
Saturday, July 10, 2021

Katie's Wedding Website

Travis Clark and Katie Bates

Less than five months to go until Katie and Travis become husband and wife! They just completed their wedding website. You'll find a quick version of their love story, a list of their wedding party members, and links to their registries. 

The future Mr. and Mrs. Clark will hold their ceremony and reception at Castleton Farms on December 3rd, 2021. If the venue name sounds familiar to you, that's because Carlin and Evan had their wedding at the same location in May 2019. 

Photo courtesy of @kgbates2000


  1. Best of luck in planning your special day. I am sure you will be as beautiful of a bride as your sisters.

  2. Awesome, it's time to hit their fans up for free gifts. Woohoo!

    1. Nobody is forced to give.

    2. It does appear that is exactly what they are doing.
      Oh my goodness!

    3. That's silly. I just went to the website and read about their love story, saw a bunch of engagement pictures, and found out who was in their wedding party. And, oh yes, saw where they were registered. Guess how much I felt pressured to go shop for a gift. Not at all.

    4. It’s a little odd

    5. Absolutely - she's not my favorite.

    6. This is a modest registry. She was raised well not to ask for extravagant items.
      I feel happy seeing a future bride planning for her marriage. God bless this young lady for years to come.

    7. I think the Katie and Travis/ BUB ‘s followers just took a downward dive, and of course no one is forced to give!

    8. I was thinking the exact same thing!

    9. Did she ask for the world?

      - Adley

    10. They are in no way asking fans to send gifts. That has just been implied by people here.

    11. The tasteful thing to do would have been to have a password to get into their wedding website. I have seen other brides do this. Then only the people actually going to the wedding would enter the password to see the registry and buy them a gift

    12. They did ask for a roomba though. S.

    13. 8:40. While I agree nobody needs to send a gift; the whole point of sharing a registry is to receive gifts. Nothing “implied” about it.

    14. 11:45, when you open their website, the registry is one tab you can click on. It's not in your face at all.

    15. "Free gifts"??? As opposed to what? Gifts they would have to pay for??? I would have expected their website to be password protected but it's not and that's up to them. The truth is that they do have fans and it is a common thing for fans to want to send gifts to those they follow. At least with some direction they can avoid receiving things they have little use or desire for. Saves time, energy, and space in the landfill.

    16. I’m glad it wasn’t password protected. I enjoyed the story and the attendants sections. I did not feel I had to browse and buy a gift. Thank you, Ellie, for including their Wedding Website.

    17. I agree. Same here, 6:35. Fun to read their story and see who's in the party. Sometimes it's fun to look at registries to see what they choose too.

    18. @6:25-Alyssa has one; not really an extravagant item.

  3. So happy for you guys!!!! Absolutely love the Bates family.

  4. That proposal would've been a lot more romantic and personal without the professional photographer and the parents. A sweet, modest proposal during a moment alone would have been so much more meaningful than the staged destination one.

  5. Do they want free gifts from fans? Or strangers on their wedding? This is not ok.

    1. This is their wedding website for people to read their story and see who is in their wedding party. If you want to buy them a present or see what is on their registry, go for it! No one is forcing anyone to go to the website.

    2. I don't think they're intentionally trying to encourage fans to send gifts. Wedding websites and gift registries are common practice and anyone can see them. I guess if I were in their shoes, I'd want to keep all the information about the wedding as private as possible. Invited guests can get all the information they need from the invitations mailed out. At least that's how it was done back in the Dark Ages when I got married. We simply indicated the time, date, place, dinner info, RSVP response, and the stores where we were registered. In many ways, life has become much more complicated!

  6. Her natural hair color is much prettier.

    1. I agree. The blonde doesn't match her complexion. And she is a beautiful young woman.

    2. The blonde doesn't go with her coloring.

    3. Agree, the platinum blonde is way to light for her skin tone. It washes her out.

  7. I don’t remember any of the other Bates setting up a wedding registry for fans.
    Am I remembering this correctly? I think it is in very poor taste.

