
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Does it Get Easier After 4?

Kelly Bates and Gil Bates

Gil Bates: "I've always said, it gets easier after four."

Kelly Bates: "This is coming from the man who was out doing trees every day!"

This week on a new episode of Bringing Up Bates, Alyssa and John Webster are preparing for Maci Jo Webster, who will soon arrive and make them a family of six. They admit that even after having three children, they are still struggling to prepare all all the baby items (video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. I liked that Kelly opposed Gil (rightfully) in the video. That is something you wouldn’t see with the Duggars.

    1. Absolutely!! And she did it in a kind, lighthearted way too. Women can/should speak up for themselves :-)

    2. Kelly responded just right to Gil!!!
      Michelle Duggar would never have done the same!

  2. The baby has been born? Why is this posted so after the fact?

    1. 7:04PM: Because it's a preview for the episode that's on tonight.

    2. The show take months to film and edit. It isn’t a live show.

    3. Because the birth is going to be in the upcoming episode. We all know she has already been born!

  3. With all these Bates grandchildren being born and constant talk about pregnancies, how does Michaela stand it. I’m sure she tries her best to truly be happy for each niece/ parents/siblings, but it’s got to be heartbreaking for her. After all, she’s human with hopes and dreams. Maybe, one episode could focus on her and her accomplishments.

    1. Agreed! Not everything is about babies.

    2. Life is filled with challenges, heartbreak, loss and dashed dreams. One thing is certain, no one gets through it unscathed in one way or another. Michael appears to be a level-headed woman, who is moving on with her life. Give her and her husband some credit for being resilient. I’ve faced what they have and never expected anyone to feel sorry for me.

    3. The Keilens come across to me as quite reserved compared to the rest of the family. Maybe they prefer not to be the center of attention. Quite frankly, I admire that quality.

  4. Not about this post - But I can't get on to Ellie's personal blog anymore... it's asking for an email and password - is it private now? 💕

    1. Hi K. I believe her blog is up again. She had mentioned on the Duggar page she was considering ending it. She had temporarily taken it down while she was trying to decide.

  5. I am a firm believer in family planning, that no couple should be made to feel that it’s God’s will to leave the number up to a higher power. It appears from the show that the Bates have made it work for them. However, no one should be taking their cues from a TV family. Bringing children into the world is a huge responsibility and undertaking. Yes, they can bring so much joy and love. But I think these fundamentalist families miss something important when promoting no birth control- as a parent, you should be a blessing to your children and not go into it expecting it to be the other way around. After all, the kids had no say in whether or not they are born. It’s on YOU.

    1. I'm sure the kids are very happy they were born, they're wanting for nothing including love, fun and attention, yes I know many have kids and not take parenting seriously but that's with smaller families too, Gil and Kelly use the Bible to guide them in every aspect, they raise happy, respectful God fearing children, many people make decisions they later regret but I reckon if you have a good head on your shoulders you can do things right, and this family is a good example of that.

    2. Children ARE a blessing, inherently. And yes, all family members should seek to be a blessing to each other.

    3. I completely agree with you, Anon @ 5:37am. There is so much responsibility in having children. I believe in “quality over quantity”... parents (not just older siblings!) investing deeply in a smaller number of children. Truly knowing them and spending time with them. I’m not saying that large families can never accomplish this sort of parenting, but it seems quite difficult in many circumstances.

    4. @10:27 I think the point is that family planning and birth control should be a personal decision, not one made by church doctrine. While the Bates may be fine parents and their kids are happy, there are plenty who are unfit, both inside and outside of their church. It makes no sense that they should be intimidated into believing it's God's will for them to have as many children as possible.

    5. @1:07 Food is a blessing as well. However, too much of it isn't a good thing! Even the Bible says gluttony is a sin.

    6. 6:26, if you are going to bring up Bible verses, then don't ignore the one about how children are like arrows, and the man who has his quiver FULL of them is blessed. There is no Bible verse that says you can have a "gluttonous" amount of children. Nice try, though.

  6. Such a dad thing to say 🤣🤣


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