
Thursday, June 3, 2021

'Two By Two, I Love You' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Two By Two, I Love You"

  • Tiffany comes as Lawson’s guest for Valentine’s Day. She and Lawson have been talking for five months. “We have a lot of the same life passions, and she has a lot of different things going on in her life,” says Lawson. “She’s finishing up her Master’s degree. We had first started talking over global missions work.”
  • Esther comes as Nathan's guest. Both Esther and Tiffany join in on the first photo shoot at the new Bates Sisters Boutique location, and Nathan and Lawson come by to watch. “I am like pumped because there’s actually a solid chance of not just getting one sister-in-law, but two more sisters-in-law,” says Whitney, who is currently Gil and Kelly's only daughter-in-law.
  • “I never thought that I’d see Lawson the way that he is with a girl,” says Carlin. “It’s like this whole new side of Lawson I didn’t know existed."
  • Tiffany is very comfortable around the camera, but Esther is shyer and more reserved. Everyone agrees that both ladies do a wonderful job posing for photos. 
  • Back at the Bates house, the Keilens decorate for the big weekend, which has a Noah’s Ark/animal theme. Some of the decorations are homemade by Brandon. Meanwhile, Nathan and Esther cook stuffed chicken with cream cheese and spinach for the couples’ dinner. Esther also comes from a big family and is used to cooking for large groups.
  • When Nathan and Esther leave for the church, they give Katie and Travis the job of taking the chicken out of the oven. Katie is nervous, admitting that she doesn’t know how to cook. “Some of my sisters are really into cooking, and some of them aren’t,” says Nathan.
  • The church is decorated beautifully for the couples’ dinner, thanks some attendees who volunteered to help the Bates. During dinner, Gil does a devotion about love and marriage.
  • Later, Nathan and Esther go ring shopping, with Katie, Travis, Tiffany, and Lawson along for support. They don’t buy a ring, but Nathan now knows exactly what Esther likes. “If you propose with that one, there’s no way you’re getting a no,” says Esther.   
  • Before the big party, Travis steps outside with Gil and asks for permission to propose to Katie. Travis promises to take care of her and be faithful to her. Gil gives his blessing, saying that he and Kelly have already discussed it. 
  • The costume party begins! Zach and Whitney had planned to be a dinosaur family, but most of their costumes didn't arrive. Zach puts on a wig and calls himself a “party animal.” For the first time this year, they choose winners by having everyone cast a ballot.
  • Bobby, Kelton, Evan, and Travis perform a song for their valentines. “Something about it, these guys that my sisters have picked, almost all of them sing,” says Nathan. “And they’re recruiting Travis, who may be the next brother-in-law, to get in their little boy band together.”
  • This year, the Biggest Heart Award goes to Michael. “Michael drops everything to be at every person’s house,” says Kelly. “It doesn’t matter what they need.”
  • Gil and Kelly announce the winners of the costume contest. In the grandkids category, the winner is Bradley the T-Rex. In the singles category, the winner is Ellie the cow. And in the couples category, the winners are Tiffany the bee and Lawson the bear.


  1. What a wonderful episode! Now that we are all spoiled with an hour long show it will be difficult to go back to the half hour version. All the costumes were great too!

  2. Ellie
    Is it possible to get Esther's chicken recipe and possibly added to the recipes on the website?

    1. I found one by Googling that looks close!

  3. Time 1:28AM Fri 6/4/21
    Nice recap.

  4. I enjoy watching the new couples relationship develope. I can't wait to see more of them. I didn't realize the Bates boys could kiss before marriage because I know the Bates girls are not permitted. Natasha b

    1. It's obvious there's been two sets of standards.

    2. The girls have admitted to kissing before marriage, so it's not just the boys.

    3. They leave it up to each couple to make their own decision regarding kissing before marriage. They have said this many times. Why would others try holding them to something they nothing about? Would you want someone constantly judging you?

  5. I don’t get why these girls are never taught how to cook but at the same time they are expected to become stay at home moms and cook for their families once they get married. I think all of them have said they didn’t know how to cook before getting married except maybe Michael and Alyssa.

    1. I think it's because Kelly isn't a cook.

    2. Esther certainly appears confident in the kitchen! She whipped up a delicious looking meal and seems very organized and able to give directions to Katie with ease!!! It’s of course, too bad, Katie can’t take instruction and carry out a simple, clearly communicated plan.

    3. Exactly, I've thought the same thing since the show began!
      It's embarrassing for them.

    4. I think Katie tries to play the super dumb blonde thinking it'll get her out of doing stuff and make ppl feel sorry for her

  6. It's surprising Katie is uncomfortable with simply taking something out of the oven. I guess Travis will do all the cooking.