    1. This is their wedding website, it isn’t asking for gifts from fans. It’s a normal thing that many do for their weddings nowadays.

    2. This is just an ordinary wedding website like a gazillion other brides have, including links to the registries. Nothing out of the ordinary.

    3. Well, now with covid they will probably have a much smaller wedding than usual so the guests won't be enough to cover all the wedding registry gifts and I presume that's why this time they are including the fans, but it's fine, the fans will be watching the wedding on TV so it's as though they were invited to an actual wedding and anyway it's optional if they are grateful to be able to see this wedding and want to give a gift they can if not they don't have to, no big deal.

    4. It's not a registry for the fans, it is their wedding site. This is a very common practice these days.

    5. Josie and Carlin did from what I remember

    6. I completely agree (and I don't remember this happening before either).

    7. I think Carlin had a public registry as well?

    8. Most brides have a wedding website nowadays, and it's just routine to have registry links as one of several things on the site. Their wedding site does not look any different from other wedding websites I've seen.

    9. It is not for fans. It is a public website that anyone can use. If you receive an invitation to the wedding, then you would go here to look at the registry and purchase a gift. If you do not receive an invitation then you can go to this website and read their story and see who her bridesmaids are; That is all! No other obligations if you didn’t get an invitation

    10. It is their wedding and decision. Not yours.

      - Adley

    11. @4:54- since half of Americans are vaccinated and plenty of their friends probably decided not to follow CDC regs when Covid was at its height; I’m sure they’ll be a big guest list for this wedding!!!

    12. This is a wedding website like all the wedding websites I have been on. If I am invited to a wedding, I click on registry and buy a gift. If I am not an invitee, I do not do that. It’s fun for fans to read “Our Story” and “Attendants.” Only those actually invited need to buy a gift.

  8. Such a beautiful website! Are fans invited to the wedding? Just by some things it said on the website I kinda thought fans were invited?

    1. Maybe reread it. There was no public wedding invitation on that site.

  9. Wedding registries practically cover everything for the home, not in Italy where I'm from, you buy most of what you need for your home yourself and some family members help with buying some products for the kitchen, they don't have wedding registry, the guests really just gift you whatever they want, which is usually something consumable or that you can use more of in case you get the same gifts, so examples are perfume, photo frames,towel set,bed covers, vases, decorative objects, toiletries,large packs of coffee, well Italians are always happy with coffee as a gift, and some people just give cash in an envelope or a voucher to spend at a store,but I personally think wedding registry is a good idea so you don't end up with gifts you don't use or like.

    1. The brides register for the gifts they want, so if people buy from the registry they won’t be buying something they don’t want

  10. I guessed the date as December 12th. But i was close! Great place to do it

    1. I guessed December 2nd! So we were both pretty close;)

  11. I'm sure that they are not asking for gifts from fans. Although I think that many have asked where and what is needed. This BLOG says FRIENDS of the Bates so I'm not sure if it is not just tagged from her personal info for her close family and friends. They have never asked for anything from fans.

  12. With the most recent Duggar weddings, people were creating fake ones. Fans were sending gifts to scammers assuming it was going to them. There was even one for James Duggar recently who as far as we know isn't even in a relationship. This may be why Katie chose to officially announced it.

  13. Ok, I’m completely confused why they put it out there public the wedding venue address, now they are basically inviting stalkers, just sayin. There are freaks out there.

  14. They never register at legit places like Williams Sonoma, Nordstrom, Macy's, etc. Never think ahead for fine china, 18/10 stainless and silver, crystal and good quality cookware and cutlery. Me thinks they really want the $1000 gift cards. As soon as these girls get all the cheap stuff, you see $3000.00 Poly and Bark sofas in their homes.

