
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Lawson Celebrates His Bday in Hawaii

Happy 29th birthday to Lawson Bates! This year, he happens to be on a vacation in Maui, Hawaii, with his girlfriend, Tiffany Espensen, and Tiffany's parents and older brother. Hope y'all have a wonderful trip.

Nathan Bates and Lawson Bates

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. Joyeux anniversaire et profitez bien de ce voyage on bonne compagnie bisous de france

    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  3. Time 6:30PM Tues 7/27/21
    Happy 29th birthday to a great guy
    William Lawson Bates. Hope u are
    Having a wonderful trip with
    Tiffany & Hope your family will
    Give you the best gifts of all
    Love. 🎂🎂🎂💓💓💓❤❤❤🎊🎊🎊

    1. Neddy how do you know so much about the Bates and Duggars ? Are you personal friends? Who is Tiffany?

    2. 2:43, are you new to the blog? Did you read the blog post?

  4. Wow thats great and lucky him!! Hope its good.

  5. Does Lawson have a job? He doesn't seem very diligent or hardworking for that matter.

    1. His living is writing songs/making albums, singing at concerts. Usually that is a pretty good income

    2. It does look like he's always on holiday though.

  6. On vacation in Hawaii? Wow, where does all this money come from? What exactly does Lawson DO FOR A LIVING? It seems like he does not have an actual steady paying job. He mostly travels and or visits married family members outside of Tennessee? This is a fantasy type of life and there is more going on than they say. Up can't pay that much to the parents, then they would have to split it up with the children who appear on camera....still doesn't financially add up to me.

    1. His music career doesn't seem to be much. I never hear anything he does being played on the radio and it appears that most of his concerts are for charity. Maybe he sells a lot of tee shirts and CDs at the concerts but he certainly doesn't have a national exposure. Perhaps, like Nathan, he's earning money from jobs we don't hear about.

    2. To all the negative comments about Lawson and if he has a paying job he does. He’s a singer for one so there is so sort of income from that and I believe he works as a police officer too. Even if he didn’t have a paying job that’s his business. Your negative comments aren’t needed. Don’t down people if they don’t have jobs, I agree it’s definitely a essential thing in life for most, but everyone’s situation is different.

    3. I don't really care. It's none of my business where he gets his money from.

    4. If you were on the bank statements it would add up to you. Wait, you’re not? Then stop meddling.

    5. Then you REALLY don't understand that EACH PERSON gets paid per episode and per re-run from their FAMILY show?? I'm sure the children under 18 or 21 have a trust set up and they've been doing this since 2014 which aired in 2015 that's a lot of money plus he does concerts and produces CDs, has a fan base who pays him for all of that! Each of the members of this family and the in-laws are reality stars at this point!

    6. 12:47 - that’s a good answer to the question. It’s natural for people to wonder how Lawson gets to go on vacations like Hawaii. It’s not a vacation everyone can afford or Its one you have to save up money for. I agree with you. I’m pretty sure he is able to do this from being a reality star and all that encompasses.

    7. MO- 12:47PM. I really don't know how they pay the kids, but the Duggar kids weren't in control of the money from the show, Jim Bob was. Just saying- That mess came out later when problems arose with the married kids. And this music stuff is getting old. Lawson never hit the big time on any chart. But Happy B-Day none the less. :o)

    8. Unless you paid for his trip, who cares?

    9. Surely there are better things we could use our time on than wondering about TV personalities' money situations.

    10. And if the trip is being filmed for the show it's most likely paid for BY the show or UPTV

    11. Lawson was in Hawaii with Tiff’s parents, too. Maybe they footed the whole bill for the trip. However, I do understand many comments on how do you afford to consistently be on various vacations. We aren’t shown every second of his day; between his UP salary and performing maybe that’s enough to keep him all over the place! Apparently, Tiff is not working, either.

    12. You do know he makes money from the show, his gigs, he still possibly makes money from residuals of his songs and possibly his merch.

    13. Lawson seems to be such a nice man. Very talented and being able to fly and also write music and promote himself as such. He has a nice voice plays the guitar well, close to his family, ...Loves the Lord and I am so happy for him finding Tiffany! I hope they can get married soon and enjoy many years together if that is God’s will.
      Also whenever there is any kind of a storm, hurricane, national disaster he and Nathan are there helping others along with other people as well. That takes a lot of courage and kindness and love and dedication.

  7. What is this obsession with wanting to know their financial information? That is personal information that we have no right or reason to know (other than sheer nosiness).

    1. 12:01 - It’s not that people want the Bates financial statements. People are curious as to what they do for a living, if they work outside the television realm. It’s a natural question. When people meet, often somewhere in the conversation they ask, “ What do you do for a living.” It’s not necessarily being nosy. Often it’s just curiosity about a fellow human.

    2. I appreciate your comment. They are not asking anything of anyone, just letting those interested, what is going on. Hope Lawson is enjoying himself!

    3. Perhaps it's simply a human response to what appears to be back-to-back vacations, travel, entertainment, etc. Like all reality TV, it becomes less and less real or relatable to the average person. The Bates are obviously doing very well financially, and that's wonderful for them.

    4. Well, reality TV is made to attract nosy, curious people, but as long as they make money from these reality TV shows, who cares, he.

    5. Exactly! Can you imagine asking someone that in person? It isn’t ok even via internet. Since we aren’t paying Lawson’s bills, it isn’t our business how he earns money or how much.

