curious. The Keliens' silence means there's nothing they wish to share at this time. Take them at their word or lack of it.

    8. 12:50, natural curiosity doesn't always need to be expressed to others. It can stay in one's thoughts if asking the question could be hurtful to someone else.

    9. They simply expressed the wish that there were news since she and her husband mentioned they wanted to have kids. TLC behind on so many families they follow.

    10. Well Lucy, I guess we’ve been told! Don’t ask public tv personalities who’ve shared infertility struggles publicly about any updates. By the way before anyone accused me of being insensitive I have had 2 stillborn children a miscarriage and subsequent infertility. I know what insensitive is. Asking for an update ain’t it people.

    11. 8:49 I assume you have no problem if someone tells you to mind your own business when you ask for an update about personal matters. After all, it's not being insensitive, just truthful.

  3. While I realize that it takes time to film and edit a series, it seems rather odd to talk about the gender reveal party for the Webster baby when it is already here and a month old And we know Josie is already pregnant again. Can nothing be done to get the episodes a little less behind real life?

    1. Maci Jo is really adorable! Crazy she's already here, Love the bates fam!

    2. I thought the same thing.

    3. I think there’s not much we can do about them airing episodes later than real life but I do wish they could stop writing the descriptions like it’s such a surprise. It’s fully to me how they wrote “Will #4 finally be a boy?” Spoiler alert: nope, it’s another girl

  4. Can I buy this episode anywhere?? Amazon, YouTube?

  5. Preview above looks like a wild day in the Webster family. John and Alyssa seem to handle it well.

  6. I love that Michaela is truly pursing a nursing degree; but why did it take her this long?

    1. What kind of a question is that?

    2. She did it when the time was right for her, not some time chosen by random internet strangers.

    3. She finished the training quite awhile ago. These episodes are far behind real time.

    4. 6:01 She started nursing school in 2019, when she was 29 years old which is quite late to start nursing school by a lot of people’s standards. I think it’s obvious that it took her long because she was hoping to become a mother and subsequently a SAHM. I don’t think she would’ve pursued her degree if she hadn’t had fertility issues.

    5. My son was 34 before he finally settled on a 4 year degree as a cyber security engineer and just bought his first home, everyone has their own timing in life. I know people in their 80's who went back to school. Never too late!

    6. 11:12- You seem to imply there’s a problem with her decision. I’ve known plenty of people who make career decisions later in life. If Michael’s infertility played a part in that, so what?

    7. @ 11:12 From what I understand, Michael finished her LPN program in about a year. Whatever reasons she may have had for delaying until she was 29, what difference does it make? Sometimes life throws us curveballs and we find ourselves having to adjust and make different plans. If she had her heart set on being a SAHM and it didn't work out, I think she should be commended for moving on with her life and pursuing a career. Did you expect her to sit around at home wallowing in self-pity? Your passive aggressive comment suggests a lack of understanding and compassion.

    8. Take so long to finish? Or to start? In America you can go to school at practically any age. Train in something new or for the first time. Sometimes there is waiting for a spot in the program or having to take a semester or two to get prerequisites done. If you relocate to another state there can be a delay as well cause different states have different accreditation process or perhaps classes didn’t transfer properly and have to be retaken.

    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  8. We are going to celebrate the new season by eating chili dogs or cincinnati chili or chili spaghetti. I know that season 10 will be filled with excitement, laughter, fun and sad times. My parents & I really can't wait for April 8th season 10 of bringing up bates. Natasha b

  9. Love the show! Thank you for sharing your lives with us! God bless!

  10. Can I view bringing up the Bates in the UK

  11. That warehouse is a mess!

    1. No, it's not. The clothes are stacked on shelves, sorted by each product. Their table is obviously being actively used for work. They said they are bursting at the seams and obviously don't have a lot of space. But it's not "a mess."


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