
Friday, May 14, 2021

Katie's Wedding Month Announced

Since their engagement in early April, Katie Bates and Travis Clark have been in full-on wedding planning mode. Fans have been wondering when the couple will tie the knot, so you all will be thrilled to know that the announcement has been made. The wedding is in December! 

Katie and Travis will have an eight-month engagement, the same as Carlin and Evan. When she becomes Mrs. Clark, Katie will move to New Jersey, where Travis is busy renovating a one-story house.

Travis Clark and Katie Bates

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. MO- Best wishes... I knew this couple would not be living near her parents. :o)

    1. The only one who moved away and didn’t move back is Alyssa. New Jersey is a whole different culture than Tennessee. Wouldn’t surprise me if Travis suddenly feels “called” to live in Tennessee within a year.

    2. MO- We'll see but I don't think so. :o)

    3. 7:38. You could not be more correct. I'm afraid Katie will have a very difficult time adjusting. I've lived in NJ my entire life and have family in Eastern TN (NJ transplant). I've visited a few times and the difference is like night and day. NJ has a very fast-paced lifestyle and people are much more direct in the way they communicate, sometimes to the point of rudeness. Also, most people in NJ are not religious at all and being a stay-at-home mom is looked down upon in many circles. Education and career are often prioritized over family and many women do not have kids until they are in their late 30s or early 40s. My family member is actually moving back to NJ later this year. He misses it.

    4. NJ sounds very judgmental.

    5. 8:05. I lived in New Jersey too. I’m from the Mid-West but have also lived many years in the South. The difference between NJ and the South is huge. Let’s just say girls are definitely not taught to “be sweet” in NJ!!

    6. I’m 8:05. I completely agree with the 3:00 poster. I was raised to be polite and kind, but also to be assertive and stand up for myself and those around me. Being “sweet and meek” is not part of my vocabulary! Jersey Strong and Jersey Tough are very real concepts that many New Jerseyans abide by and are very proud of.

    7. 7:38, Travis is literally from New Jersey

    8. 3:51 - Bobby, Chad, and Brandon are from other states but all relocated to TN.

  2. What is their income going to be? Isn't he in school?

    1. He mentioned in one of the shows that he was on the fast track with school and could be done by December, so makes sense that they’re waiting until then to get married.

    2. None of your business. Just because they are on TV doesn't mean you need to know that.

    3. He stated in one of the previous episodes that the soonest he could be done was December, so probably why they picked December to get married

    4. I thought it was rude to ask about peoples' incomes. Or were you asking what his job is?

    5. People hold jobs while they're in school ALL the time.

    6. Does anyone know what he is studying in school? I’m guessing theology?

    7. Why don't people realize that they make money doing the show, probably good money at that. How much money do you make, what's your job, do you get benefits, vacation time? Sounds rude of me to ask right. Think about it.

    8. 7:05, it sounds rude because it is rude! People think they are entitled to have their nosy questions answered just because the family chooses to share part of their lives with us. They have every right to pick and choose what they want others to know.

    9. The question is not what “they” or “she” makes for an income; the question is what is his income? Or his potential post graduate income?

    10. Katie can work as well. She has trained/studied to do hair. She can help with the income.

    11. Travis is in a family music group. They do appearance and albums so he probably has a little. I think in one show he talked about having a job right away out of school, maybe a family business? Not sure but he did talk about having his plans laid out.

  3. I was expecting a shorter engagement and thought probably August for the wedding. However, they are following Carlin and Evan with the longer courtship and longer engagement.

    1. I don't think they decided to follow anyone with their courtship and engagement, it was probably because of school and other things

  4. Oh, a Christmas time wedding! How sweet!

    1. The decor and colors of the wedding usually depend on the season. I am excited the see what colors Katie will choose. Will it be red or green for Christmas or something different.

  5. Honestly, I don't believe they'll marry in December. I recall her saying the wedding will be earlier than we're expecting

    1. Yea, something tells me that they won’t manage to wait that long!! And besides who really wants their wedding in December??? Christmas and anniversary so close together??

    2. I don’t think they would lie about when they are getting married!

    3. Gil and Kelly got married in December. As did Zach & Whitney and Tori & Bobby. A lot of people get married in December!

    4. If that’s when Travis is finishing school, makes sense. Several other Bates family members have December anniversaries as well

    5. It'd possible they lie about the date so they surprise people so they can keep the date secret and photos aren't all over the internet

    6. 6:22...A few of the Duggars have to throw people off the trail.

    7. Zack& Whitney,Tori&Bobby, and Gil&Kelly got married in December

  6. What about a real job and college?

    1. He will be graduating from college in December. Katie already has her degree. She will likely look for a job once she moves there. It seems ridiculous for you to think that they were getting married and not be able to support themselves.

    2. He’s finishing school in December, she has a cosmetology license

    3. Thank you! I was thinking the same thing.

    4. Haha-Katie will be looking for a job?! Doubtful. She will be looking to be pregnant!

    5. I imagine they will get income from Travis's singing career with his family and Katie being a cosmetologist and they probably will start a YouTube channel and vlog their lives like Carlin and Alyssa do.

    6. Whitney, Erin and Carlin all have children and yet they work, Bates Sister Boutique. It's possible they could have another family member homeschooling their kids.

