
Sunday, May 30, 2021

Keilens Take a Walk

Brandon Keilen and Michael Keilen

It has been quite some time since we've shared a new photo of Michael and Brandon Keilen. We thought that a picture of them would make for a nice Sunday afternoon post. The Keilens will celebrate six years of marriage in August.


Photo courtesy of


  1. Out of all the adult Bates kids; these two seem the quietest. And why is Michaela volunteering at a hospital instead of working? Why wasn’t she giving thought to where she’d like to work as a nurse before graduating???

    1. I was wondering the exact same thing!

    2. You presume to know what thoughts she did or didn't have before she graduated.

    3. You've got so many questions on things that don't concern you. You should have some faith on other people's choices and decisions.

    4. Volunteering in the medical field can get your foot in the door to where you really want to work, just like working PRN (like a sub.)

    5. To the previous comment.......It is admirable to volunteer! Michaela is smart to explore work options and take her time in deciding where she wants to work. She is also busy with other things. It is so easy to live someone's life for them......let's allow sweet Michaela live her life in peace. No judgement here. Maybe you should consider the same. Wising Michaela and Brandon much happiness.

    6. i’m more curious why michaela, as a 30 year old woman, calls her dad “daddy” 🥴

    7. @9:14- read my post; I was not presuming to know her thoughts; but wondering if she had any on where she’d like to practice nursing.
      @2:05-Id have faith on her decisions if she came from a different family that upon graduating went into their choice of career.
      @3:15-most nursing graduates do not have the luxury of working for free to figure out their path! They need an income immediately!
      @6:30 Volunteering certainly is honorable; but as I said above most nursing grads do not have the luxury of working for free while they figure out their path.
      So, let’s see if Michaela ever works as a paid nurse.

    8. June 1 @ 8:30
      I'm 60 years old and still call my father "daddy." He loves it and it's a term of endearment. It's also a common term in certain areas of the U.S. Besides, why judge something that doesn't affect you?

    9. 8:30 -- My mom and aunt are in their 80s and still refer to their (deceased) father as "Daddy." Get a grip.

    10. 5:08, you actually asked why she wasn't thinking about it during school - that's presuming to know she did not think about it.

    11. @5:08-exactly -she did not think clearly about post grad plans! Very unusual!

    12. 3:08, we don't know that she didn't think clearly. Maybe she came to the conclusion that she just wanted to volunteer for now. We have zero knowledge of her thought process, so it's kind of pointless to discuss it.

  2. I love these two and I pray to God he sends her some children of her own!

    1. It took my son and wife eleven years before our miracle grandbaby was born. The mom has endometriosis and one ovary. God still works miracles.

    2. We don't have to have children to be complete. Maybe God has different plans for her. She is not less because she has no children. They could adopt but I don't know if they want to.

    3. 11:59 I could never have biological children. I always hated it when people would say God works miracles and proceeded to tell a personal miracle story. It was not reassuring at all. I don’t think God only allows wondrous things to happen to certain people. Life is a crap shoot, any way you look at it.

    4. 11:59, that's awesome!

  3. Thank you for sharing this nice photo. I love Brandon & Michael and always wish we could see more of them. My guess is they probably like more privacy which I would certainly understand because I'm more of a private person myself. But they are just such a sweet, special couple and I always enjoy posts about them. Blessings to them and to all the Bates family!

  4. What a great photo! Thanks so much for sharing it 😀.

  5. Such a sweet, beautiful, devoted couple. Wishing them many blessings!

  6. You are both so sweet! I love seeing new pictures of you both!

  7. Is Brandon still working for IBLP or strictly writing?

  8. I think Michaela would be happy if she got a job and became busy with work. There is a pride you get when you work at a job, make friends there, do good work, and help others. The best way to decide what type of nursing to do is to try out different jobs.

    1. What an insulting thing to say to a SAHW. There is satisfaction in keeping your house well, reaching out to others in your family or community who have needs (which you can actually have more time for if you don't have a job), and make friends (again, you have more time for that too).

