
Thursday, May 20, 2021

'A DIY Date and a Delivery Date' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "A DIY Date and a Delivery Date"

  • Erin, Chad, Tori, and Bobby are on a getaway in Gatlinburg. The trip was a Christmas gift from Kelly. They do a date night at Board and Brush, a craft place owned by a husband and wife team. “Tori, she doesn’t like to do anything out of her comfort zone, so the whole time at Board and Brush, she’s like, ‘Can you just do it? Can you just do my project for me?’” says Erin.
  • Chad talks to Bobby about being a girl dad, as Charlotte is due in about 21 weeks. “A little girl is just going to totally capture his heart,” says Tori.
  • The completed wooden signs look great. Chad’s says “Paine: Always Exploring, Since 2013” with a picture of an RV. Erin’s says “The Paines: Welcome.” Tori’s has her’s and Bobby’s initials (BTS). And Bobby’s says “Bobby and Tori Smith: Est 2017.”
  • Meanwhile, Josie and Katie do a style shoot at the wedding venue Castleton Farms, which is where Carlin got married. This shoot will be featured in bridal magazines.
  • Later, Michael and Brandon bring lasagna and homemade bread over for dinner at Zach and Whitney’s. The boutique is overflowing into Zach and Whitney’s house again, so they are very ready for the new storefront space to open up. Michael, who is now done with school, is planning on volunteering at the children’s hospital until she decides where she wants to work permanently.
  • In Clermont, Alyssa and John help the girls pack their overnight bags. All the outfits are organized in individual plastic bags. “Alyssa really is just one of the most together people that I know,” says Kelly.
  • Soon, Alyssa goes into labor. She and John drop the girls off at people's houses so they can focus on the delivery. With her previous three labors, Alyssa gave birth five to eight hours after the start of labor. This time, she takes longer to progress.
  • After spending the day walking and doing exercises, Alyssa is admitted into the hospital. She gets an epidural, and Maci arrives quickly.
  • “I am super excited to have Maci now join our little girl squad,” says John.
  • When the Websters are released from the hospital, Gil, Kelly, and Callie meet them back at their house, with gifts and food. “It’s hard for us really to believe how good God has been,” says Kelly. “Maci’s safe, and Alyssa’s healthy, and we’re just so grateful.”


  1. Time 9:55PM Thurs 5/20/21
    Great recap.

  2. It was a wise decision for Alyssa to have a hospital birth. She looks great and the baby is adorable.
    Such a sweet family. New topic... are big tangerine colored cheeks in vogue now?!?
    Another new topic...I miss seeing the Bate’s big house in the shows each week and especially more of Gil, Kelly, the younger kids and older boys and girlfriends. Actually, an hour show would be just right!

      Someone on the show had big orange cheeks?

    2. Who has big tangerine colored cheeks?

  3. I hope Tori ventures outside her box more - I've found myself doing all kinds of new things this past year and been surprised to find myself doing and liking things I never knew I could enjoy because I had always preferred my box.

  4. If this program was one hour, they would simply add more commercials and too many recaps. We would not see another 15 minutes of new content. Keep the 30 minutes and cut the fat out of it.

  5. I enjoyed the show. I wished it was an hour long. I cannot wait for part B to start of season 10. Natasha b

  6. Interestingly, no more Bible time in the living room, children learning or big family trips. All about making money with various enterprises, over the top weddings and babies. Even Michaela; as a now nursing graduate can’t even make up her mind where she’d like to work! My guess is she will never work as a nurse.

    1. I sadly feeling the same way about Michaela. She needs to make up her mind!

    2. After I finished nursing school I was so happy to find a job. After all the hard work why would she want to volunteer. She could work casual in a hospital & work in a variety of different areas to see which ones she likes best but she should have been exposed to different areas by now to know which she prefers. It's important to keep up your skills.

    3. Such a negative comment. I don't remember what episodes the bates did bible time, that's usually the duggars. The reason they probably cover what they cover is because the majority want to see that content. If they did show more of what suggest than someone like you will complain they don't show enough updates about the adults. One last thought, you do realize the show happened quite a while ago. Maybe Michaela has a job, maybe she's not in a hurry to take a position. The last episode she mentioned volunteering.

    4. When Michaela started her college studies in nursing, covid was not in the picture. Maybe she is concerned about working with covid patients and the possibility of getting it herself and spreading it to family members and nieces and nephews?

    5. I was surprised to hear that she's not actually working as a nurse. It's too bad, as there's such a shortage of health care workers now. Hopefully as a volunteer, she'll quickly figure out what field appeals to her.

    6. I think something else is going on. If Michaela was simply indecisive, she'd try one field (pediatrics for example) and move onto another if she didn't like it. But to simply not work. . . that's very odd.

  7. I'm not able to see the show but the recaps are nice. I understand Tori not wanting to step out of her comfort zone when it comes to trying something new. I'm trying a new sewing project and honestly I want someone else to do it for me. But I'm going to do it because I know once it's finished, I'll want to try it again. I hope Tori was pleased with her work.

    1. Good for you, Regina! I hope you enjoy it once you've gone through the learning process.

    2. I watch old reruns daily..
      She never wants to do ANYTHING herself!

    3. 6:31, I wonder if she lacks confidence.

    4. Some people are not adventurous in life and that's o.k. It's a better world for us all to be ourselves instead of conforming.

    5. 5:59, I agree that it is ok to be ourselves, but sometimes it's good for us to get out of our comfort zones too. We can learn new things about ourselves, about others, about the world around us.

  8. Michaela really just wants to be a wife and stay at home mom. Period. I sometimes think she only went to nursing school to help keep her mind off her fertility problem. I don’t think she shows the passion most people feel when they finish their education and can actually do what they’ve dreamed of doing and for which they have trained.

    1. Well said. Most people can't wait to get a job in their chosen field & with the shortage of nurses she would have no problem getting a job.


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