
Saturday, July 24, 2021

Webster Girl Squad

It has been a while since we've shared a new photo of Alyssa and John Webster's girl squad. Allie turned six in April, Lexi is four-and-a-half, Zoey turned three in March, and Maci is five months. We just can't get over their matching dresses!

Zoey Webster, Maci Webster, Alyssa Webster, Lexi Webster, Allie Webster

Photo courtesy of @websterforever


  1. I just love seeing their family! The sweet pictures remind me of my family when my girls were little. Those were such sweet, uncomplicated times. Thank you for sharing and brightening my day with happy memories! Kim

  2. Oh my goodness!!! The girls are getting so big already and Maci Jo is just preciousπŸ’• I love the Webster girl squad!

  3. She must spend a a fortune on clothes. Each time Allie outgrows a dress, she has to buy four new dresses in order to have a matching ensemble. And they seem to wear matching ensembles a lot! No wonder she is always doing laundry. Simpler is sometimes better.

    1. Didn’t I see some time ago that some makes the matching dresses for the girls?

    2. She gets many of these ensemble sets gifted to her.

    3. No, a fan buys them and ships them to her. Alyssa and John are OK with that!

    4. If they have the money to buy the clothes and the time to launder them, why should it matter to you what they wear? BTW, do you give unsolicited advice to the people in your own world on a regular basis? If so, I bet you're real popular!

    5. Having 4 kids means you're always doing laundry whether they match or not!

  4. Time 8:10PM Sat 7/24/21

  5. So cute and SO blessed!

  6. Vous Γͺtes formidable un bisous de France

  7. Alyssa is still accepting those matching free dresses that some obsessed fan continues to send her? At this point, I think it's not in good taste to continue to accept these gifts. They should be able to buy their own clothing. On another note, when is this matchy, matchy thing going to end? Alyssa is not one of the daughters, she is their mother and should not dress as the children do.

    1. Not your problem.

    2. I think it will end when Allie is a teenager. No one wants to emphasize their age next to their teen daughter.

    3. I understand that when people put themselves on social media they are opening themselves up for criticisms. But 6:24’s rant seems particularly mean-spirited. I sure hope the person doing the sewing doesn’t read this blog. The style and patterns are very pretty and well-done. Maybe the seamstress is a relative who loves doing this for the Webster girls. Maybe it’s a person who loves to sew and share his/her talent. I think it’s cute when the girls are young. It will end at some point. For now, I bet the girls like it. That’s what matters.

    4. Live and let live. I find the criticism of these sweet pictures distasteful.

    5. 1. You are out-of-line to name-call and insult the giver as 'some obsessed fan'.
      2. Are you so jealous of someone receiving a gift that you call it 'in bad taste to accept it'?
      3. They buy plenty of other clothes for the girls.
      4. Their everyday clothes aren't matching. Just some dressup clothes for photos, church, etc.
      5. No need for matching outfits to end until THEY want to do so.
      6. It is perfectly lovely for mom and daughters to have some matching outfits.
      Your criticisms say more about yourself than about the target of your venon.

    6. Keep your opinions to yourself.

    7. @6:24 You asked a question, but then went on to answer it yourself. If a fan is making those dresses, you have no way of knowing if the Websters are paying for them. You are assuming the worst without any facts. There seems to be an different kind of epidemic going around called Jumping to Conclusions!

    8. One of my favourite memories was when my mom sewed a skirt matching for herself, for me, and for my doll. I absolutely loved matching with my mom.

    9. 12:13 - that is such a sweet memory. Thank you for sharing it. I bet your mom absolutely loved it too.

    10. @12:13 Your story reminds me of my mom. She made all my clothes and would make new outfits for my Barbie doll with the leftover scraps. I remember coming home from school and she'd surprise me with new dresses for the both of us.

    11. If you look closely, she's not wearing the same dress as the girls AT ALL. Hers is mixed colors floral and theirs is solid purple lace.

  8. Love this family!!!

  9. Gorgeous family πŸ’œ

  10. Am I the only one who thinks that the matching dresses are awful?

    1. I think it’s great. I have no doubt that when the girls stop enjoying the matching outfits, they will speak up. Until then, they should have fun with this. It’s all about making memories. Kim

    2. So glad you get to choose how to dress your family and the Webster get to choose how they dress theirs. Wonder what people say about you? Why not just be nice?

