
Sunday, June 20, 2021

Kaci Turns 5

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! Today is also the 4th Bates grandchild's 5th birthday. Happy birthday, Kaci! Here's a Bates family fun fact for you: Bradley and Khloe's birthdays are just nine days apart, and now Kaci and Jadon's birthdays are 13 days apart.

Kaci Bates and Bradley Bates

Whitney Bates, Zach Bates, Kaci Bates, Bradley Bates

Kaci Bates

Photos courtesy of @zachnwhitbates


  1. Happy birthday Kaci, double celebration today in their home so double the fun! I'm sure she doesn't mind sharing her special day with her dad in fact she will enjoy giving him as much attention as he will give her on her special day, she's a sweet little girl.

  2. Bradley’s birthday is in October though....

    1. Right - Bradley and Khloe are birthday buds, which is what the post says.

    2. What? That picture is just an image with Kaci in it to remind you of which grandkid she is.

    3. What? That picture is just an image with Kaci in it to remind you of which grandkid she is.

    4. 7:49PM: Yes it is, but Bradley's birthday is still 9 days before Khloe's (October 29 and November 7 is NINE days apart)

    5. Yes... Bradley's is in late October and Khloé's in early November

    6. and Khloe's is in early November. My granddaughter and cousin's daughter are similar - one born late October and the other born early November, so their birthdays are only 7 days apart.

    7. No one mentioned Bradley in the post. The HE she was talking about was Zach she was sharing the Father's Day Holiday on her birthday with Zach

    8. My daughter's birthday is May 12 and my sons is May 13. I more often than not share Mothers day with one or the other. I think its cool.

  3. Kaci is a beautiful girl. She looks so poised.

  4. Happy Birthday Kaci and Happy Father's Day Zach!!!!

  5. Happy Birthday Kaci!!

  6. Kaci sure turns!

    No offense Ellie :)

    1. Maybe Ellie is pregnant and has baby brain, I had too when I was pregnant, sorry if that's not the case,but no big deal everybody makes mistakes.

  7. KACI wishing you a wonderful and HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  8. That is such a cute photo of her and Bradley. Hope she had a good day.

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY(a little late)🎈🎈🎈🎈🎂🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁

  10. Just saw the YouTube preview of the next Bringing Up Bates show.
    I have to say, the original Bringing Up Bates concept is long gone.
    It saddens me to see this happen. Not sure I will even watch the last episode of season 10.

    1. Ok the rest of us will gladly watch

    2. I watched the YouTube preview too. It was interesting. They seemed more conservative back then. But you know what, I believe their Christian care and compassion for family and others is still very much how they live their lives. They may dress more contemporary, enjoy the benefits of being reality stars, take nicer vacations; but, the love in their hearts remains the same. I enjoy watching them then and now.

  11. How adorable! That sure is Erin's smile! (First picture of Kaci - standing with Bradley.) Adorable kids!


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