
Friday, June 4, 2021

A New Paine 'Kid'

The Paines' gift from Gil and Kelly receives attention from all the grandkids

"This year, to go along with the theme of the animals, we had a little baby goat for the Paine grandkids because they kind of live on a farm with other little farm animals. We just knew this was going to be a big hit with all the grandkids."

-Kelly Bates

In addition to a costume party, the Bates also hold a gift exchange during their Valentine's Day gathering. Gil and Kelly have also started the tradition of buying presents for all the grandchildren. This year, Carson, Brooklyn, Everly, and Holland receive a very special gift from their grandparents: a kid!

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. The baby goat is just the cutest. But the wad of gum in Erin's mouth is not. I think if UPTV is filming, Erin should throw her gum out.

    1. That always bothers me too.

    2. Lots of people like to chew gum. I don’t even think of it as a vice. I wish I could chew gum. Because of having an unfortunate mishap with braces my teeth are not aligned and cannot chew gum any more comfortably. I love Erin, she’s a wonderful mom and what a blessing to hear her play the piano‼️🙏❤️I think this is why I love the Bates family. They are just so down to earth and do so many fun things together! And most of all they love the Lord! Erin, you keep chewing gum! Thank you for chewing gum and not smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol. Thank you also for your beautiful piano playing and for what a wonderful mom and wife you are! It’s so evident that you and Chad love and respect each other so much!❤️

  2. I agree! She always has gum in her mouth no matter what the occasion is.

  3. Erin, get rid of the gum!!

  4. That poor baby goat must be terrified.

  5. The baby goat is adorable!

  6. Yes, I agree about Erin's gum chewing. Not good. I felt sorry for that poor baby goat with all of the noise and people crowding around her. I think that poor little goat was scared and being 'held' by a little child wasn't something that should have been done. That goat needed to be introduced to the Paine family quietly and calmly...not amid such confusion and noise. Erin was screeching herself; something she needs to quit doing.

    1. Erin WAS screeching! That poor goat must have been scared stiff.

  7. I agree about gum. I have seen Erin (and others) just smacking away and, to me, that is so annoying and unprofessional. The goat IS adorable.

    1. The gum chewing is such a distraction, especially if Erin is talking as she is chewing. She is too beautiful and talented to be doing the gum thing. She can chew away when she is off-camera; but on, that’s a no. Josie’s wedding planner was chomping away when she was working with the family. That is unprofessional.

  8. Agree as well, I always read comments about Erin being classy and dignified. I had not idea that continuously smacking gum is considered classy and dignified🤷🏻‍♀️

  9. Honestly, didn’t really notice Erin’s gum until people on here criticized.

  10. It's reality TV not a job interview. No need to be "professional."

    1. They are “professional” reality stars. Sorry, no gum while filming.

    2. If UP wanted to, they could tell them no gum. Apparently it doesn't matter to them.

  11. Some people chew gum while stressed as a calming mechanism, chill out.

  12. Why does Erin always come across as so arrogant and pushy? It seems like she wants to run everything, like at the photo shoot not letting anyone else say much. She was making the negative comment about Nathan and Esther cooking for I love you day. I’m hoping she just doesn’t realize how it comes across on TV. I know she’s an older sister but she doesn’t always need to come across that way in tone.

    1. Maybe she comes across that way because you perceive her that way. She doesn't come across that way to me.

    2. Will all have our own opinions.

  13. Erin is an amazing person and loves God and loves ppl. Use your time to do something more productive in this one life we have than talk about people.

  14. The recipe for Esther's chicken with parmesan cheese and spinach sounded delicious. Would you add it to the "recipes" tab here if she doesn't mind.

  15. I really hope Kelly and checked with Erin and Chad before gifting the goat. It really bothered me the way that little girl was holding it. Was that a child screaming or the goat?

  16. All goats are cute. But you don't get them because they are cute and for little children who are EXTREMLY ROUGH and not supervised feel sorry for it. PLUS ERINS SCREAMING and all the loud noises. Not much planning or thought put into this.

  17. I think Erin did fine and didn’t seem pushy, but rather trying to be helpful.

  18. Erin probably has the gift of leadership. I do not have that gift and I am glad for those that do because I need them in my life.
    Also, gum is widely used in our country. That is why you see it at the checkout lane of every store. Chewing gum does not make her rude. She is really a sweet and kind person. I know from a reaction I got to a letter I wrote to the Bates one year. She was so kind to acknowledge it. This was before she had her children I believe. Probably would not have the time to do that now, Even back then that was so sweet of her to do. We love you Erin and Chad and family❤️God bless you!

    1. I have no opinion of Erin one way or another. I would like to respond to your leadership comment, though. I agree that there are all kinds of people and some have that quality of being able to see what needs to be done and have a strong enough personality to have others follow their lead. I think that an essential quality of anyone who takes on a leadership role is being able to solicit input from others, as well as understand that introverts especially tend to be the quiet backbone of many families and even businneses. While you may need leaders in your life, don't count yourself short or assume they are leading you in the right direction.

    2. Thank goodness Erin is a take charge person. Most things they do take place with lots of people around. Someone needs to control the situation or nothing gets done. Erin handles leading pretty well. She gets it from Kelly who has a gift for organization.

    3. Thank you for telling me that, I appreciate it. You made me think. But I really do appreciate people that lead. Most of my close friends are leaders and have strong personalities where as I tend to be introverted but appreciate their leadership. But you are right, introverted people need to be careful that the leaders do not tell them to do things that would be against their conscience.

  19. Quit chomping on gum!


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