
Friday, June 18, 2021

Jadon's Homecoming

Kaci Bates, Bradley Bates, Zach Bates, Jadon Bates, Whitney Bates, Khloe Bates

It has been a whirlwind two weeks for the Bates family. Jadon Bates made his grand debut on June 7th and had to stay in the NICU for nine days. Praise God that he has been released and is adjusting to life at home with his three adoring siblings. During that time, the family held a graduation party for Warden, and Alyssa and her four girls spent several days in Tennessee. 

Josie Balka delivered Hazel Balka on June 14th, and now the Balkas are in the same NICU where Zach, Whitney, and Jadon were. We know you all are praying fervently for Hazel's recovery, as well as looking forward to the arrival of Charlotte Smith.

Photo courtesy of @zachnwhitbates


  1. What a beautiful family! Jadon is the perfect addition to their crewπŸ’™ Bradley is going to love having a little brother to play with now and I know that Kaci Lynn and Khloe adore him as well!

  2. Please don't expect toddlers and preschoolers to be "adoring" to a tiny baby brother who consumes a ton of Mom's attention. It can be so invalidating to their experience.

    1. Okay... Bradley isn't a toddler or a preschooler though.

    2. No vying for mom's attention, the kids are excited and enjoying the experience and mom will include them with everything she does with the baby, they are the type of kids that enjoy helping out, they were like that when Khloe was born too, it's a fun experience with them, Whitney is a great mom and knows how to teach her children love for the baby,they see helping out as an act of love not a chore, plus babies sleep a lot she can use that time to spend quality time with the other children.

    3. They have shown they are adoring him.

      Children need to be taught how to share and to deal with jealous feeling not praised or encouraged in it in the name of “their truth”

    4. You just need to love on your toddlers and talk to them about them being able to help and love their new sibling and then give them little ways to "help", which makes them feel important. My littles did adore their younger siblings, and my teen boys still have a soft spot for babies.

    5. They really do love little Jaden a lot. I don’t think the older two are jealous in the least. They really have the right idea of loving people.

    6. Not to much any of the kids can do to help really. Get a diaper or bottle. Of course they are adoring him its like a new toy toy . Pay attention get bored move onto something else. Lets be honest here.

    7. I’m sure they do adore their new little brother. Bradley (6) and Kaci (5) aren’t toddlers anymore. While young children can still have little moments of jealously it’s not like a toddler. As for Khloe (1 1/2) She probably doesn’t understand what is going on as Bradley and Kaci do. I’m sure Whitney will include each of them with helping take care of Jadon so they feel they’re helping Mama out and feel important. Children need to be taught that Mama has to help baby more than she helps you because baby can’t do what you can do and they need caring for more because their not old enough yet to help take care of themselves. It’s also important to let your older child (s) know that you love them exactly the same as you love baby and you adore both of them just the same. 😊

    8. Truthie@3:57 I don't think the OP was suggesting that jealousy be praised or encouraged, but rather pointing out that it is unrealistic to expect every sibling will be jumping for joy when a new baby is brought home. It's not unusual that a child might feel left out and envious. I don't think reprimanding them is a solution for having basic human emotions- that can lead to more resentment. I agree they need to be taught how to deal with jealousy, as well as any negative feelings, because those feelings will come again. Some kids may just need more time to adjust to a new situation and the parents need to be ready with love and understanding, not scolding or admonishment.

    9. 7:25, no one said that the siblings have to have big jobs. Little kids generally LIKE helping out with little things like getting a diaper. When you praise them for being a good helper, you can see the joy in their faces. They don't think of it as a little thing. That is just the jaded opinion of an adult.

    10. Some of these comments, I mean really?!!! A lot of strange people out in LaLa land!

  3. MO- Such a beautiful family! :o)

  4. Praise the Lord!!!

  5. Ahhh Jadon I’m so glad you got to come home!! πŸ₯°

  6. AWWWW! So precious!! I'm so happy for you!

  7. Aww, look at that adorable photo of the family six, so happy to see their joyful faces after that period of worry and fear, and the parents now have a boy and a girl that resemble mom(Bradley and Khloe) and a boy and a girl that resemble dad(Jadon and Kasie) what a lovely "little"family, well little for now.

