
Monday, May 3, 2021

Wedding Dress Shopping with Katie

The Bates are counting down the days until Katie and Travis say "I do." Today, Katie went wedding dress shopping in Florida. Alyssa, Kelly, Addee, Carlin, Layla, Josie, and Willow were in town to help, as was her friend who is a bridesmaid. Some of the ladies flew from Knoxville for the day. 

Kelly Bates and Katie Bates

Photo courtesy of @kgbates2000


  1. DAYS!! She's has not been engage for even a month, like it just happen on April 8. Wow. The stress of finding everything so quick seems crazy. I guess taking the time to enjoy being engage is not in their plans. Now cue everyone being upset with me because I just said that the wedding planning is going so fast for a wedding the Bates size.

    1. Often brides count down the days, even if the wedding is months away. Since Josie is the maid of honor and is due with Hazel in June, I would guess that the wedding is likely in August.

    2. The post didn't say there are just days until she marries, it said she's counting down the days because she is so excited, she could be months away from getting married but that doesn't mean she can't count down the days, more exciting than counting the months.

    3. Counting down the days doesn't mean you don't enjoy being engaged. I managed to do both.

  2. So fun that they all got to be there with Katie!

  3. These jetsetters have lives that are totally different than the rest of us.

    1. I’m just guessing one of their brothers flew them to Florida.

    2. They went to Florida to visit Alyssa and decided to do the wedding dress shopping while there as there is more choice of shops, why is that a jet setting lifestyle or different from the rest of us, I don't understand.

    3. "Jetsetters" πŸ˜‚ I think a bit of jealousy is peeking out here.

    4. Katie may have finished her pilot's license and flew all of them herself!

    5. 12:46 - I’m pretty sure Katie forgot about her pilots license the second she met Travis....

    6. It’s probably for the best that Katie passed on a pilots license. She needs to improve her driving skills first.

  4. I really can't celebrate Katie's wedding because I think she is far too immature to marry.

    1. At 9:11 thank you. That was very well said, and I agree with you 100%.

    2. I dread Katie screaming at the wedding like a child and pushing cake in Travis’ face again!

    3. Why is she immature, because she smashes cake on Travis face, yes of course those type of people aren't capable of keeping house and raising kids, especially if they have already been helping mom around the house and looking after the younger siblings, she's doomed to a life of cake smashing! Lol, I know a lot of immature people who never smashed a cake on someone's face, so when you see those weddings where a wife smashes cakes on hubby's face do you also think that?

    4. Do you know her personally like her family does to tell her if she's mature or immature to get married? And even if she is immature, it's her life and her choice. I'm sure you wouldn't want people telling you what to do or that you don't know what you are doing. The saying "you are the expert of you" applies for everyone

    5. 2:02 - I’m not an expert, but I am observant. If you watch the show with any regularity, you can tell Katie is very immature. Of course it’s her business, but since she is put out there for us to watch, it is fair to comment on it. I don’t know Erin personally, but, from watching the show, she seems like a lovely, mature person. Likewise, from watching the show, Katie seems like a self-centered, silly person.

    6. She’s doomed for a life of cake smashing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚that is hilarious!

    7. I have to agree with everyone who says Katie is immature just from what I've seen in the last few seasons hopefully she has grown up some since season 9! In comparison Addee Ellie and Callie seem very mature for their ages.

    8. @9:26AM Completely agree!

    9. Here is the thing, these people have values that they hold dear to themselves. Meaning she might be young (immature is a little harsh. Just because she is outgoing and silly does not make her immature) but I guarantee you won't find one of them that get divorced. Why? Because they were raised to take their vowels very seriously and I think that they all do just that.

  5. So pretty!! cant wait to see what style she chose!

  6. Wedding dress shopping in Florida? Don't they live in Tennessee? "Flew in for the day"? What is going on with this family? How are they affording such things? Why can't Katie find a nice dress locally? Where is all this money coming from? I understand Gil and Kelly are paid for the show but how are all of these other people affording such luxuries? Modest, thrifty family? Yeah, right.

    1. I recall them saying that they get great deals on flights to Florida. Plus, some of the brothers are pilots and could have flown them.

    2. I miss the Bates of yesteryear. Most of us can't even relate to these people now. I guess they are big shot celebrities and their new ministry is self. Sheesh yuck!

    3. @4:35 the Kardashians of Tennessee!

    4. @4:35 Yes, I agree. I miss the Bates from simpler times where everything they did was not for the camera's, but for the family. They seem to be getting too big for their britches and are totally unrelateable. At least they haven't been peddling Jenni-o Turkey and toothpaste like they have in the past. It seems like everything is for the camera and is very disingenuous. I think I am done watching.

    5. Flights from here in Tennessee to Florida are not that expensive. Our son is in Florida at college. We flew him home for Easter. It isn't a big deal. It isn't like spending the money to fly across the country. Who knows? Maybe they went to see Alyssa too. It is their money. They can spend it however they want!

    6. Well said @7:36pm. I stopped watching them several years ago but pop in now and again to read the announcements.

  7. So glad that she found her dress! I know that must feel really great for her!

  8. Obviously, the wedding is very soon. I wish them well and many happy years of wedded bliss!

  9. MO- Flying bridesmaids to Florida to shop for dresses? Really? Another over-the-top and ridiculous wedding. So sick of it. Hopefully the cake won't be flicked at people during the reception. So over these people. :o(

    1. I completely agree with you. Stop traveling and gathering during a pandemic! I highly doubt they are/will get vaccinated.

