
Friday, May 7, 2021

Stewarts in Florida

Carlin Stewart and Layla Stewart

On Monday, Katie and a few of the Bates ladies went wedding dress shopping in Florida. Carlin and Layla ended up staying with Alyssa and John, and Evan was able to buy a cheap flight from Knoxville to join them yesterday. When you have a pool, which the Websters do at their new house, it isn't hard to convince family to visit!

Photo courtesy of @carlinbates98


  1. Hope they’re having fun! Carlin looks great in pants. Use sunscreen😄

    1. She looks a like more elegant in dresses and actually that outfit looks kinda weird overall.

    2. 11:01- it was a travel outfit, and it a perfectly normal outfit for that occasion. Why would she need to look elegant for traveling?

    3. You don’t need to look elegant while traveling. She looks comfortable, trendy and put together. She’s glowing...great look Carlin!

      On a side note...Ellie is there something going on with the Nashville wife blog? I can’t access it. The internet takes me to a place to login instead...

    4. Well, most people look more elegant in dresses. Her outfit looks nice and comfortable for traveling.

    5. It does not look good at all with off white pants and white shirt. She needs to either have a darker shirt with those pants or darker pants with that shirt, or both items the exact same colour. This looks so off colour

    6. 5:52 It's called the monochrome look and it's perfectly acceptable. I think she looks great!
      BTW 11:01, there's nothing "weird" about traveling comfortably. I remember we used to dress to the nines 50 years ago when traveling, but that's a thing of the past- I'm glad of it!

    7. Beige and white are worn together. She looks fine. And "off color" means something entirely different.

    8. What's the point of criticizing a young mothers outfit? First off she looks adorable, second, have you ever traveled with a baby? The fact that she made it with a smile is really all that matters!

    9. She looks really great -- casual, yet put together. Love the monochromatic look. A white t-shirt is classic with any color.

    10. I am not a fan of the white and almost white together.
      The pants are fine. The shirt is fine. They don’t look right together

  2. Hi.
    I love watching Bringing Up Bates its very cool show. Craig Culwell

  3. Sounds like a fun little vaca!

  4. I wish they have 1 hour shows instead of half our shows. Love your family

    1. M&M: Were I live I get full hour shows.

  5. It’s so nice that they got to have this extended visit!

  6. Good to hear Alyssa gets to have her siblings visit.
    It must be difficult to be far away from everyone.
    Best of luck to the Websters in their new lovely home.

  7. Do these people ever work?

    1. They work very hard. If you watch the show you know this.

    2. Why do people begrudge them the chance to travel? Why can't they live and let live?

  8. Ellie, is your Nashville Wife blog still up? I've been having trouble accessing it :(

    1. Thanks for checking in! I am considering deleting my NashvilleWife blog, but I am in the process of making the decision. I appreciate your support and readership :)


  9. Fun and fresh outfit perfect for traveling on a plane!

  10. Why go all the way to Florida for a wedding dress? Just curious

    1. Probably so they could visit Alyssa and have a girls beach trip at the same time. I thought it was sweet

    2. Because her sister lives there 🤷‍♀️ Get 2 birds with 1 stone. Visit your sister and shop in the same trip. And that way Alyssa can be more included in the wedding prep

    3. Because Florida is a “free state” and masks and other restrictions have been nixed by our Governor. It’s great breathing fresh air!!!

    4. It’s sad that you suggest Florida is a free state. It implies that the rest of the United States are not free. It’s also sad that people are so up in arms about wearing masks, when it is meant to protect not only you, but others around you.

      Just wondering, do you need to where your seat belt in Florida or can you get a ticket for not complying? I mean, it is for your safety and all. I’m guessing since you are anti-mask, you are also anti-seatbelt. Essentially since they are meant to both keep you safe.

    5. Seat belts are a proven way of saving lives. Mask studies have had mixed results as to efficacy.

  11. What happened to your personal blog?

  12. What ever happened to going to Miss Renees in Kentucky for a beautiful custom made wedding dress? Her stuff is gorgeous and classy.

  13. Since wedding dresses typically involve two follow up appointments, it doesn’t seem to make sense to do it in a different area.

    1. But she could have it altered back in TN.

  14. Does anyone know about the duffel bag … love love it where can I find it


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