
Friday, June 25, 2021

Updates from the Couples

Tori Smith and Bobby Smith

"We've just been settling into our house more and taking on little projects. We got a little beach vacation coming up for the family after Charlotte gets here."

-Bobby Smith

What did you think of last night's season finale episode? No news right now on when the Bates will return with new shows, but we will keep you updated. 

In this web exclusive video, the married couples share some quick family updates. As always, there is a lot in store for the Bates clan.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Carlin said "time for Layla to have a sibling" while holding her already loose dress further out from her tummy, so pretty sure bet pregnancy announcement coming up!

  2. Is carlin pregnant?!?!

  3. We no longer have DirecTV to watch this. Are there any online places to watch episodes for free, or am I out of luck?

  4. Travis is such a balanced and genuine young man. His parents seem the same! I think he will help Katie mature.
    Lawson & Nathan’s bit seemed to go a little long; but I love that they’re both moving forward with solid goals!
    Whitney & Josie’s craft timed was silly. Having Zach show up with chocolates was nice; but staged. Whitney, thought, is such an upbeat person. I love that about her!
    Can’t wait for the new season!

  5. The Episode was so cute and I loved that it was centered on Travis and Katie!

    - Adley

  6. Has Tori had Charlotte yet?

    - Adley

    1. Time 7:53PM Fri 6/25/21
      She did yesterday.

  7. Congratulations Tori &Bobby on their new baby girl Charlotte born on June 24th.

  8. I hope Tori and Bobby are taking their family and new baby down to see Bobby’s folks. I hope that’s the beach vacation he is talking about.

  9. Where did Katie get her engagement dress from? It is gorgeous and I would love to buy one. Congrats on your engagement Katie and Travis!

  10. Congratulations to Katie & Travis! That was such a beautiful setting for a proposal. I loved the heart of flowers and the song that Travis wrote and sang for Katie. All the best to them and I'm looking forward to seeing their wedding hopefully in the upcoming season.


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