    2. How do you know she’s not happy? Funny how some people are so interested in figuring out what others should do with their lives.

    3. What makes you think she's not happy with what she is currently doing?

    4. @2:13-totally agree! I kind of think she is very dependent on Brandon for conversation, direction and entertainment. A structured work plan would provide her with more confidence and purpose! It would help her shine even more!

    5. I've been a professional and also a SAHW and SAHM. I greatly prefer the SAHW and SAHM jobs. (And they are jobs.) MUCH more rewarding.

    6. I don't think some commenters actually watch the show. Michaela talked about her sewing business that she's been running for over 6 years, and how it was on the back burner while she was in school. She's not sitting around twiddling her thumbs.

    7. I think you're selling volunteerism short. One can stay quite busy by volunteering. You can also make friends, do good work, and help others. There's also the real possibility that Michael will be able to find an area of nursing that most appeals to her. Whatever her motivations or choices, I think she should be allowed to make her own decisions without criticism from strangers. What she thinks is what matters, no?

    8. I just guessing, of course, but since “hope springs eternal,” I’m guessing Michael had hoped she’d be pregnant by the time she finished nursing school. It’s similar to Tori, except after her education she got married then pregnant, so she never really taught as a career. Being a mom is what Michael really wants to do with her life - hence the difficulty committing to a nursing path. There is nothing wrong with that. But I’m glad she is at least volunteering. Too much time to think about not getting pregnant isn’t so good.

    9. Tori and Bobby got married in mid December like her parents, and like her parents didn't wait til after graduation (college) to marry. She graduated the following May and was pregnant with Kade. They just aired them getting married and today,6/2/21, aired Kade's birth episode Nov 2018 so he's about 2 1/2 now.

    10. @9:18 IMO, you're not doing yourself any favors by being a SAHW indefinitely. While it can be rewarding and fulfilling to volunteer and keep house, the reality is there's no paycheck and no money to put towards retirement. Maybe the Keilens are in a great financial position because of the show, so it's not essential that Michael work outside the home. But for the average woman, she can't bank on a TV show or that her husband can support her indefinitely. I can't fathom having stayed home my entire married life, with no income, no pension, and no way to support myself should the worst happen. And believe me, the worst does happen, as I found out when my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

    11. Exactly! Actually work in the field and you or the hospital/clinic/medical office will place you in a position or department; it’s not your decision!

  9. Michael is very pretty, but I’d love to see her with a new hairstyle and to change up her wardrobe. She’s looked the same since the show has started. Change is good!

    1. Change can be good, but looking the way you choose to look rather than feeling like you have to conform to other peoples' opinions is good.

    2. Maybe she likes the way she looks.

    3. Do you walk up to people and tell them that they need to "change" up their look? How someone chooses to style their hair or make wardrobe decisions is a matter of personal preferences. Minding one's own business unless asked for an opinion is GOOD!

    4. She has the most BEAUTIFUL hair of anyone in the family!! I've ALWAYS admired it! It's SO thick and moves as if it were a cape! This year is the 4th year since my last haircut (short shag style) not counting trimming the ends and it's still about 6 in above my waist in the back! Mine is fine hair so nwver will be as beautiful and full as Michaela's. It takes a long time to grow hair long!

  10. Yall are such a sweet talented couple. I am always blessed by watching your family. Good shows like yours are hard to find. I laugh with yall and I cry with yall and I pray for yall. Many blessings for what God brings to you all.

  11. They are sweet talented and kind... adorable too🥰🥰

  12. To Anonymous 2:13: Perhaps Michaela gets pride from helping others without expecting/needing/wanting a salary. I think it takes courage to volunteer and volunteers are certainly needed. She is just such a giving person and it doesn't surprise me that she is volunteering. And, she is beautiful just the way she is; perhaps she and Brandon like her hair and wardrobe just as they are.

    1. @4:31 if what you observe is true; it means she has the luxury of being financially well off and can volunteer without worrying about paying bills!


    3. 3:05, you don't know how frugally they might be living. Families can sometimes find ways to make ends meet without the wife having to work.


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