
Friday, June 11, 2021

Continue to Pray for Jadon

Zach Bates and Jadon Bates

Zach and Whitney Bates shared an update on their sweet little boy, who has been in the NICU since shortly after his birth on June 7th. His right lung collapsed, and he was intubated and put on a ventilator. Thankfully, his since begun to improve, but we know the Bates would appreciate your continued prayers. 

Photo courtesy of @zachnwhitbates


  1. Yes, I'll pray as much as I can,poor baby, and his parents must be out of their minds with worry,this is awful, it should have been a joyous time for the family and now to go through this nightmare, hope the baby recovers quickly and they get to bring him home to meet his siblings.

  2. Poor Jadon. Is it because Whitney has covid during her pregnancy ? I hope he will recover soon.

    1. Yes. Covid is danger.

    2. That definitely is a possibility. Last year my cousin had COVID while she was pregnant with her daughter but she was largely asymptotic. Her daughter was fine after birth but a couple of days later she started having seizures. She had to be put on a ventilator for sometimes as long has a month. She is almost 11 months old and she is still having seizures and going on ventilators. The doctors have no idea why this is happening. They think it be might be due to her mother having COVID. This is a scary illness don’t take it lightly.

  3. Praying for little Jadon.

  4. Oh dear! Yes Ellie I will pray for little Jadon. How scary that is.

  5. I will be praying for this little guy-Jadon and his family.
    I'm curious why Dad-Zach isn't wearing a mask and gown in the NICU.
    With all the germs, viruses, and illnesses in our world, it's good to take extra precautions.

    1. That would be up to the hospital staff.

    2. Absolutely, Zach should have been gowned up or at least been wearing a mask!! Regardless, I wish nothing but love and prayers for Jadon & his mommy & daddy. My niece just went through the same thing with her son born on May 7th. He’s a month old now and you would never know anything had happened!! ❤️❤️🙏🙏

    3. I'm sure he was doing what the hospital required of him.

    4. I was wondering the exact same thing!

    5. I agree. I was a NICU baby 24 years ago and my parents had to wear a gown and mask while visiting me.

    6. Probably because little Jadon will be going home with daddy soon anyways. I'm not sure, I would gather that the NICU is requiring what's needed for the babies, so no need to worry:).

    7. Who knows why the hospital didn't have him do that?

    8. Maybe he is vaccinated and isn't a danger to anyone. Ever think of that before you judge

    9. I am the OP. I wasn't even thinking about Covid and the vaccine when I made my comment. I was thinking about the time my niece was in NICU and her parents had to wear gowns, gloves, masks, and booties over their feet to visit her. It was not a judgment-I merely stated my "curiosity".
      I am here to learn.

    10. My daughter was in the NICU it will be 3 years Friday and she was there for 2 weeks, There are different sections of the NICU where my daughter was you didn't have to have a gown and mask on to visit plus the area she was in they had there own rooms. So if you don't know the hospital personally don't assume he is not following the rules let him be there for his son.

  6. I wonder if this has anything to do with Whitney having COVID while pregnant. I hope he’s ok soon!

    1. thats what I thought especially lung issues you have to wonder. Prayers and love to them

    2. Baby Jadon is in my thoughts and prayers. May God continue to heal and protect him. In Jesus name we say Amen!

  7. Oh my! Sorry to hear about this turn for the worse with baby Jadon. Prayers he will turn around soon. Wish COVID19 restrictions were not so tight that his older siblings could visit for even just 5 minutes to see him. Praying for the family. Haley P. from Colorado

    1. Even on non COVID times, I don’t think they allowed other children into the NICU. They definitely didn’t in my country, don’t know about the previous US regulations.

    2. They allowed all 18 Duggar kids to visit Josie 11 1/2 years ago after she was born for a short time and after that when she was transferred to Arkansas Children's Hospital the kids I think 12 on up went to visit her with mom and dad sometimes.