    1. @2:20 I've noticed a trend where couples are not asking for fine china, silver, crystal or other fancy tableware. They want more practical things for their home. Minimalism is kind of a thing now and it's popular to scale back on having stuff you seldom use. As a retiree, I'm trying to get rid of a lot of our stuff and our kids don't want it. If it can't go in the dishwasher, no thanks! I can set a respectable table compliments of Target. If a glass breaks, it's no big deal. As for your assumption about the gift cards, why go there?

    2. Most young couples don’t get china anymore! (We didn’t, and we’ve been married 20 years!) Target and Amazon also are where a lot of people shop—they’re more affordable for gift givers and do a great job with sending things straight to the couple. We’ve gone to many weddings recently, and their site and registry look like all the others.

    3. I never registered at a "legit" place like you name and have managed to live for 20 wedded years without fine china or crystal. Sounds kind of uppity to me.

    4. So you are complaining that they ask for inexpensive stuff and buy the expensive stuff themselves?

    5. Times have changed!! Lots of people register at Target, on Amazon, Home Depot etc. Many don’t want silver, crystal, fine china, etc. Different times.

    6. I doubt that the Bates girls are aware of the finer things in life like china and crystal etc. They have never been exposed to those things

    7. So they are trying to be practical and register for ordinary things from down-to-earth stores that many people shop at, so what? I don't know many people who register for impractical and expensive things like crystal and fine china anymore.

    8. We’ve been married forever and did not want china. I can set a casual or more formal table using my stoneware. I have done so for 50 years!!!

    9. anon@11:42 Registering for "the finer things in life", like china and crystal, used to be a big thing. Not so much now, as people have shifted priorities and are into minimalism. Storing stuff you rarely use is not very practical, IMO. When I got married 32 years ago, I registered for the traditional things. Now I'm trying to get rid of most of it, even my grown kids don't want it. I find I can host holiday dinners on very attractive and inexpensive stoneware. Those "finer things" need special care and attention and easily break or chip. Not a good value, IMO. Buy whatever works for you, but don't passive-aggressively put down others for choosing more practical things.

    10. Although not as many brides are registering for fine China and crystal today, many still are. To each his own. Although they might take more time to take care of, a beautifully set table with China and crystal can’t be beat IMO. The elegance and sparkle can’t be beat. While we shouldn’t criticize brides who don’t like these things, we also don’t need to criticize people who love the look of China and crystal. Not everything in life has to be “practical.” Some things just need to be appreciated for their beauty and detail. Maybe the Bates haven’t been exposed to those things, there’s nothing wrong with that, just a fact.

    11. @4:13 People were responding to the overly critical OP who implied that there's something wrong with people who don't register at high-end stores or use expensive dinnerware. That's just a fact.

    12. 4:13, a lot of people don't have space to store both everyday dishes and breakables (and the reason that practicality is also important is if you plan to have kids, who significantly increase the odds of breaking things).

    13. @4:13 There's beauty and detail to be found in many things, but we don't all find it in the same places. Fancy and elegant dinnerware has never been important to me, even though I've been exposed to it. I inherited a lot of the stuff from parents and grandparents and took it out on rare occasions. I never liked having to wash it all by hand or polish the silver. Storage is a problem and I've given quite a bit of it away. That wasn't easy- most people I know prefer the "practical" stuff you can put in the dishwasher.

    14. All this talk about if people should have fancy China and crystal is getting ridiculous. To each his own. Some people want it and some don’t. Like fancy clothes or furniture or cars. To each his own

    15. If they registered for crystal and expensive china, they would get criticized for that too.

  15. MO- A site for fans to send gifts? Are the fans invited too? Yes, I know the fans don't have to send anything.. but it's tacky none the less IMO. :o(

    1. A site for everyone to get updated. Families and friends. It’s the normal for many.

    2. No, it's not a site for fans to send gifts. Did you look at it? It's just a regular wedding site like any bride and groom might set up.

    3. Most young couples have wedding websites and gift registries that are basically public information. Calling attention to it on a fan blog is unnecessary, IMO, as these things are meant for close friends and family who are invited to the wedding. I would hope fans are not compelled to send gifts. Save your money or donate it to a worthy cause.

