
Monday, May 24, 2021

Another Bates Son Engaged

Stop the press. The Bates just made a huge announcement. Almost eight years after Zach's proposal to Whitney, a second Bates son is officially engaged. Nathan asked Esther Keyes, his girlfriend of one year, to marry him, and she said yes. The proposal took place near Alyssa's home in Florida on May 22. She helped decorate, as did Gil, Kelly, Carlin, Evan, and Layla.

You can find all the exciting details on Fox News.

Nathan Bates and Esther Keyes

Photo courtesy of @natebates93


  1. Omg! Finally another bates boy engaged! So happy for them! When will it be on up?

  2. Congratulations to Nathan and Esther on your Engagement!!!!!! May God Richly Bless you TWO:O)))) Nancy from,Iowa

  3. Nathan was sweet to put so much thought into that proposal! However, I would be just as happy if my fiance proposed to me in a Walmart parking lot lol

    1. Love your comment!

    2. @10:17. I SO agree!

    3. My husband proposed in his truck bed in an airport parking lot. Brought out his Bible and went through around 7 verses he’d picked out regarding marriage. He gave me a dainty diamond band ring- exactly what I wanted. I’m writing all this a year and a half later with our 6 week old in my arms!

      So here’s to parking lot proposals! <3

    4. I think it was UPtv that was sweet.

    5. Aw, 2:19. Thanks for sharing your story!

    6. I love at how much thought and romance is put into these kids proposals. My husband proposed to me outside beside a man made lake, in the dead of winter on a park bench while we were talking about what our dreams for the future would be. He just said will you marry me-no ring no fanfare. 21 years later here we are. Love is the most important thing. I am so happy for all these kids. They truly have found their life's partners

  4. Wonderful, congratulations!

  5. Congratulations Nate and Esther!! You seem to be a super sweet couple. So happy for you. Can't wait to see your wedding. All the best.

  6. CONGRATULATIONS Nathan and Esther.

  7. I find it weird that Fox News would have the exclusive on a reality tv star’s news. I thought those went to entertainment magazines and tabloids.

    1. I guess it's better than announcing to a tabloid.

    2. Fox News is a tabloid.

    3. Narhan is pretty private about his life to the major media outlets like People magazine or US magazine. Even his courtship was not announced to a major magazine and not just a few weeks but months after he started courting Esther.

    4. Fox News is not a tabloid.🙄

  8. This is the most wonderful news!! Congratulations to the happy couple. They are a beautiful couple.

  9. Oh, I'm so happy to hear this wonderful news! Nathan has always seemed to be such a tender-hearted guy, very caring and thoughtful. He absolutely lit up on the episode where he was talking about Esther! I'm sure she must be a very special lady and they will make a great couple. I wish them God's blessings and a joyful time as they plan and look forward to their life together!

  10. Congratulations and how exciting!

  11. Sounds like he put a lot of thought into making it special for her! I used to have a boyfriend who would plan surprises like that for me, not engagement, but special dates, and I appreciated his thoughtfulness so much. It made me feel very special. Ultimately we split up for other reasons, but it was something I appreciated about him.

  12. Dear Gil and Kelly, I can't wait to see Nathan and Esther's courtship, engagement, wedding and honeymoon on Bringing up Bates possibly season 11. Natasha b

  13. Time 3:33PM Mon 5/24/21
    Congrats to the wonderful couple
    2nd Bates son to get engaged
    Zach was the first 8 years ago.
    Love the engagement photo.

  14. Wow—-over the top!

  15. Congratulations to Nathan and Esther!

  16. Very exciting. So happy for Nathan, that he found his true love. Much happiness to them both❤️

  17. Congratulations! Beautiful Ring!!

  18. Congratulations to Nathan and Esther! They seem like such a sweet couple❤️

  19. Oh my gosh! Finally I've been waiting for this for so long. Congratulations Nathan and Esther, God bless you and give you a very big and happy family! Can't wait for the wedding !

  20. I have to admit that the lavish lifestyle this family is living has surprised me. Their roots were simple and wholesome, but nowadays everything is expensive and fancy.

    1. They’ve earned it being a reality tv show.

  21. Over the top; but happy for them. Hey Nathan…uh the suit.

    1. Lol. That caught my eye as well. Not a good choice for him, that light colored checky stuff. He would’ve looked a little slimmer in a dark suit.

  22. Beautiful setting and girl; but that suit.

  23. congratulations to the two of you!

  24. Congratulations Nathan & Esther!!

  25. Congratulations! So thrilled to see what the Lord has done. So excited for you both to see how He works through the two of you as a couple. Much happiness!

  26. Congratulations to Nathan and Esther. So what is happening with Lawson and his girlfriend? Nothing has been said about them for some time.