    1. It was probably manufactured “drama” for the show.

    2. I sure hope you are right.

    3. I do think her protests were manufactured. Katie seemed really nervous about having that responsibility. Now if it was ice cream . . .

    4. @1:52- I hope so!!!

    5. 1:52 If that's the case, Katie needs to speak up and refuse to be a part of pretend drama that leaves the viewer with a negative impression of her.

    6. As cute as Katie is, I'm concerned about her maturity for marriage. Taking something out of an oven is not difficult; my teen-age sons did that and more. Let's not forget Katie's "childish" behavior of putting food in Travis face. I pray she does not do that at the wedding. One of her sisters may step up and help Katie be more comfortable in the kitchen. At least I hope so.

  7. Last night’s BUB was the best one ever! I watched it a second time this morning.
    Thanks so much for these shows and many thanks to all the Bates for allowing us into their lives once a week.

  8. Katie is nervous about taking a chicken out of the oven... interesting. I have no problem with a wife or husband or both taking care of the meals. However, I thought that learning how to cook would be at the top of the list of things a fundamentalist wife knows how to do.

    1. Guess those fundamentalists aren't cookie cutter after all.

  9. How many episodes are going to be in season 10 of bringing up bates?

  10. Katie and Travis were cute speaking I love yous in helium..that's their focus, cooking comes later so give Katie a break. Tiffany seems really fun and her and Lawson seem to have a good time together. Nate and Esther seem like ready ready to marry. Seasoned couple, cooking up

  11. I enjoyed seeing Esther. She’s seems very nice and outgoing (even though Nathan commented she doesn’t like the spot light). I did view pics of her with her family. All of them look ver alike; except one of the girls. She dressed differently, too. Does anyknow if she has a blended family?

  12. So Zach is a “party animal”? Really? I’m wondering if he knows the mainstream meaning of that title? Lol!

    1. It's clear that he does not know the mainstream meaning. He's the furthest thing from a party animal!

    2. I'm sure he knows the meaning. He has worked in the world for many years as a police officer.

    3. So, if he knows the real meaning; is he a “real “ party animal???

  13. I’m happy for Michael in being recognized with such a meaningful award. She does seem very kind and helpful.
    In an unrelated observation, she’s been appearing more and more matronly for a young woman. They both come across very serious; I hope they are doing well.

    1. Erin is also matronly, what's wrong with that?

    2. They have always come across that way.

    3. I think Michael has always been a more introverted and serious-minded type of person and her husband the same. Erin comes across to me as the exact opposite. BTW, calling someone matronly is not very complimentary.

    4. I agree on the matronly point-almost to the level of frumpy. If it’s due to a medical condition; then I sincerely apologize.
      I agree they have always come a crossed to be very serious and heavy. All the otherBates, including Gil & Kelly, the grandparents act so fun and uplifting!!!

    5. @12:39 So, you think it's perfectly ok to refer to someone as frumpy, as long as it isn't due to a medical condition? I think an apology is order, regardless.

    6. I'm so curious how looking matronly could be caused by a medical condition! I think we need to let Michaela have the freedom to choose how SHE wants to dress and wear her hair, same as the rest of us.

    7. @8:40—“Almost to the level of frumpy”- apparently the term “matronly “ was clear enough. Would “dull” be a more acceptable adjective to you? Certainly upbeat, high energy, trendy, fit, lively, stylish, bright eyed, funny, competitive, dynamic, motivated, fun loving are not fitting, either! Let’s her you describe this lovely couple accurately.

    8. 12:39- re-read the post- “almost” to the level of frumpy. You indicate frumpy as an insult; it’s an adjective describing a persons’ style/persona.

    9. Oh my, a heart of gold and the discussion is around her appearance. When I look at Michaela, I see a beautiful young woman who is always available to help her family. She spent (a few?) weeks caring for her grandfather when he was so ill. God Bless you, Michaela, you are an amazing and beautiful woman!

  14. How silly to have a costume contest for toddlers and preschoolers. They don't even understand the concept of "best costume" and I'm sure it doesn't add anything to their experience. They were probably happy and proud of their little costume without the grownups deciding that one was better than another. Five years from now, yes, they might enjoy the competition, but at this age it detracts from the experience more than adding anything.

  15. Matronly is outdated . That was 1950 to 1960.s. Nobody wants to be that way anymore.

    1. I think by "matronly" they mean comfortable, not terribly glamorous, interested in homemaking. All good things!

  16. What field of study is Tiffany's masters degree in? I'd love to hear more about that.

    1. Me too! Not everything is about weddings, babies, and home decor.

    2. Good gosh.. amen!!!!


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