
Sunday, May 16, 2021

Teaching Carson and Bradley

Chad Paine, Carson Paine, Bradley Bates

"Doing the boutique has...given us opportunity, as long as it's safe, for the kids to come over and kind of just hang out. We're trying to lay out something, but we're also trying to impart to them some construction 101."

-Chad Paine

In this web exclusive from Thursday's episode, Chad, Zach, and Evan (the Boutique husbands) make plans for the new storefront. Carson and Bradley join in on the fun, although they are most interested in blowing out the chalk lines that their dads are making (video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. I hope the girls can learn too. Kaci (5) is nearly as old as Carson (just turned 6) and I'm sure she'd think chalk lines are fun!

    1. Exactly. Girls can do construction too.

    2. Or maybe Chad and Zach wanted to have some father/son time, which is very beneficial for young boys. And they can have father/daughter time another time. Also very beneficial for their daughters.

    3. Do you think they're going to bar any of the girls from participating? If she showed an interest, they'd likely include her.

    4. LOL, the boys aren't showing any interest, yet they are there!

    5. Maybe they only wanted to have to keep an eye on one kid each, and bringing the oldest seemed the most logical. Not everything has to be part of the great gender conspiracy theory. 🙄

  2. awww let them boys have fun its all cute and adorable and good memories for when they are grown up.

    1. Good memories? There's a camera crew there.

    2. They don't seem to notice; at least there isn't an obvious distraction.

  3. So precious! Father/ Son time can be such sweet memories ❤️

  4. I am so glad that Bradley and Carson are learning some basic (and necessary) life skills at such a young age! Before long, little Jayden will be part of the crew too!

  5. 🙄so tired of the boy and girl comparisons!!
    Also the criticisms of the family!!

    1. Maybe Chad knows his daughter and what her attention span, proclivity to get into things, and interest level are. As a 5 year old, I would have been bored to death on a construction site.

    2. LOL, the boys seemed to have no interest, and very little attention span. They also got into things. I suspect Kaci and Brooklyn would have done much better.

    3. Not necessarily, 11:15.

    4. Maybe, maybe not. Maybe the girls would have had zero interest. I think it's best to let their parents decide.

  6. Are any of those guys, other than Chad, actually licensed to work on electrical, etc? I highly doubt it. Is Chad donating his time to this project yet again? What kinds of paid construction work does Chad have going on?

    1. Poor Chad never gets a break. Erin volunteers him for projects like it's nothing.

    2. Chad is a grown man. He can tell her no.

    3. Evan is an electrician. He's been in a multi-year paid apprenticeship. I don't know if he was licensed at the time of filming.

    4. I wonder if Chad would rather spend his time off with his kids.

    5. I think that Chad loves his wife very much and enjoys doing things for her. I know my husband would do anything for me and has.

    6. I think Chad has his own construction company with paying clientele. It may be that the work he does on the boutique will end up paying off in the long run, as it's a family-owned and operated business. It's likely the profits are divided. Also, we have no way of knowing for sure what financial arrangements they have with UPTV. Maybe the boutique project has been partially financed by them in order to have filming content. Who knows? I really don't care too much about how a reality TV family is making ends meet! They are far and away from "real life'", IMO!

    7. I hope that Chad gets paid accordingly for all his extra television time catering to all the carpentry needs of the Bates family.

  7. Its so nice these boys get to have some guy time together.

  8. MO- When I saw the title "Teaching Carson and Bradley", I was so relieved to see that Tory wasn't in the mix snapping at them! Nice to see the guys having fun. :o)

    1. I know! Watching her teach is so painful.

    2. I have to agree that I thought of Tori teaching them as well and I hoped she was doing better. Although, I have to agree with Tori setting rules and boundaries in teaching time. I imagine you can lose control with that crew pretty fast. I appreciate Brandon and Michaella around the children. They keep order and rules while at the same time the kids know how very much their aunt and uncle love and care about them.

    3. Perhaps the kids all think of Tori as their sister/aunt instead of a teacher. Having one sibling/relative in the class is one thing but when the entire class is related, it might end up being more like a play group instead of a class room.

    4. It's not about what the children think. It's Tori's sharp, cold tone while she instructs them. Plus, she uses flashcards, when there are so many more fun, creative ways to teach young kids.

    5. Nothing wrong with flash cards, I just wouldn't use them every day. We only saw a few things she used with them, so we really can't have an informed opinion about her whole program.

  9. I agree. The older girl grandkids should also have a chance to learn about construction. Who knows? One of the girls might show more interest than Bradley and Carson did and do more than blowing on the chalk lines.

    1. Maybe. I wouldn't let my 5 year old hang out at a construction site, though.

    2. This whole thing was likely orchestrated, staged, and set up by UpTV. That’s how reality TV rolls.

  10. After just a few seasons of reality shows about families with humble beginnings, they make so much money they are far and away from where they started, in more ways than one. I prefer to watch season 1 episodes rather than these episodes that center around some "setup" little event and lavish weddings.


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