
Sunday, May 9, 2021

Prayers for Kelly

We want to wish our readers and all the Bates moms a Happy Mother's Day! We know the Bates family would appreciate prayers for Kelly. She is having pain in her esophagus, and doctors are trying to find a solution. 

Update: Kelly was released from the hospital and is back home taking it easy. 

Trace Bates and Kelly Bates

Photo courtesy of @tracewbates


  1. I am so sorry to read this. Prayers being said for a quick solution and also for Kelly’s doctors.

  2. Sending prayers your way Kelly Jo, for you, your family, and the medical team caring for you.

  3. Prayers for Kelly said 🙏🙏

  4. Get well soon Kelly.. Happy Mother's Day!!

  5. Praying for answers and a quick recovery

  6. Happy Mothers day prayers coming up for you from Michigan

  7. Hope the drs can find you some relief quickly!!! Keeping you in my prayers!!! 💜

  8. Prayers for Kelly...may our great healer give complete healing, andthe doctors wisdom.

  9. Praying for you. Happy Mothers Day!

  10. Time 6:28PM Sun 5/9/21
    Feel bad Kelly Jo. Happy Mothers Day to the Bates family.

  11. Prayers for you Kelly, and Happy Mothers Day to you all.

  12. Oh NO!! Praying for you Kelly!🙏❤️
    In the hospital on Mother's Day 😞
    I know your husband and children made the day special for you anyway!! You are the BEST MOM! AMERICA'S MOM! I pray God deliver you quickly from this problem!!

  13. Prayers for Kelly, and happy Mothers day to you all.

  14. Hope it all goes well.

  15. My prayers for Kelly. She was doing so well too after her surgery. Awww, hope she feels better soon, breaks my heart that she has pain.

  16. Lifting Kelly up in prayer & praying for a complete & total healing in Jesus' name. Happy Mother's Day to Kelly & all of the moms!

  17. Praying for you, Kelly! 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

  18. Aw, hope there's a simple solution and that she's feeling better soon.

  19. Sending a prayers to Kelly

  20. I wonder if during Kelly surgery the might have hit something by her Esophagus. Went they put the breathing tube down her throat.

    That's what they the told me when I had surgery they said they were going to try not to hit my esophagus.

  21. I'll be praying for Kelly. I'll put her name on my prayer wall.

  22. I have a hiatal hernia in my esophagus that can be extremely painful, especially when aggravated.I picture it being like an ulcer. It can be treated, with medicine that coats the affected area, allowing it to heal. I pray Kelly has something treatable like this.

  23. Prayers for complete healing!!
    (Have they checked for EBV)

  24. Prayers for Kelly that the doctors find an answer and a speedy recovery for her.
    Marilyn, Joan and Marion

  25. Praying for Kelly, too! May her tests reveal something simple to treat and heal!

  26. Sorry to hear about Kelly. Hope the dr.'s can find a solution soon like medicine or even though its horrible,another surgery to repair the issue. H.P. from CO

  27. I hope she can soon recover and heal!

  28. Kelly, not saying I know what this could be, but just as a general suggestion for good health, eating raw food, which has lots of nutrients, is very good for you. As an example, a fruit smoothie in the mornings, using a high-speed blender, with strawberries and blueberries, or mango, together with raw spinach, and some nuts, such as walnuts or pecans is very healthful and good for you. Add some unsweetened vanilla almond milk (add sweetened, if you'd like) then some sort of ground flaxseed - I use one that has added nutrients. Have a nice raw salad in the evenings with your meal, and try to cut down on meat and dairy. Such a diet is delicious, and I really think it a very good way to help stay healthy. Praying your issue is nothing serious - you are one of my favorite TV people! God bless you!

    1. Anonymous May 11 @1:01 pm. Why don't you butt out quiet giving her things to eat. You need Meat and dairy to live they told me that at the hospital when I had that. They also told me not to drink smoothies.

  29. Lifting you up in Prayer for complete Healing Kelly. I know God has the right medical team treating you and that you'll be healed and back home soon. God Bless❤❤🙏🙏🙏

  30. Praying for you!🙏❤️


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