
Saturday, June 5, 2021

3 Babies, Coming Soon

Tori Smith and Whitney Bates

Gil and Kelly Bates currently have 15 grandchildren, but they are about to make the jump to 18! In a record-breaking month that is sure to go down in Bates history, there are not one, not two, but three babies due. 

By the end of June, we hope to have shared about the safe arrival of two new granddaughters and one new grandson. It will also be exciting for Kaci Bates, the only family member born in June, to gain more birthday buddies. We encourage you to pray that all three deliveries (Whitney's, Josie's, and Tori's) would go well.

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. I hope they have them on June 25(my Dad's birthday) June 30th (my Mom and Aunts birthday. And June 10th (my niece's birthday).

  2. Praying all 3 deliveries go well

  3. I enjoy watching the show. I can't wait for the 3 up coming births this month. I also can't wait for part B of season 10 & I also really can't wait for season 11 to watch everyone grow. Natasha b

  4. I am so excited for the three new babies coming!

  5. Praying! Love these girls and the family!!
    I'm team 1 hour episodes there should be enough content with all the adult children and grands!!🥰

    1. I agree! I can always surprised when the half-hour ends. I am so into this show that I can’t believe it’s over in such a short amount of time. UP, you have some one-hour BUB. Why not make every show an hour long? Please.

    2. I also agree. It never seemed that short before.
      An hour would be great

  6. Record breaking for now but bear in mind this is a family of 19, by the time they are all married there will be many more expecting together for example while one sibling is expecting their first another will be expecting their fifth and another their seventh and another their nineteenth, lol, OK so the last is rare but not impossible, although they probably won't have as many grandchildren as the Duggars as quite a few have decided to limit their family size, I reckon just a handful will follow their parents belief of letting God choose the size of their family,Esther also comes from a large family so maybe she is going to be one of them, and I think many will agree tiffany won't be one of them but to each their own.

  7. Yes i definitely hope all goes well for them and babies... I've miscarriaged my 1st "child" ( only got to 3 weeks) this week... Can't wait to see the new GrandBates!

    1. I am so sorry to hear that, Suz! How are you doing?


    2. I lost a baby at 12 weeks (28 years ago ) it's very sad. I will pray for you. I'm looking forward to meeting my child in heaven 🥰

    3. I'm praying for you, Suz! May God bless you,

    4. May the Lord bless you with His comfort & peace, Suz. I miscarried my first child many years ago so my heart goes out to you. You will be in my prayers.

    5. I'm so sorry Suz. Saying prayers for you Suz.

    6. I'm doing alright. Better everyday. Thanks ladies

    7. So sorry, Suz! How long ago was that?

  8. Would it be possible to get the chicken recipe that Zach was making when Tori and Whitney were exchagning baby clothes? Thank you

    1. I KNOW! IT SOUNDED SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I can’t wait for Charlotte, Hazel, and Jayden to be here! I hope someone else announces another pregnancy soon!

    1. Hazel reminds me of the old time TV series about a maid named...Hazel. Old laddish but, hey, their choice.0

    2. Anon 6:53: I think they looked at Willow's hair color and decided to go with Hazel name :).

    3. Hazel became popular again about 15 years ago, so she’ll have lots of little girls around her age with the same name and it won’t seem old laddish.

    4. I think Hazel and Willow both mean trees... maybe they're going for a tree theme

    5. I watch Hazel the TV show everyday.

    6. Who''s baby is going to be named Jayden

    7. What is old laddish?
      I've heard of "outlandish"

    8. 3:27, I thought maybe they were trying to say old ladyish.

    9. 2:04, Jayden is Zach and Whitney's.

    10. 2:04:

      JADON is Zach and Whitney's Son.

  10. I hope Lawson and Tiffany get engaged soon so there can be three weddings this year and hopefully 3 babies next year or by early 2023

    1. Lawson doesn’t seem as into Tiffany as Nathan is into Esther. Maybe Lawson held back because it was more Nathan and Esthers time. But to compare the look in Nathan’s eyes to Lawson’s - not much of a comparison.

  11. What if they all would come late, so that Kaci was still the only one with a June birthday! :) If I were Kaci I would want my birthday all to myself :).

  12. I wonder if we know when Katie and Nathan will have their weddings. So that they could start having kids too. I wonder how soon Carlin will have another baby.

    1. Katie is getting married in December, and I think she’ll probably wait a bit before having babies.

    2. Katie’s wedding is in December, In a past episode Nathan speculated that he’d get engaged in the Spring and married in the Fall, and Carlin has mentioned that she would like to wait to have another baby until they purchased a house.

  13. Oh I can't wait. A woman in our church just had her first daughter last Wednesday (June 2). She has 2 boys already and both of them are 7 years apart from each other and this baby is 7 years younger than her second older brother too. So each one is age 14,age 7 and newborn. Praying for safe deliveries of all 3 babies. Hope maybe for some double birthday's or birthdays close together. Haley P. from Colorado

  14. Hey Lily and Ellie,

    Just a small suggestion, it doesn’t need to happen or be added but it’d be nice! So, maybe once the grandkids’ names are announced, to put them under the grandkids section, where it says “so and so’s baby, due June 2021”. There are so many little ones, it’s hard to keep track of names. I couldn’t even remember the ones right now! 😂😳 just a thought but it will be fine without!! Thank y’all :)


    1. Yeah! Zach has Bradley, Kaci, Khloe and Jadon. Erin has Carson, Brooklyn, Everly, and Holland. Alyssa has Allie, Lexi, Zoe, and Maci. Carlin has Layla. Tori has Kade, Kolter and is pregnant with Charlotte.

      Lol, hope that wasn't too much!

    2. I can't wait!

    3. Sorry, Josie has Willow and Hazel. :D


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