    3. No. They're adorable.

    4. I'm with you, Kim. These days will pass by so quickly, and one day these will just be precious memories. How great that it's so well-documented for them.

    5. YES, you are the only one!

    6. Anon 5:08. She's not the only one. I agree.

    7. I don't like it. It comes from my childhood. To each their own. But I won't and don't do it.

  11. What a beautiful photo of the girls! The dresses are really cute!😍

  12. Awe all of them are sweet and cute! Maci's cheeks though!

  13. I do wonder what the other church member think and say, when the Websters come in matching every Sunday. Could they find it funny? Ostentatious? I doubt they think it is a gorgeous look.

    1. If I were in their church, I'd look forward to seeing them every Sunday.

    2. I can't fathom looking at this picture of a beautiful mama and her four precious girls, all dressed beautifully, and thinking such a mean thing, let alone putting it on a public forum. Hopefully these church members are more kind and loving and think positive things.

    3. @6:45….and why wouldn’t others at the church think it was not gorgeous? Your comment boggles my mind.

    4. 6:45 Anyone who would spend time analyzing their matching outfits and then wonder what others think about it, needs a new hobby!

    5. I guess they can be glad you're not a member of their church.

    6. A lot of moms dress their kids in matching clothes. It’s cute and makes it easier to find all your kids in a group

  14. Quelle belle famille vous Γ©tΓ© adorable biz de France

    1. Translated in English :that beautiful family of yours is adorable from France ,just helping out who doesn't understand French, I'm Italian but I speak some French easy to learn as there are a lot of similar words, just our accent and pronunciation are very different but reading is easier.

  15. Gorgeous picture. I don't understand how anyone can look at that and think it's something to criticize.

  16. what a beautiful family! Warms my heart.

  17. Maybe the dresses come from the Bates Sisters Boutique.
    This is no one’s business but their own, no matter where the dresses come from.
    They all look great!

  18. MO- Whom ever sews those beautiful dresses is extremely talented! :o)

    1. I agree!! Thank you for saying it.

    2. No one sews them. Alyssa buys them or receives them as gifts from an very devoted fan.

    3. MO- Response to 10:54- Obviously SOMEONE sews the dresses. So whom ever sews them is very talented- be it a fan, friend, or a person in China. :o)

  19. Accepting A gift from someone is one thing, but continually sending matching dresses for some years now is just strange. Alyssa should quit "taking" and kindly decline this person's continual gifts. Just not a good thing to continue doing.

    1. You don't know the dynamic between Alyssa and the giver, so impossible to decide for Alyssa what she should or should not do.

  20. I think it's very sweet. My daughter is 11, and she still enjoys wearing similar outfits on special occasions like matching Christmas pajamas, similar almost matching dresses on Mother's Day, our twice a year " mother/daughter spa day/lunch out", and we have a few other matching shirts too. It may not be for everyone, and that is okay. Everyone needs to do what is right or fun for them, and I believe if you are not hurting anyone to not worry about what others think

    1. Oh I hopmy daughters will want to do that when they grow up (they're 1 and 3).

  21. They must have a lot of closet space. When one of the girls no longer fit into the matching clothes, I wonder if they ever wear the outfits again?

  22. I think that everyone needs to butt out! That's the problem today... everyone trying to tell everyone else how to live their lives. If someone likes to take the time to make the outfits and gift them to her, bless them. Knowing what we've seen of how they do live their lives, I would imagine that after the outfits have been completely outgrown, I bet that they get donated or passed on to younger cousins. Regardless, what they do with what they have is THEIR business, not ours! I love this entire family. Allie looks so much like her mama!


  23. We have no idea if the donor of these dresses sews them or if they are purchased. Has Alyssa ever clarified? She stated that they were sent to her as gifts. I still think this is a bit unusual for a fan to continue doing such a thing and a bit wrong to continually "take" from someone. Alyssa may have no idea if this donor can afford continuing gifts or not.

    1. Why is it wrong to take if someone generously offers?

    2. 4:11, the donor obviously can decide whether or not they can afford it. It's not for us to decide for them what they "should" do. It's just none of our business.

    3. 4:11 We don't know if this is an ongoing thing about one fan supplying the dresses. Maybe it happened a couple of times and Alyssa liked the idea, so she started buying matching dresses on her own. Anyway, what does it accomplish to stew about a situation in which you can't possibly know all the details and doesn't concern you in the first place? There's something called "give someone the benefit of the doubt" and I think it applies here.


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