
Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Jadon's Arrival and NICU Stay

Zach and Whitney Bates just announced the arrival of their fourth child, Jadon Carl Bates. He was born at 5:15pm on June 7th, 2021, weighing 7 lbs and 6 oz. You can see the couple's first photo with their son on the People website. Sadly, Jadon is in the NICU at East TN Children's Hospital, due to a drop in his oxygen levels. He is currently stable, and there are three little kiddos at home who are eager to meet him when he is released. 

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. Congratulations Whitney,Zach,Bradley,Kacey and Khloe on the birth of Jadon Carl. Welcome to the world Jadon Carl.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  2. Prayers and positive thoughts for baby Jadon Carl. Thinking of the whole family.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  3. Congratulations Zach and Whitney!!!

  4. Did they change the spelling at the last minute? I hope everything is OK.

    1. They did change it but I don’t know if it was last minute, they had announced the name Jayden Carl back in January so they had several months to sit on it.

  5. Did they change the spelling of their son's name?

  6. So they changed the name... apparently Jayden was "too normal"...

    1. They want to make sure people misspell it.

    2. How do you know that was their reason? I didn't see them saying that anywhere.

    3. Who cares how they spell his name. It isn't your child. Spend your time sending a prayer for him instead of wondering about the spelling of his name. Good grief people.

    4. Jadon is the Biblical spelling. I'm not sure whether that's the reason they changed it.

  7. Congratulations!!!
    I can't wait til y'all take him home!!🥰👶

  8. sending lots of prayers for that little man God Bless

  9. isn't his name apose to be spelled Jayden Carl Bates

  10. Awe popr baby. but good he is stable and labor went good. congrats

  11. They changed the spelling of his name, didn't they?

  12. My niece spent a week in the NICU for the same issue. She never had anymore issues after that. I pray that Jaden comes home soon with no further problems.

  13. Congrats! I see they changed the spelling of his name. They originally announced in January that his name would be Jayden. Now it's Jadon. Hope he's out of the NICU soon and able to go home❤️

    1. It’s so silly when people announce the babies name before it is even born and then change the spelling after birth. Like why did you announce it in the first place?

    2. Anonymous @10:03 AM

      They might have change spell because one of the kids could pronounce it right.

    3. 9:53 that’s fine, but why announce it before birth then. I think even Tori changed the spelling of one of their kids after birth. Very odd.

    4. It's not that odd. It just means you changed your mind. People are allowed to do that.

  14. I am happy he is here, but I am sorry he is in the NICU, remember to be positive cause he can feel that, and pray for him too!!!!! My heart is with U 2, and I love U 6!!!!!!!!!!

  15. So sad to hear this. I will pray gor them. But I think this child should be te last. She has had a miscarriage and now this. It is not safe for her to carry another baby. I hope they get well soon.

    1. That is not true. This being her 5th pregnancy has no bearing on her son being in the NICU.

    2. Miscarriages are very common. It doesn't mean you shouldn't try again. Whitney is still well in the prime childbearing age range.

  16. MO- Thoughts and Prayers for Jadon's quick recovery... Babies are resilient and I'm sure he has the best of care. God Bless. :o)

  17. My heartfelt prayers for Jadon - this is sad news during what should be total happiness.

  18. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! May he be home soon ,safe and sound and be blessed with continued good health. Your a beautiful family.

  19. Congratulations Whitney & Zach! Hope Jadon is going to be OK.
    You had Jadon on my Grandfather birthday.

    Also sent prayers to Jadon that he gets better.

  20. The spelling J.A.D.O.N. would be pronounced Jay-Don. Not Jay-Den. I would think they would know that.

    1. 5:20, not necessarily. It is more likely going to be pronounced Jay-dun. Sometimes o has the short u sound.

  21. Love the name and spelling my son's name is Jaedyn! Hope your Jadon is doing well!


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