  8. My prayers are going up before the Lord for baby Jaydon as well as for Zach & Whitney to remain strong & to hold on to their faith..Nothing is impossible for our God.. I remember Kelly Jo saying that Zach also had a collapse lung right after he was born.. They can do so much more now then back when Zach was born.. I pray that Zach & Whitney try to speak only life over this little one.. Nothing is hidden from the sight of the Lord. “ Peace I leave with u ; My peace that I give to you..I do not give to you as the world gives..Do not let ur hearts be troubled & do not be afraid..Jn 14:27... Y’all will have an awesome testimony when all of this is behind u..God bless...✝️ 😇 🙏

  9. Sending prayers! God bless you all!

  10. MO- My soon had a Pneumothorax when he was born. (first baby) Very scary. Within 2 weeks was out of the hospital and was just fine and that was 33 years ago. Jadon has the best of care in the hospital. Sounds like everything is going well. That's an example of why hospitals are the place to be when giving birth. It doesn't sound like the virus had anything to do with this. Not everything is related to the virus.

    1. Covid is well-known for damaging the lungs which is one of the main pathways by which it has killed over 600K people in the US. This is why many see a connection between Whitney having covid early in her pregnancy and Jadon's current lung issues. I do agree that the hospital is the safest place to give birth as something unexpected can happen in any pregnancy.

  11. Oh, how my heart goes out to Zach & Whitney. Seeing this picture looks exactly just like my youngest son when he was in the NICU over 32 years ago. I understand the fear and emotions they are going through now and will keep little Jadon and all of the family in my prayers! God Bless!

  12. Prayers being said for little Jadon and his parents!

  13. If I recall correctly, Zach had a lung collapse shortly after being born as well. I wonder if its genetic, probably not. I suppose it could have to do with Whitney's Covid, though I don't know if that actually would have affected his lungs. Hopefully little Jadon continues to improve! Congrats to the sweet family!!

  14. I will continue to pray the prayer for healing.
    Dear Lord help this family watch Jadon continue to get stronger.

    We may never know if COVID could have affected his lungs.

  15. Sending prayers to Whitney,Zach and family.

  16. Prayers continuing for Jadon andfamily.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  17. I never knew poor Whitney had covids while pregnant, wow, I am preying for your little guy, he is super cute, and I bet U anything that he will be 100% OK!!!! Whitney I am happy U are safe and sound!!!! I love U 6!!!!

  18. We're praying for your little Jadon. It hard and scary but God's got this and he'll soon be home with you.

  19. Covid-19 is in my opinion like an evil tiny monster going around wrecking human lives! If I'm correct the virus took Erin's fertility from her somehow, it's mysterious! She has a small part of an ovary left so it wouldn't throw her body into menopause and if they desire more babies I'm sure God will bless that partial ovary with eggs and she will conceive. The God we love and serve IS faithful!!❤️ Prayers sent for Jadon and his family!! I love you all in "the family"!

    1. A woman is born with all the eggs she'll ever have and by the age of 30, she's lost around 90% of them. You don't magically acquire more along the way.

    2. 9:39- I don't follow your logic. God could've saved himself and all of humankind a lot of trouble and grief if there had never been COVID in the first place.

    3. Familiarize yourself with the goings on during the end times.
      Are you a Christian? The book of Revelation the last book in the bible..

    4. !. I don't think Covid has anything to do with Erin's problems. 2. She already has 4 children, I fail to see why she NEEDS to have more. 3.I don't know why she's complaining about this as she has a sister that can't have ANY children.

    5. 4:09 - 1. I agree. 2. No one said she "needs" more children. 3. She hasn't been complaining.

  20. Poor guy. This happened to my sister 20 odd years ago. Sometimes babies lungs just collapse and they never figure out why. My sister has never had any further lung issues, hopefully Jadon will be healthy in future, as well.

  21. Praying for full and complete healing.

  22. Praying for Healing for Jadon.❤❤🙏🙏🙏

  23. Praying for Jadon, also for Zach and Whitney during this time.

  24. Adding prayers for Jadon and the nursing staff caring for him as well. Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power. Praying for Whitney and Zach to keep focused on who Jesus is and He will carry all of them through this by His ability. Sending love <3

  25. Praying for healing. God bless the family.

  26. Any updates on how Jadon is doing? I'm sure that we all are praying for Jadon's recovery and love to the family during this tough time.


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