    4. They should have set up a password like I’ve seen other brides do. Then only the people actually going to the wedding can enter the password to see and purchase a gift. That would have been more tactful

    5. 8:21, I'm sure the blogger called attention to it because she knew some readers would be interested. This is getting all blown out of proportion in the comments.

    6. 8:21, Katie and Travis don't choose what gets posted here.

  16. Gorgeous girl. A young Erin.


    - Adley

  18. You want to link my wedding website too? I have no fans to buy me free gifts. Lol

    1. I would buy you a gift before I'd buy them one. lol

    2. Lol, its okay

    3. Send it over we can all buy you some gifts and everyone on the blog can freak out over something new!

    4. Congrats on your wedding!

    5. Now we want to see your wedding website. 😊Congratulations and best wishes.

  19. Surprised that starting with Carlin the church weddings have stopped but even then they shopped the church. The girls here get married in their own Church. Of course we don't usually invite hundreds of people. May God bless Katie and Travis.

    1. To me, it’s awkward to “shop” for a church. I would be reluctant to ask any church to make their plans around a stranger’s wedding, even if that person was a reality tv personality. I am a minister and where we live brides and grooms are married in their own congregations. If outsiders want to get married in our church, they can pay a nominal fee or are very welcome to take instructions and join the congregation. Of course, as one poster said, most of our congregants don’t invite hundreds of guests.

    2. It was actually with Josie. Josie got married outdoors as well and she was married 7 months before Carlin.

  20. I love that they have a dog for a flower girl lol 😂

    1. Haha! Yes. I don't know if that is really the flower girl? I think most of it will be Willow!

  21. Travis and Katie are so perfect together! Wish I could afford something on their registry! No, I don't have a job yet.

    - Adley

  22. Now it sounds like a 3 ring circus…

  23. There is absolutely no reason to make this wedding registry public. They may not be directly asking for gifts but it is put out there to do so. Tacky, IMO.

  24. I guess they didn't check that the site looked right in all browsers because Travis' head in the homepage photo is completely cut off in mine, can only see Katie showing off her ring lol lol!

  25. Where I come from these registry household items are for your bridal shower, not your wedding. Wedding gifts are cash.

    1. Interesting! We got registry items for both.

  26. so many people on this site are so negative and judgemental. wow. anyways, congrats to katie and travis. they seem like such a sweet couple.

  27. I believe that most religious people get married in a church. No need for them to 'shop around' for a ceremony venue. Most guests enjoy being indoors for events like this as weather and grass on your shoes plays a large part in everyone's comfort.
    If Katie believes in her father's church, she should get married there.

    1. Her father's church is not big enough for their guests. Simple fact.

    2. Let's think about that. If they invite their church to the wedding, how are they going to have room for friends and family who don't go to their church? There just wouldn't be room for everyone. That has nothing to do with "believing in her father's church," unless you think her father's church is literally just a building, which it's not. It's a belief system and knows no physical bounds.

  28. Love this family! The way they love and genuinely care for each other is a strong testament to the parenting the children have had. We learn what we live, and they have lived in an environment that honors God and his design of the family. Thank you, Bates Family, for being a light in and to this world!!!!

    1. I agree that they seem like a decent and loving family, not unlike the many other good families I know, including my own. What I don't find encouraging is Gil's association with IBLP. That organization has a very troubling history and founder.

  29. It's nice to see a young person who is well prepared for marriage. She is so blessed. Sadly, I did not come from a family that prepared me for marriage. I live with those scars. But I'm learning g to be happy for those that are.

    1. I sympathize, Lila. I came from a broken home and had no example set for me. If anything it was a negative example. I am married but it’s not been easy figuring things out. My husband has been a huge blessing, with patient understanding that my learning curve is jaded.

  30. If the church is too small, then get married in a larger Baptist church.

    1. If they can find one available the weekend they need and big enough.

  31. Katie and Travis are a perfect couple! Katie is my favorite bates although I love them all dearly. God bless


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