  8. Our prayers have been answered!! Congrats Zach, Whitney, Bradley, Kaci, and Khloe on your new daughter and sister!!

    How is Whitney doing? I hope she is well.

    πŸ’• your family! May God bless you!

    1. Jadon is a SON/BROTHER!!

    2. They had a boy, Jadon. Josie and Kelton had a girl, sister to their first daughter Willow.

    3. You must be confused. It's a boy,not a girl.

    4. I think your getting Zach and Whitney mixed up with Josie and Kelton. Zach and Whitney have a little boy named Jadon and Josie and Kelton have a little girl named Hazel.

      Zach and Whitney:

      Josie and Kelton:

      Hope this clears the confusion. 😊

      God Bless!!

    5. Sorry, meant brother. Don't know what happened. LOL :D

    6. Sorry, meant brother. Don't know what happened. LOL :D

    7. Congratulations Zach, Whitney, Bradley, Kaci, and Khloe! So thankful that Jadon is out of the NICU now and doing well. Your whole family has been in my prayers and they were answered! What will the arrangement be? Jadon and Bradley will share a room like Kaci and Khloe do, right? I am sure Jadon will keep doing well, I can't wait to see blog posts about the new family of 6!

      Zach, Whitney, Bradley, Kaci, Khloe, and Jadon, God Bless!

      Love your Family!

  9. I'm sure Bradley is ecstatic! HE HAS A LITTLE BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If any of you watched the episode where Tori and Zach are neighbors now, Tori said "Whitney, when he has a little brother!" Man, she was right!

  10. Also, totally random, but I love Kaci's outfit!

  11. Aw, sweet baby, sweet family. Glad to hear he got to go home!

  12. Yeah, that's great news! They look very happy to finally be all together.

  13. What a beautiful picture of this sweet family! They all look so happy and I know it's even more meaningful bringing your baby home after such an experience as they've had. Life is truly so fragile and precious. Blessings to them all!

  14. Awe,so cute. Glad Bradley,Kasey,and Khloe finally got to meet Jadon. This definitely has been a whirlwind week for the Bates with 2 new grandbabies arriving,a High School graduation,a family visit and now waiting for the last grandchild to arrive plus Father's Day this weekend. Haley P. from Colorado

    1. And Kasi's birthday today Saturday, and with the excitement of a new baby in the house they'll have lots of fun especially with all the company from so many family and friends coming to visit to meet the new baby, happy birthday kasi!

    2. Yes, hard to believe that sweet Kaci Lynn will be 5 on Sunday! She reminds me so much of Whitney.I’ve watched all the BGB from newborn to become independent children they do a wonderful job raising them. Lovely photo.

  15. Anybody know what their sleeping situation is? Will Brad and Jason eventually share a room? Does he have to share a room with the baby now?

    1. Yes, Zach and Whitney have said on BUB that Bradley and Jadon will eventually share a room when he’s old enough too. Just like Kaci and Khloe that are sharing a room. May the Lord watch over this little family and their precious baby boy. Also praying for Josie, Kelton, little Willow and baby Hazel. Praying Hazel will be sent home without any issues and stays healthy.

  16. Now you got two boys and two girls

  17. Let’s hope the rest of the family gives them some time alone to relax. They don’t need a houseful of people hovering over a baby just out of the NICU. JMO

    1. Yes, that’s your opinion but it’s their baby and whatever they feel comfortable with doing if it’s having people over visiting or just having their little family all together for a bit. Whatever they feel is best!!

  18. Lovely photo of a beautiful and loving family.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  19. Would Khloe be allowed to be jealous? To tantrum? To wish the baby would go away? Are these feelings allowed? Can Bradley be jealous he's not the only boy any longer?

    1. How silly. Of course kids can have feelings, which turn into teachable opportunities on how to deal with those unhealthy feelings.

    2. I think any parent will tell you that you can't force your kids to stop having basic human emotions! The best you can do is to guide them on how to deal with those feelings that can bring us down, have a negative impact on our behaviors and general sense of well-being. Scolding and reprimanding is counter-productive, IMO.

  20. Now we're all just waiting on Tori and Charlotte Raine!

    Love your fam!!

  21. Jaden's name is spelled JADEN. Not Jadon.

    1. They initially announced his name as Jayden while Whitney was pregnant, but they ended up deciding on Jadon.

      Lily and Ellie


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