
Friday, June 25, 2021

Charlotte is Here!

Tori Smith and Bobby Smith

All three of the June Bates babies have arrived! The most recent, Charlotte Raine Smith, was born Thursday, June 24th, at 5:35am. She weighed 5 pounds 11 ounces and measured 19 inches long. Tori and Bobby had quite the scare during Charlotte's delivery when her heart rate dropped due to the cord being wrapped tightly around her neck. Visit the UPtv website to see the first photos of this sweet baby and to read quotes from the elated parents. 

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. Wanted to say congratulations on the birth of little miss Charlotte Raine she is absolutely beautiful and looks just like momma . Kade and Kolter are going to be amazing big brothers . congratulations again Tori, Bobby , Kade and Kolter may god continue to bless you all and keep everyone safe always .

  2. All three births were stressful. Jadon had his lung collapse, Josie's baby was in the NICU because of an Rh factor possibly, and this baby with the cord tightly around her neck. Having a baby is not easy that's for sure. Thank the Lord they are all fine now. My niece had her first baby yesterday too, and it was stressful as well,resulting in an emergency c-section with my niece being put right under. But everything is ok with them as well. Boy oh boy! Not easy at all.

    1. Definitely scary deliveries! So glad your niece and her baby are doing well!

    2. 11:31AM: Thanks so much

  3. That had to be so horribly scary for the parents when Charlotte’s cord was cutting off oxygen. Praise God that the doctor could react quickly. Forty years ago, my friend went through the same thing but there were no machines at the hospital to warn them. Her baby girl, Anne, was stillborn. Very tragic.

  4. Congratulations Tori, Bobbi, Kade, and Kolter!

    Praying for Charlotte and your family!

    - Adley

  5. Congrats! She is beautiful

  6. she’s so tiny! Tori looks amazing after giving birth. Congratulations Smith family πŸ’•

  7. Congratulations Tori,Bobby,Kade and Kolter are the birth of Charlotte Raine. Welcome to the world Charlotte Raine
    God Bless All
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  8. Congrats Tori and Bobby on the birth of sweet Charlotte Raine! She is absolutely beautiful and looks so much like Kade when he was born! I know that Tori and Bobby just adore her and she is already so lovedπŸ’— My guess is that we will be hearing a pregnancy announcement from Carlin soon!!

    1. Carlin has stated that they’re good for now and that they would like to purchase a home before having another child…πŸ‘

  9. My goodness, what’s going on with three babies born with complications? So scary for everyone!

    1. I mean, the baby having a cord around it’s beck isn’t an uncommon thing and has no correlation to the other two less common medical events. Josie and Hazel’s blood type being incompatible, while a bit more uncommon, isn’t extremely rare; although they did say hazel has a more rare strain. Jadon’s issue could have something to do with Whitney having covid during her pregnancy, or it could just be one of those things that randomly occurs.

  10. Congratulations I already miss your show come back soon

  11. How old are Tori and Bobby? Early 20s? 3 KIDS??????????

    - Adley

    1. Tori is only 25.

    2. They’re 25 and 26 so more like mid twenties.

    3. Bobby is 26 and Tori will be 26 in December.

    4. Mid 20's, 26 years old

    5. She is 25, he 26. In 3,5 years of marriage they had 3 children.

    6. Relaxxxx! Bobby is 26 and Tori is 25. No biggie! It is not like they are teenagers having their 3rd child.

    7. Yes, so what?

    8. She/they want(s) a BIG family like her parents so a baby every year or so!

    9. Wow crazy !! Three kids at 25 that used to be normal. I am 21 with one kid and one due soonπŸ™‚ it’s pretty normal to get pregnant when you are married.

    10. @10:21 Within my circle of friends and family, it’s “normal” to use contraception. Most finished college before getting married. Those who do have kids waited a few years before starting a family.

    11. Within my circle of friends people mind their own business. At least they aren't on government assistance.

  12. Can we get some pictures of this little sweetness?

    - Adley

  13. Congrats to them that she is here and made it ok.

  14. Congratulations!!πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽŠ

  15. Congratulations to Bobby & Tori on the birth of Charlotte Raine. She is absolutely beautiful and looks perfect! It sounds like a very frightening delivery but praise God she is doing well. Blessings to all on this sweet addition to their family!

  16. See how important a hospital birth can be, Jessa Seewald? You never know what will happen. Thank God Tori didn't go home birth. That little girl would most likely not have made it. Babies first, mothers preference second, I say.

    1. You're implying that women who choose homebirth are somehow not doing what's best for their baby. I think that's a stretch. If you have a skilled nurse/midwife, a birth at home can be quite safe. If being in a hospital setting will stress out the mother, it can affect the baby as well. Obviously, if you have risk factors it makes sense to be in a hospital, or if it's your preference. I agree that Jessa would be wise to deliver in a hospital, considering her history.

    2. A home birth probably would have gone the same way midwifes are every bit as knowledgeable as to how to handle things like that as doctors. You can’t get a baby out any faster naturally at a hospital unless forceps are used and those can result in very bad injuries, so most doctors don’t even use those.

      Many women choose home birth because it is better for mom and baby.

    3. Hospital births in the US carry risks too.

  17. Hey Tori!!!! I am soooo glad U are safe, and sound!!! Charlotte, is super cute, U 2 have wonderful cute kids, and I love U 5!!!! Wow now 5!!!!

  18. All births carry some risk, at home or in the hospital. This is why it is wise to deliver in a hospital IF any emergency personnel and/or equipment is needed. Every second counts and all is right there and available....on the spot.


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