    6. I don't understand it, because it's not my human response. I have other things to think about.

    7. Some things are just plain not our business, whether we are curious or not. We don't earn the right to know based on our curiosity, which we can curb.

  8. I'm just surprised that they were allowed to go on this trip! But good for him! Hope he and Tiffany enjoy it :)

    1. "allowed"???
      If you are talking about courting and chaperones his parents and her brother are with them!

    2. And her parents!

  9. 🎉Happy Birthday! May God use you in a great and powerful way, May HE continue to give you strength to endure life's ups and downs! May God continue to grant you the desires of your heart🎂🍨🎈🎁

  10. She seems very focused on her goals and education. He does not appear to be as diligent and disciplined, actually kind of flighty. Maybe opposites attract, but for the long term?

  11. Getting engaged in Hawaii?

  12. Happy Birthday, Lawson. I remember years ago Erin once saying in a clip that it will take a while till Lawson gets married, he will have to turn 29. ;-)

    1. As an avid Bates show watcher i remember that episode! The sisters went to get ice cream and walked over to a gazebo to eat it and we're talking about their brothers finding girlfriends, future wives.

  13. Maybe Up TV is filming their engagement and therofe paying for the trip.

    1. If Gil and Kelly aren't there with them, I doubt it is an engagement trip. Haven't they been present at every engagement so far?

    2. I believe his parents WERE there!
      It remains to be seen though.

    3. If they were there, wouldn't this blog's editors say so?

  14. Engagement trip?

    1. Good call on the engagement trip!

    2. MO- Maybe his family is there... I guess if they showed his family on the trip as well, we'd all figure out it's an engagement. The Bates just keep out-doing each other at every turn.

  15. Besides SINGING/CONCERTS, he does have a REGULAR JOB When he gets home. He DOES LANDSCAPING, and it has been shown on B.U.B , his sisters helped one time.

    1. It’s not really landscaping. More like lawn care. Does he still do that?

    2. @5:04- with all the traveling Lawson if he still worked his lawn care business your grass would be ten feet tall now! His income is clearly from performing on stage and on the show!

    3. I highly doubt it.. that's an adolescent job for individuals in my opinion (I'm not talking about a crew of men!) Maybe Warden and Isaiah are doing that now to earn some cash.

    4. Warden works with Chad.

  16. I didn't read all the commets but it was mentioned before that he had his own lawn care and he helps his dad with tree trimming company

    1. @5:05 plus the show and his music. I think his lawn care business is “lawng” gone!

  17. Well, I guess the next one will get engaged at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France; then on to an engagement on the moon! This really getting ridiculous. So not realistic for a 'frugal' family. Way too much hype and not enough modesty.

    1. @4:35- they are now past the frugal point!!!

    2. Zach also said what's next by the time Callie gets engaged? The moon?

    3. Did he get engaged? Thought the blog said this was a trip with her family.

    4. Modesty is a virtue, but so is refraining from a critical spirit.

    5. Lawson isn't his parents, he's an adult who can make his own financial decisions. Tiffany's family can make their own financial decisions too. So what if they decide to go on a vacation to Hawaii? Maybe they saved up for it. So judgmental.

    6. @8:40-Tiff’s family lives in CA ; so a Hawaii trip is pretty close and reasonably affordable. Kind of life Southern New England to Martha’s Vineyard or southern Florida to Key West/Bahamas.

    7. It's almost 2500 miles from California to Hawaii and the flight is over 5 hours. That isn't even in the same ball park as those other places you mentioned.

    8. @9:31-I intended my comparison in how each destination is reached by a region. Most New Englanders drive/ferry to MV which easily averages 5 hours of travel. The same with Key West- driving/flying times can be up to 5 + depending on your location and traffic on the Oversea Highway! I’ve done both to understand the time lines.

  18. Thank you poster July 31, 4:35 pm . Very well said. I am of the world and Bates are in the world.

  19. I agree that it’s not really any of our business. Doesn’t he still live with his parents, so probably no rent or other household expenses.

  20. I’ve listen to Lawson music. He’s a great singer/songwriter. Maybe some of you people need to put the jealousy away. The negative comments are uncalled for. It’s no one’s business how the get their money. They are a good Christian family.

    1. I really don't care how they earn their living. I do recall that in the early years of the show, they did make clear how they were able to provide for such a huge family by being frugal, having the tree-trimming business, and some of the older boys would earn extra cash with their lawn care services. I don't think it's out of line for people to be curious now about how things have changed for them in that department. It stands to reason that a good share of their income is from the show.

  21. It saddens me to think that their is talk on how the Bates are not modest or honest. They are pretty open about their family challenges, hardships and good times as well. They also try to practice and learn the Christ attributes and you can see that reflected in how the children interact within the community. Plus, are growing up to be quite successful in education, talents, and businesses. I think the main reason is because God is first in their lives. Quite frankly, I think the lord has blessed them in ways to support such a large family while building up brothers and sisters around them as well in other countries. As far as Lawson music, he is an amazing song writer/singer, who has taken years to build his career and now the Lord has blessed him with a girl just for him. If your ever having a bad day ask Google, or Alexa to play Lawson Bates songs there is about 3 hours worth, if not more. His music will blow those storm clouds away. Tiffany is such a wonderful girl, she and Lawson compliment each other. I wish them all the best with their future life ahead!


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