  27. Congratulations and wishing you both a life of love and joy 🎉🎉💕💞

  28. Please don't act shocked not a suprise. This is how they do it.

  29. Are you implying that Lawson is engaged?

    1. No, they are stating that Nathan is engaged.

  30. Congratulations! Your joy is contagious! What a special couple you are. Blessings to you as you take this next journey together.

  31. Congratulations Nathan & Esther!

  32. How exciting! So happy for Nathan and Esther 😀. Congratulations!!

  33. O my goodness!!! Congratulations.!! 🎉🎈🎊

  34. Congratulations. All the best to the happy couple.

  35. That's awesome! You guys make a great couple :D

  36. Congratulations,I must say in this photo Esther looks like a female version of Nathan they look so alike, so do some of the other couples in the family,probably means they are confident with their looks and like what they see in the mirror and that's why they choose a partner that looks like them,not calling them vain just preference, and it's easier to guess they will be interested back and say yes when asked to court, lol!

    1. They look like they could be twins! It's kind of eerie.

    2. Huh. I compared each of their features and none were alike.

    3. I don’t see what you are seeing. They look nothing alike.

    4. I think Nathan and his sister Erin look like twins! It freaks me out how identical they are!!!!!

  37. Congratulations to them!

  38. So excited for Nathan and Esther! I am going to guess a September or October wedding for them.

  39. Wonderful news!! I am so happy for Nathan. May God bless their marriage.

  40. Congratulations! I am so happy for you and hope that you get married soon, and have a big happy family and happy marriage. -Charlotte Mason

  41. YAY! So happy for them! So two weddings this year! And hopefully Lawson and Tiffany will get engaged soon too

    1. Yes I think they will get engaged this year too, but after Nathan and Esther's wedding, since I don't think they will when there are already two couples engaged. And yes I think Nathan and Esther's wedding will take place earlier than Katie and Travis'

    2. Thinking that Lawson needs a paying career/job before he gets engaged! Needs to be able to support a wife and a future family

    3. @9:33-he seems to be doing just fine!

  42. Yes, congratulations to them but I hope they know one another. With all of these 'trips' taken together, were they traveling by themselves or did their whole families have to go with them? If so, they were chaperoned and they don't know each other. BTW, her hair looks much better with her natural color. Blonde doesn't suit her at all.

    1. I like her blond hair!

    2. A congrats without nosy questions seems to suit all of us.

    3. This girl is gorgeous. You must be jealous.

  43. Congrats Nathan and Esther. Finally another Bates boy getting married after 6 (soon to be 7) girls. Can't wait to see what day you two will wed (this Fall before Katie and Travis,this Winter 2022 after them or even better,a double wedding at Christmas time?) Hope you two will be happy for the rest of your lives whether you both choose to live in Tennessee or in another state (maybe Arkansas where the Duggar family lives and Nathan is frequently for flying). H.P. from Colorado

  44. Esther is a very beautiful young woman. And Nathan is handsome. They make a lovely couple.

  45. So happy for them!

  46. Hopefully both engaged couples will have babies next year!

  47. I am, soooooo happy that U are happy, I love U 2!!!!!

  48. Congratulations Nathan and Esther
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  49. 1 more thing, that green dress is super wonderfully beautiful, The Bates woman really know how to dress!!!!! The Best Wedding dress I've ever seen was Tori's Dress!!!! I've seen ever episode of 'Say Yes to The Dress', I love U 47!!!!!

  50. What are their ages and does Esther have a job? BTW, does NATHAN have a job besides helping out in the tree business. You can only divide the fee so many ways to actually live on that income.

    1. You must not ACTUALLY watch the show or you would know each member makes mega bucks from the show, PLUS he is a flight instructor, commercial as well. This family besides the show income are entrepreneur oriented people! Also a missionary focus.

    2. Nathan is 27 and Esther 23

    3. So many flight instructors in these IBLP families... That's odd !

    4. How is a cable station paying them “mega bucks” for being on this show?? They’ve paid for them to go on some nice trips, but I very highly doubt that anyone is being paid a lot! Have you noticed the condition of the couches in the Bates family home? Guessing money is tight with them. Only a few of the kids own their own homes. Alyssa and Carlin are earning money with their YouTube channels. I’d be interested to know what Lawson does for an income? If he’s seriously thinking about engagement and marriage, thinking he needs to secure a steady job. Think he’d be a great music minister in a church!

  51. Does anyone know about Esther other than where she is from? Education? Possible career or work? Siblings? Age?

  52. Congratulations Esther and Nathen!!!!!

  53. What does Lawson do for a living? He's mentioned working in the Philippines for some medical association but is that volunteering or paid, qualified work ?

  54. Lovely news congratulations to Nathan and Esther

  55. Lovely news congratulations to Nathan and Esther

  56. Congratulations to Nate and Esther. Finally another son getting married.


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