
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Bates Grandbaby #16

Did you hear the news we shared yesterday? Jadon Carl Bates made his long awaited debut, and Zach and Whitney Bates couldn't be more thrilled. We will continue to share updates of Jadon's progress in the NICU.

We just love the meaning behind Jadon's name. As many of you know, Bradley Gilvin is named after his dad and Gil (Zachary Gilvin Bates and Gilvin "Gil" Bates). And Jadon is named after Whitney's father, Jimmy Carl. Jimmy goes by JC or J, so he and Jadon share the same initials.

Whitney Bates and Jadon Bates

Photo courtesy Bates family


  1. Just out of curiosity, why is there a tube going into his belly button? I’ve just never seen that before. My grandson was in the NICU, and didn’t see that on him. I’m not judging or anything, just plain curiosity if anyone knows!

    1. It is called an umbilical venous catheter. A tube is put in a blood vessel in a newborn baby's belly button (umbilicus). The tube can be used to get blood for testing, or to give medicine, nutrition, and fluids.

      The belly button is where the umbilical cord was attached to the baby before birth and these blood vessels can stay open for a couple of weeks after the baby is born. Good place to put a catheter.

    2. I personally had a son born June 6, 1992, he died on June 7. He had a tube like that because he had a umbilical hernia. Amongst other issues. Umbilical hernias aren't deadly I don't think.

    3. Former NICU nurse here. :) It’s a “UVC” or an umbilical venous catheter...essentially an IV that utilizes the blood vessels in the umbilical cord until they dry up and then they can start using IV’s in their arms/legs etc. A UVC is easy and secure access for IV fluids/medications for the first week or so.

    4. It could be an I.V.

    5. My son required blood transfusions in the NICU to treat anemia due to pregnancy complications and that was a site for IV line.. easily accessible compared to placing a peripheral line

    6. Looks like an umbilical IV used for blood draws & giving IV Fluds.

    7. It’s an iv. My daughter had one when she was in the nicu.

    8. Looks like an unbiblical catheter. My girl had one for similar reason . Drop in O2 levels.

    9. Its an umbilical line. Safest and quickest way to give meds or whatever else he needs.

    10. IVs are commonly placed into the umbilical cord, easier to place from what I have been told

    11. The umbilical veins are easy IV access. It also saves the baby the poke of an IV 😊

    12. The umbilical cord has 3 blood vessels and can be used for iv access in newborns.

    13. It's access like an IV. They are using his umbilical line to deliver medicine.

    14. It is called an umbilical vein cannula/catheter, instead of putting a cannula in his arm for IV fluids or medications

  2. Congratulations a new baby boy!!!!!πŸ‘ΆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆ

  3. No, I didn't read that he was born yesterday just seen it now, I was expecting Jaden to be the last Bates grand baby to be born this month,praying for quick recovery good health.

    1. Jadon was due middle of this month, whereas the other 2 were for the end of June/beginning of July

    2. Anonymous @11:41AM. Jason was born on June 7th.

    3. Whitney was due first, Josie second and Tori last. So her baby was probably going to be the first unless she went late.

    4. Anonymous @9:40pm. Sorry it should have said Jadon not Jason.

  4. Praying for your family

  5. Congratulations Zach and Whitney on your new baby boy. Sorry to hear he had a rough start and ended up in the NICU. Hope the dr.'s and nurses can figure out what's going on to cause his low oxygen levels. Hope he does not have a lung or heart defect. Praying for Jadon. Hope he continues to improve so he can go home soon and meet his big brother and sisters. A friend of ours had the same problem last year and her daughter had to be in the NICU for a week after she was born for low oxygen levels and now at a year old may possibly have sleep apnea because she stopped breathing in her sleep for a few minutes and scared her mom and dad as she turned blue and became unresponsive for a minute or so as they tried to wake her up. Luckily,they woke her up and was fine and didn't need to call 911. She now has to be monitored throughout the night to be sure the same thing does not happen again and she will be going on to have tests on Monday to see if she needs a CPAP machine or needs her tonsils removed. Haley P. from Colorado

  6. Congratulations and praying for full health for Jadon. Also just curious if anyone know why they changed the spelling of his name (Jayden to Jadon)?

  7. Jadon Carl and all of the Bates family are in our daily prayers for Jadon to be will and come home soon.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  8. The meaning behind it is cute!

  9. I have a feeling that he may have a somewhat common issue that newborns face when their lung development isn’t quite up to par. They just need a little help in the NICU to get up to speed. In Chicago, it was common enough that the hospital even had a nickname for the condition. I’m sure it’s scary for families, but if that’s what it is, all will be well.

    1. Being on a ventilator is not a "common issue"!

    2. 10:04 then how do they commonly treat newborns whose lungs aren't developed completely?

  10. Praying Jaden will get to come home soon.

  11. Blessedly, even though he's the obstetrician and not the neonatologist, I feel confident that Dr. Vick will keep a close eye on little Jadon and ensure he receives the best care in the world. I will pray for your family - I know you must be very worried and stressed. I truly believe everything will end up okay but I am deeply sorry for how scary things must feel right now.

    1. I doubt Dr. Vick has much say about NICU care. He also has a busy practice to manage.

  12. I am continuing pray for Jadon health and to fight for his life to be with his family


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