    7. Tory was teaching them, she did graduate with a degree in elementary education. Don’t know if she still does.

  7. 10:50am Why does it matter You are NOT supporting them

  8. What a blessing. Congratulations Katie and Travis!! :)

  9. She's in a for a huge culture shock when she moves to NJ! I hope she likes it.

    1. I was thinking the same thing! I live in NJ...not only will it be a culture shock but traffic is CRAZY in NJ! I know it was mentioned that Katie is not the best makes me nervous for her.

    2. Does anyone know where in NJ? I lived in Franklin Lakes. Big, big difference than Tennessee!!

    3. 3:02 - Ocean City

    4. Really? Ocean City is not exactly the conservative community…interesting!

  10. I wonder if the wedding will be in a church or a different venue.

  11. I hope Travis will take her to the shore! Jersey has the most beautiful beaches!

    1. Yes it does! I can't wait to go to the shore this summer.

  12. I know it’s none of my business but I can’t help wonder where Travis got the money to buy a house? Does he have a job?

    1. Travis and his family go on singing tours if I’m not mistaken. That sounds like a good income. They definitely seem like a well to do family

    2. Lol you dont make any money singing unless you are really famous!

  13. I can’t imagine holding a wedding in December AND celebrating Christmas!!! My head would be spinning!!!

    1. So many people get married near Christmas. Three Bates couples already have.

    2. My son married at the end of December a few years ago. It was a lovely wedding, in a modernized rustic barn/farm setting. There was a light snow falling and it was magical. We didn't have a problem with making Christiams special, too. Planning a wedding can be stressful no matter when you have it!

  14. I feel Katie and Travis are delaying, so that Nathan and his soon-to-be fiancee can get married first

    1. They’re waiting until December because that’s when he’s finishing school!

    2. Why would you think that? I’m pretty sure each couple just gets married when the time is right for them

    3. They aren't engaged yet? For some reason I thought they already were (Nathan and Esther). Too many to keep track of, lol!

    4. Travis’ brother is engaged and getting married in August. That’s probably why they’re delaying.

  15. Congratulations Katie and Travis. I would ♥️ love to see Katie & Travis's full story on bringing up bates. I really ♥️ love the show. Natasha b

  16. Wish the episodes were an hour long, they are so good. Another daughter that will be far from home. I see lots of trips to New Jersey in the future.

    1. I hope Travis can trim trees or find a trade suitable to the Bates family’s needs. Katie will not be far from home for long. Remember Tori living away from family. Remember Michael living away from family. It doesn’t last long. I can’t figure out how these women find guys who will always move to accommodate their wives. Don’t they have any respect for their husbands desires? I felt sorry for Bobby. He seemed lost and a bit sad when they moved back and he was no longer a minister as he wanted. I remember Gil asking Bobby if he wanted to help at Gil’s church. I hope Bobby does find ways to use his passion for ministry.

    2. Maybe gor the extra money of the show

  17. Yay, seems plans are moving along.

  18. God bless y’all both & ur families..So happy about ur futures together.. As long as the LORD is #1 u will both go far together.. Love y’all..❤️ 😇

  19. Yes, the "calling" Travis will hear to move to Tennessee will be Kelly nagging him to do so.
    Does Travis live in rural NJ or in a larger city there?

    1. MO- I think it would be a bigger adjustment for Travis to move to Tennessee than for Katie to move to NJ. Travis sings with his family (just like Evan) and it looks like he lives a pretty nice life. Moving to Rocky Top might not be his cup of tea- And Katie can enjoy the city life with his family. They travel all the time now so I'm sure they'll be visiting Rocky Top a lot for the show. :o)

  20. Oh wow a December wedding. I was expecting a summer wedding in July or August in Florida since that is where they got engaged and Katie got her wedding dress. But a December wedding,how unexpected? This will be the fourth Bates family member to be married in December (As Gil and Kelly,Zach and Whitney,and Tori and Bobby are all married in that month). So now that we know when the wedding will be,is this going to be a Christmas wedding on December 25th,Christmas Day since the holiday lands on a Saturday this year? Time will tell. Can't wait for Katie and Travis to tie the knot this holiday season and see if they are getting married on Christmas, if the colors will be red and green,if the wedding will be indoors or outdoors, if it is in Florida or Tennessee, and who is in their wedding party (so far I know Carlin,Josie,and I think Alyssa from what Carlin and Evan's recent vlog on YouTube hinted). H.P. from Colorado

  21. So exciting and pretty and Winter/Christmas wedding, CONGRATS TO THE NEWLY ENGAGED COUPLE 🤗

  22. I may be in the minority here but a December wedding can be a very smart move depending upon where the wedding is held. Many places have beautiful Christmas decorations and that can save a young couple money if they don’t have to do a lot of decorating. A dear friend of mine married her hubby in December because he was going off to seminary in January and they would be far apart if they didn’t get married. Their church was decorated beautifully for Christmas so very little decoration was needed. They used the money they saved to pay for seminary and now the husband is a pastor.

  23. Travis is from Berlin N.J. and his family "The Clarks" sing contemporary gospel music.

  24. I’ve read many of these comments. I live in NJ and am raising a family here. It is where God has us. It is challenging at times, but how can we evangelize if we are only with people who agree with us. God has called some of us to live “in the world” so that we can learn to live all of His children: the homeless, those struggling with addictions and same sex attraction. We are the Church Militant and we are in a battle for souls. It is not easy, but Heaven is our goal!


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