
Thursday, June 24, 2021

'Due Dates and an Engagement Getaway' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Due Dates and an Engagement Getaway"

  • Kelly sneaks away to a coffee shop to call Travis and “Mama Clark” and discuss the proposal plans. Travis has to tell Katie that he broke his phone, so she won’t be suspicious when he turns it off. They follow each other’s locations constantly. “Technology has made life a lot more complicated and surprises a lot harder,” says Gil.
  • Josie and Willow spend time at Whitney’s house, making decorations for their nursery walls. (Tori can’t make it at the last minute.) “I’m not the most crafty person, so simplicity is key,” says Josie.
  • Zach arrives with a gift from the husbands, a box of chocolates and a promise for a nail day for the three pregnant ladies before the babies’ arrivals. “Our nails have to be done when we hold the baby for the first time,” says Whitney. “It was perfect.”
  • Meanwhile, Nathan, a commercial flight instructor, helps Lawson earn his commercial pilot’s license. He pressures Lawson to complete the certification by the end of the year. 
  • Nathan will soon propose to Esther and begin making plans for their wedding and life together. “Esther is an absolute queen,” he says. “I am so blessed to be able to just be with Esther. It was worth all the wait, and I would wait another 10 years if that’s what it took.” Lawson explains that he is in the process of saving up to buy a ring for Tiffany.
  • Katie is all dressed up for the weekly Bates Sisters Boutique photo shoot. No one but Gil and Kelly know what is about to happen. Travis arrives and gets behind the camera while Katie is in the other room.
  • The sisters are shocked and giddy. “Well as soon as Travis walked in, everybody knew that this was the engagement,” says Addee. Katie walks out and is completely floored to see her man. When Travis tells her that they will leave for Key West in three hours, she knows that the engagement will be happening soon.
  • “Key West is sentimental to us because 28 years ago next month, we came here on our honeymoon,” says Travis’ mom, Carla Clark. “To be able to do it with Katie and Travis at this special time, we’re just thrilled about all of it.”
  • “Any time my mom is on a trip, the most important thing to her is photos,” says Katie. She and Gil joke that the whole trip is going to consist of Kelly going “1,2,3.”
  • The group of six (Katie, Travis, Gil, Kelly, Mike, and Carla) lands in Key West. They take a historic tour, followed by a trip to the butterfly conservatory and a sunset cruise. The next morning, it’s time for a lesson in sand sculpting. Katie and Travis win with their dolphin, while the parents make a turtle.
  • That evening, Travis takes Katie to a big gazebo along the water, where he has arranged for a team to set up rose petals and other decorations. He plays a song that he wrote, and Katie cries. He gets down on one knee and says, “Katie Grace, will you marry me?” Katie responds with, “Yes, holy cow!”
  • “…I am really excited for them,” says Gil. “I mean, this is one of the most special moments in their life. It’s an honor that they would even want us to get to be a part of it.”


  1. Soooo over the top! That type of trip would be great for a honeymoon. But of course now the honeymoon will have to top this!

  2. Why does Gil say that "it's an honor they want us to be a part of it."? He's made it clear that Katie would not have been allowed to travel with Travis alone.

    1. There is a difference between wanting your parents there and having them there because it's forced on you.

    2. I thought the same thing. It’s a rule more than a privilege.

  3. I think the adult Bates would have more fulfilling lives if they didn't spend their time painting signs for nurseries and other such things. Knit a blanket for sick children, volunteer at a homeless shelter, give your time and your effort to those in need! The Bates women just seem to constantly decorate nurseries.

    1. This is ridiculous. You only decorate a nursery once, or once per child at the very most. It doesn't take you 365 days a year. You can have hundreds of other days in the year to volunteer.

    2. Well they are stay at home moms now(like millions of other women out there) so they get to do homely things with their children to spend quality time together, when they were single they did volunteering and charity work as did their brothers and even their brothers when they marry they will have to hold down jobs to support their families and will have to leave that behind.

    3. Well, actually most of them at least work. It's not exactly like some other fanilies, were wives can just stay home and take care of the children.

    4. I don’t like criticizing these nice girls on the helping each other and getting exciting about their babies.

    5. What do you do with your time ? Why does it matter what they do ? Everyone needs to live life and sometimes life is hard and hobbies are a way to stay mentally healthy.

  4. Time 1:38AM Fri 6/25/21
    Great recap hope L & T get engaged
    Great couple.

    1. @12:39- and will Lawson by her ring from Tiffany’s?!!!

  5. Haha, I've never heard of having to have your nails done to hold your baby for the first time. Never crossed my mind when I was having babies.

