
Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Two Beautiful Bees

Lawson Bates and Tiffany Espensen

This year's I Love You Day is going to be big. Both Nathan Bates and Lawson Bates are bringing guests, which means they will also have a better shot at winning the costume contest. But how will the judges react when both Tiffany and Esther come dressed as the same animal (or insect)? Check out this preview of Thursday's new episode. And by the way, the show will be a full hour. Great news, isn't it?

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Awe thats so cute the dog has a costume.

  2. Ha ha, at least Tiffany was able to get to kiss Lawson when he had his bear costume on, if they want to practice for the perfect first kiss on their wedding day Lawson can don on his bear costume and let Tiffany practice all she wants, Lawson though will have to practice on his hand, he can't see his lips inside the costume, lol.

    1. Who knows? Maybe they’ll kiss beforehand. Alyssa said her and John kissed a lot before marriage. The Bates I think are more realistic with expectations.

    2. It's not a matter of being realistic. My husband and I didn't kiss til our wedding day, and it wasn't some great trial to wait.

    3. Glad you two made a decision you were comfortable with. I think for some couples not kissing would be a “great trial”. Obviously it was for Alyssa and John. What works for one couple doesn’t always work for another couple.

    4. Yeah something tells me they have kissed before. The way they do pictures and the way Nathan and his gf are all touchy in pictures. I am certainly not judging. They are more than old enough to kiss someone. Just seems like especially with the dipping her down and giving her a bear kiss, they have kissed.

    5. I don’t care that some of these couples kissed before marriage but I do wish they’d drop the facade of having the same beliefs that they used to have. Obviously things have changed or they’ve allowed themselves to be changed.

    6. Josie recently admitted she kissed before marriage.

    7. 9:43 I think viewers should simply be more realistic about these TV mega religious families in the first place and take all the supposed rules and regulations with a huge grain of salt.

    8. @9:11 I disagree. I think people should stick to their morals and values whether they're on tv or not. We have too many "leaders" in the world who get away with corrupt morals just because they're "famous".
      (I'm not saying the Bates' morals are corrupt)

    9. @8:53 where did she do that?

  3. The “I can’t do anything” persona is not a good look for Katie. Esther, who was asking fir help, J even looked a bit exasperated with her.

    1. @10:20-I agree Katie needs to stop this helpless act! It’s annoying!!! I can only imagine what Travis thinks about it.

    2. Apparently Travis is ok with it because he wants to marry her. I don’t know why he would want to marry her if he was bothered that.

    3. I think she speaks like that because she gets nervous around Travis or maybe even in front of the camera, I doubt she normally behaves like that, same with the cake or ice-cream smashing, I'm sure she doesn't do it with her family but I think they understand, after all nobody knows her better than her family and Travis too I'm sure,I like Katie, she is a shy and big hearted young woman.

  4. Oh boy! Katie is so not ready for marriage if that was a spontaneous answer and not scripted!

    Esther seems very ready for marriage, and Nathan too.

  5. Seeing Lawson's dog makes me think of Johnny Jr (JJ) the Chocolate Lab puppy! We haven't seen him since he was being aggressive with Bradley on the show when they built his dog house! Do they still have him? I haven't seen him on the new season at all maybe not season 9B either. I just watched the rerun of the episode where they built his dog house watching it I was concerned for Bradley he seemed afraid of the dog because he's so big and none of the others seemed concerned. Maybe they found him another home because they have so many children around their home that the dog could hurt? That episode had Kade's birth on it at Christmas time and Josie and Kelton announced they were pregnant! I believe it was Christmas 2018

  6. Are all women required to wear skirts in the Bates home?

    1. They have to do it before they’re married, and after they’re married they do it when filming the show according to Alyssa. When they aren’t filming a whole bunch of them don’t wear them.

    2. Maybe they do it out of respect, like Whitney said a while ago.

  7. Nathan visibly looks so in love, it's the cutest story going to me.

  8. Tiffany's Mom did an amazing job on the bear costume, and Tiffany was adorable as a bee. Everyone looked wonderful. Congratulations to all 3 couples. God bless.

  9. Congratulations Michaela you're a kind loving person. God bless.

  10. Katie might need a crash course in cooking. God bless your upcoming union.


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