
Saturday, June 26, 2021

Watch Nathan's Proposal

Nathan Bates proposes to Esther Keyes

As of Thursday, Bringing Up Bates is officially on break, following a season finale episode that featured Travis' proposal to Katie. Those of you who follow the Bates family closely know that Nathan announced his engagement to Esther at the end of May. Will fans have to wait until next season to see footage from his Florida proposal? Thankfully, the answer is no, as UPtv just released a video of the big moment. The YouTube link from UP Faith & Family is below. 

Nathan Bates' Engagement

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. Thank you Ellie for posting.

  2. They make such a nice couple. I hope they will be featured frequently next season.

  3. That was so beautiful and so romantic! Nathan has always seemed like a really wonderful guy with such a big heart, so I'm especially happy and excited for both of them. Can't wait to see more when the new season begins.

  4. Now everybody will act surprised . We knew this would happen.Its a Bates/Duggar trend.

  5. Aw! That was pretty awesome!

  6. They seem like a very nice couple and I wish them well. I will say that these proposals, along with the courtship fanfare, comes across as quite contrived for TV audiences. I guess if it works for them, that's what counts. But, the drama and theatrics is lost on me and I'm reminded of the old adage- too much of a good thing. With such a huge family and so many over-the-top celebrations, their lives appear to move from one big party to the next without any down time in between. Ordinary people don't have the vacation time or financial resources to pull off this standard of living.

    1. So well stated and I couldn't agree more.

    2. Thank you for your opinion I feel the same way. They get paid a lot of money for the show am sure only reason they can do this .Also to draw an audience.Much drama and your perfect word theatrics.

    3. I agree. I really like this family, but I question whether to allow my daughters to keep watching because I think the standard for engagement/weddings is not realistic. I miss the charm of the family before they were famous...

    4. Agreed. I don’t know how she could have been surprised, she didn’t seem that surprised. She probably knew what was going on. And why would you put big letters “marry me” so she saw it as she was walking up to the spot, I don’t know, just seems to take some of the surprise out of it.

    5. Mostly agree. I wasn’t surprised at all when my now-husband asked me to marry him, since we had talked about our plans and decided that this was the time! We courted and kept personal physical boundaries too because we didn’t want to date just for fun, but with the intention of marriage. Even though I knew it was coming, I absolutely loved every second of the proposal and evening afterwards. We were over the moon happy! I had the same reaction Esther did, and we spent hardly any money that day. I also think that the famous people’s way of fancy engagements is not realistic. It doesn’t have to be expensive to be romantic! We got engaged by a beautiful sunset and lake.

    6. 👍❤🍦🍦💍💍

  7. So cute! Amazing!

    - Adley

  8. Best wishes to two lovely mature people.
    May they have a blessed life together.

  9. Time 10:00AM Sun 6/27/21
    I saw the proposal yesterday on the
    YouTube video pretty cool. Hope Lawson
    Is next.

  10. Congratulations to Nathan and Esther!

  11. Anon, 6/27 @ 5:32a.m......yes, exactly. The Bates family would not be able to afford these over the top things too if they didn't have a TV show. Just think, if you had your own TV show, you, too, could afford these 'regular every day happenings' just like the Bates can! This show is so not real.

  12. I was glad Travis had a crew to decorate for him for his proposal to Katie so the families could just enjoy the moment. I felt Kelly and Gil's stress trying to set up for Nathan's engagement.

    1. I agree. Kelly and Gil got to sit back and enjoy Travis’ proposal.

  13. Wow! They decorate and dress up for a proposal like other people for their wedding. I wonder if that was the real proposal or if they just staged another one for the show. Esther could not have been very surprised otherwise 😉. Either way, I wish them all the best for their future!
    Other detections from that clip: Nathan looks alot like Gil and Esther reminds me a little bit of Whitney.

  14. So excited for them!

  15. Best wishes to Nathan and Esther. May God bless them with many happy years together and as many children as they desire.

  16. I know it’s a cliche, but Nathan looks at Esther so adoringly. He just stares at her with a look that says he is thinking, “How did I get so lucky. God is good.” It’s not like his previous courtship where he acted a bit critical, trying to change her. You can tell that Nathan loves Esther just the way she is. If she feels the same, it’s a great way to begin a marriage.

  17. Oh another Florida Proposal, but it looked nice! Esther and Nathan look so in love; but Nate buddy that suit is Tight!

  18. My husband’s proposal of marriage to me was very simple. There was no real fanfare. We were alone… no cameras, no one waiting to pop out of the bushes. We were in a pretty park near our town that was significant to us in our relationship; we had gone there on a date, and ended the date with a walk. At the end, near his truck, my husband pulled out my ring and asked me to be his wife. I said yes. It was private and special. Something I will never forget. We cried and hugged. It was probably a $25 proposal with simple food for the date and a movie we watched on his iPad… but it was priceless to me. It doesn’t have to be a grand event to be special. It certainly can be… but it doesn’t have to be. 💛 What matters is your mutual love and respect for the Lord and for one another.

  19. That is a sweet story! I was actually kind of sad that my husband put very little thought into ours, since we knew we were getting married for months and were just waiting while he saved enough for the ring. It was basically going on a walk and then he dropped to one knee, like it was just a formality he had to perform. I felt kind of let down, actually.

    1. That still sounds romantic. If you felt let down, maybe, maybe all these wedding proposals are getting too carried away.

    2. I can beat your story! I told my future husband after. 3 years that if we didn’t get married, I was breaking off the relationship. I was 100% serious, too, and he knew it. Fortunately, he got very concerned and that was that! We were married four months later and recently celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary.. Neither one of us has ever been the demonstrative romantic type, but we love each other very much!

    3. 7:40, this was 20 years ago. It just felt kind of anticlimactic after all those months of waiting.

  20. Congratulations! May God bless your union.

  21. I just love the Bates family, I can't wait to see new episodes!!

  22. I understand the Bates have opened themselves up to unwanted opinions and suggestions. It bothers me to see so many negative comments. This is a marriage proposal, Nathan and Esters. I for one am grateful we got to see it. I wish you all happiness. I also hope if you read these comments, you stop. People will always try to put you down. Live the life you want.

  23. So happy for Katie and Travis and for Nathan and Esther.. may God bless and guide you through all!

  24. Congrats to both of you,love the show.
    God bless you both.

  25. There is no need for a destination proposal. This is a total waste of money. Since the couple 'can't be alone' it's also a waste of everyone's time and money. Why not propose right where you live? How are these trips afforded?

    1. UpTV likely foots the bill for these destination proposals, as long as they’re filming it. Made for TV stuff.

  26. Everything is so staged with this type of stuff with Bates/Duggars. Time to cancel this show to. It seems like all repeats in both families. Baby marriage oe engagement.

  27. I wish that everyone who posts these comments remembers that ALL of the Bates proposals except for Erin has been this BIG. Zach, Alyssa, Katie, and Nathan went to FL, Michela went to DC, Tori went to NC, Josie went to Utah, and Carlin went to Maine. It's nothing new, and I wish everyone on this message board remembers that. You can go big for the engagements; just because you choose differently doesn't mean others have to.

  28. Esther resembles the actress Jane Seymour.

    1. @3:35- yes!!! I knew she looked like someone I had seen! Thanks for pinpointing who:)

  29. Yes, UP foots the bill for anything we see on TV...that's why this is so not real. We, the regular people, who don't have a TV show, can't do these types of things. How is this reality TV? Staged everything...product placement and commercials within the show for products, just tacky and classless. Take the show away and see how these people would live.

    1. Hah. Zach flew Whitney to Florida to propose before they were ever on tv.


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