
Sunday, August 1, 2021

Engagement Memories with Chad and Erin

Erin and Chad Paine

"It was probably one of my sweetest memories because at that point, we had not really held hands. So we got up in the carriage, and he took my hand, and we held hands. And I just thought I was going to explode."

-Erin Paine

Erin and Chad Paine are approaching eight years of marriage in November. In this throwback video, they relive their engagement day with a visit to Whitestone Inn in Kingston, Tennessee. Chad proposed there on August 5th, 2013, which means that the couple's engagement anniversary is just four days away.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Many of their siblings kissed before marriage! Erin and Chad must be super religious and strict!

    1. We didn't kiss before marriage - the two of us decided we wanted to save it for our wedding. It wasn't about being strict or super religious, it was just what we wanted to do, and we had a perfectly lovely engagement without kissing.

  2. It would’ve been more special without the camera crew there, putting cameras in their faces

    1. And then they wouldn't be able to go back and watch it. Trade off.

    2. Maybe they think it's more special that now they can show it to their kids and can watch it again themselves.

    3. But they are watching themselves perform for the camera! "Stand here" "Wait till the light is better" "Bend on the right knee, not the left" That's nothing I'd want to look back on.

    4. How do you know that happened? Were you there?

    5. If you've ever been to a TV filming, that's how it happens. It can take all day to do one "scene." Tedious!

    6. Maybe this was filmed in more of a documentary style rather than the way they do the show now.

  3. Erin and Chad are my favorite couple!

  4. People celebrate engagement anniversaries? Seriously?

    1. My husband always remembers our engagement anniversary!

    2. The blogger said it was the anniversary of their engagement, she didn't say they celebrated it.

  5. They were getting engaged and he had to get permission from Gil to hold her hand? That is over the top.

    1. Or just an abundance of respect for her dad.

    2. Why does it show respect for Gil? