
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

2 Bates Babies in the NICU

Yesterday, we shared about the safe arrival of Hazel Balka. Unfortunately, she was admitted to the NICU for complications following her birth on Monday, but she is stable. Hazel's bilirubin levels are high due to a condition that caused her blood to fight against Josie's during the pregnancy,

Until today, cousin Jadon Bates was also in the NICU, but he was just released to go home! Pray that Hazel will be able to go home soon, as well.



  1. Oh no,not another grandbaby in the NICU. Sorry to hear about Hazel. Hope she can get stabilized quickly and go home soon to meet big sister Willow. Glad to hear Jadon is doing better and is now home and stabilized. Do they know why he had issues with his breathing after he was born? Haley P. from Colorado

  2. Such a praise that little Jadon was able to go home and now prayers for Hazel. Hope it's not too serious. So scary when a little one is in the NICU! Glad to hear she's stable and hope to hear good news soon!

  3. Such good news that baby Jadon can go home now. Praying for baby Hazel, that she doesn't have to stay long in the NICU.

  4. oh wow... Yes hopefully she goes home soon as well. Good vibes!

  5. Praying for Hazel 🙏✝️❤️

  6. Praying Hazel comes home soon and has no further complications. Glad Jaden was released to go home!

  7. I especially feel for Kelton; having lost his mom after she gave birth, these 2 births of his own children being so scary must freak him out.

  8. I’m glad Jadon was able to leave the hospital and go home. to be in the loving arms of his family. I’m sure Hazel will follow suit. It sounds like the complications are minor, according to this post. Sometimes seeing it in print on a blog, Facebook, Twitter makes a situation more dramatic than it needs to be. But I’m sure the families appreciate the prayers.

    1. I agree it is quite common and they got Covid so this can happen. I will pray for them.

  9. Hoping baby will be able to go home soon. I have to wonder if all of these complications are COVID related. I know Whitney had COVID while pregnant, I believe Josie had it prior. I keep hearing that COVID has long lasting vascular effects. You have to wonder, especially with what happened to Erin, multiple sisters having miscarriages and then complications with pregnancy. Just seems so odd that everyone seems to be having trouble. Except Alyssa....but did she have COVID?
    Just my personal opinion.

  10. Praying! Thankful that Jadon has been discharged home. May Hazel continue to improve as well!

  11. Praying for them! It’s so scary for the parents. I’m sure the baby is getting the best care. God Bless. I’m glad Jason is home.❤️🙏

  12. I am glad Jadon is out of the NICU and both Hazel and Jadon are in my prayers!

  13. Kelton didn't have two children he only had Hazel. Jason is Zach son not Josie.

    1. @12:59 referring to both Willow and Hazel. Each birth was very scary!

    2. I think the post was referring to the birth of their elder daughter, Willow.

    3. I think that poster may be referring to just the fact that he and Josie have had two babies--Willow, and now Hazel. And that the experience of watching his wife go through giving birth is probably scary enough for him, given his family's history.

    4. I agree they should not get any more. What if something goes wrong with Josie?

  14. Prayers for Hazel to get well soon and go home. Happy that Jadon is home .
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  15. Kelton does have 2 children tho, and both deliveries will have been nerve wracking for him. That’s what the original poster was referring to

    1. @4:05-yes, that’s exactly what I was referring to concerning Kelton. Thank you.

  16. It's scary for the parents, but Hazel's issue is quite common in babies. I'm sure Hazel is in great hands and will be home very soon!

  17. It sounds like she has ABO incompatibility or Rhesus disease.

  18. It's excruciatingly hard to go home from the hospital and have to leave your baby there. Then you feel horrible leaving little ones at home to visit your sick newborn. Prayers for Jose that she will learn on God for strength during these exhausting and emotional days.

  19. They mean two Bates grandbabies! Zach's and Josie's.🙄

  20. Praying for Healing for Hazel. Hopefully she'll be able to go home soon.❤❤🙏🙏🙏


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