    2. @2:16-It wouldn’t surprise me if the Bates own or lease a private jet with Nathan piloting it. So, there is no going into airports or flying with the general public. They gather with themselves and that group coup be vaccinated as well.

    3. Anon 8:41 - if you are so sick of these people then why are you here? Why are you looking at their lives if you don't like them?

    4. Yet you take the time to read their blog? Ok.

    5. MO- Actually, I do check in now and then to see how many people continue to buy into 19 kids and money to boot. I wish you'd look at the reality these people faced before the cameras took over. I watched the Duggars and Bates for years. Now it's nothing but fantasy and getting worse I see. I don't watch the show anymore. Ellie does a good job at posting what's going on.

  10. Is Miss Renee back in Florida?

    1. Her shop is in Kentucky

    2. 7:46, she had a shop in Florida before her shop in Kentucky. I was curious whether she had moved back since the last time we saw her.

  11. Has she announced her wedding date?

  12. I bet that was such a fun day for them!

  13. They may be having a destination wedding. Maybe UP tv and Travis’s family are helping to pay for it?
    I’ll be glad when it’s over, as I was with Carlin’s extravaganza. My favorite Bates weddings so far have been the simple, but pretty, church weddings.

    1. I agree. Carlin’s wedding was so over the top and theatrical, reflecting the personalities of the couple. I have a feeling Katie’s wedding will be more like Carlin’s than some of the other girls. I believe weddings should be more “Look at God’s love in us,” as opposed to, “Look at me.”

  14. I don’t understand why you have to fly out of state to get a wedding dress. I bought my wedding dress at a consignment shop! And yeah, especially during a pandemic

    1. Air travel has been re-established for some time now. And Florida is totally open without mask mandates or social distancing. Tennessee has also eased restrictions. If you don't approve of those two states deciding to allow their citizens freedom to conduct themselves as they see fit, then you certainly are within your rights to not go to either state.

    2. Just because you bought your dress at a consignment shop doesn't mean everyone has to.

    3. Kathy- Most states are easing restrictions and opening things up now. I think Florida simply opened up too soon. (It's funny how this state claims to promote individual freedom, yet has passed a law that takes away the right of cruise ships to make sure all passengers are vaccinated against COVID.) Some states had very few restrictions from the get-go, which I I think was a huge mistake. There are some places I will definitely avoid from now on after seeing how they have politicized the pandemic, as well as other issues regarding the election.

    4. All I’m saying is, why go all the way to Florida for a wedding dress, it just seems ridiculous to me. People spend all this time and money prepping for their wedding, and in the end, none of that matters. It’s one day in your life! And you could buy a dress off the rack or go travel all the way to Florida, it just seems meaningless.

    5. At the same time, they're making memories with a sister they don't get to see that often, and that's priceless.

    6. They probable won't get married in June if Josie,Whitney &Tori are all due in June.

  15. Congrats Katie on finding the dress of your dreams. Can't wait to see your engagement and dress shopping excursion later on this season on Bringing UP Bates. If I'm guessing right,this must mean that Travis and Katie plan to wed this summer in June or July if she is dress shopping now. And it also sounds like if she is dress shopping in Florida, then she must be planning on getting married down there instead of in Tennessee like all of her sisters have. Sounds sensible to be different than the rest of her sisters and have a wedding in Florida since that is where Travis proposed to her. Perhaps a beach wedding with pizza and ice cream (or better yet,an ice cream cake to combine the two of tradition and Katie's favorite dessert) for the reception? We will just have to wait and see. Can't wait for the big day this summer.

    1. It would be hard to smash an ice cream cake in Travis’ face in the middle of summer. 😏

  16. For those who constantly complain about the Bates' "jet-setting" lifestyle - for Pete's sake! They are television stars. They have millions of fans and are featured on the front cover of magazines in your local grocery store. They are just a wholesome American family who found fame. Get over your expectation that they should still live in calico jumpers and have homemade weddings. These are very nice people and they make a comfortable living. Are you aware that Youtubers with as many followers as each Bates child has, make 6 figure incomes? The Bates have come into money and all the more power to them! Find a different show to follow if this is unsettling for you.

    1. Exactly. They obviously have the means to do it now.

    2. I agree. I don’t understand why people criticize people who are successful. Maybe it’s jealousy. But you don’t build yourself up by trying to bring others down.

    3. 9:30 There are many ways people can be successful. I don't think having a reality TV show simply because you have a huge number of children counts.

    4. They don't have millions of fan and the average person has not heard of them.

    5. 1:55, take it in context. The discussion is about people jumping on them for how they spend the money from their successful TV show.

  17. I'm so happy for Katie and Travis but I think they are still immature to get married.

  18. I wish the young couple happiness and a blessed life together.
    Enjoy the wedding preparations, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience
    and it should be savored not rushed.

  19. Can't wait to see what dress she choose! I'm sure that takes stress off her that she found her dress! What a huge deal, Congrats:)

    Also does Katie and Travis have a wedding website??

  20. Congrats to her she found her dress!

  21. Congratulations to Katie and I hope she had a wonderful trip to Florida. We all were so mature when we said yes, right?

  22. When will they be sharing there wedding date?


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