    1. Plus if you have an emergency c - section, they have to remove the nail polish anyway.

    2. Haha! I totally agree. That was the last thing I was thinking about.

    3. 9:54 - Really. I can just picture it. "Quick, we need to get this baby out, NOW. Oh, wait, nurse get her nail polish off first." lol

    4. I agree! I was always worried about breathing the fumes when I was pregnant. In fact, my sister painted the nursery for me. Did people not worry about that anymore?

    5. I totally agree... guess they have to be ready for photo opts with People magazine and In Touch. I think thats ridiculous.

    6. Talk about thinking about herself... needing to be ready for the magazines I think.

    7. 3:46 - It is true, nail polish is removed for surgery. The color of your skin and nails beds are looked at during surgery as signs of blood circulation. Also, they usually place an oximeter on your finger to check your saturation during surgery and nail polish can mess with the reading.

    8. My hospital requires pregnant women to forego the nail polish, lipstick, and makeup in delivery. The anesthesiologist is constantly monitoring your nails, the color of your lips, and your facial coloring throughout the process. Anesthesiologists really dislike (and talk about with their colleagues) the "princess-types" who are essentially potentially willing to jeopardize the baby's health because they want to look good in the post-delivery pictures. If mom's not getting enough oxygen, the baby's going to feel it before she's even aware.

  6. It sounds borderline creepy that they track each other’s locations

    1. @9:44-my reaction exactly!

    2. I thought the same thing. Weird.

    3. It’s a pretty common dating/married couple things. When I was dating it was lots of fun to always know where the person I was always thinking about was. Now that I am married it is really useful to know when my husband is almost home or how soon he will be one place or another.

    4. You'd think they'd have other responsibilities (like working, helping around the house, helping with siblings, spending time with friends, etc.) to "follow each other's locations constantly). While it seems "cute" for an in-love couple, it also kind of signals emotional immaturity.

  7. Just my humble opinion, but for Gil to claim they insert themselves into the engagements because all the couples want them there is a bit disingenuous. The girls would never be allowed to go there alone. Even when one goes to visit Alyssa, there has to be more than one go together. If they have to have chaperones when doing something locally, you just know travel to another state is forbidden.
    Then you have the these extravagant engagement and courtship proposals. Probably all staged for TV but really, who besides the Bateses have such over the top envents? How can a young unemployed student afford trips like that?

  8. 19 kids in the family, but "we" fans rarely see anything going on in the younger children lives.
    Engagements are over the top - not necessary in my opinion. Makes me wonder what Callie's will be like many years from now?

    1. Exactly how I've felt for a while. The old episodes had far more content of substance. I used to like to hear the practical, everyday things about how the family operates like homeschool, practical parenting advice, and maybe the occasional vacation. However I recognize this is a perk of building such a strong fan base-the family has to do less (allow less filming) in order to keep the show going. I still love them but they are far away from their humble roots and in many ways, completely unrelatable since they live a lifestyle most of their fans could only dream of.

  9. These destination proposals are so awkward. The girl has to pretend she doesn't know what's coming, the guy is so nervous for days leading up to the proposal, and neither of them can talk about what's on everyone's mind. It would make much more sense to do the proposal first and then go off on a celebratory vacation where you can relax and talk openly instead of trying to drag out a "surprise".

    1. I’d have to agree. I feel awkward just watching it. At least Katie admitted she knew this was it and enjoyed the activities while biding her time. The engagement that really made me feel uncomfortable was Tori’s where she kept saying, “ Where is the ring; where’s my ring; I know you have it. Where is it?” That was really awkward, especially in front of Bobby’s parents. What must they have been thinking.

    2. You could tell even Chaney was expecting it when all he was going to do was ask her to be his girlfriend. He was like slow down now. I felt embarrassed for her.

  10. I love the Bates, and have been a loyal fan the whole time, but these engagements. The whole storylines anymore are about engagements and new babies. Starting to become more like the Duggars. These over-the-top engagements are so staged. Where is the family we once all could relate to and be inspired by?

  11. Loved the episode!! Congratulations to Travis and Katie!

  12. These engagements are so over the top, and honestly with so many people around them and cameras is not even romantic anymore. What happened to private events?

  13. I just have to wonder what the Lord thinks of the excess. We're instructed to lead quiet, private lives and work out our salvation with fear (reverence of His holiness) and trembling (well-developed awareness of God's gift of grace and mercy, and of His presence in us and with us). Where does that fit with and how is that evidenced in these over-the-top, staged for TV events? Do the people involved even think about that?

  14. i find it funny that the Bates Family shop at thrift stores but fly to NYC and florida to find a wedding dress


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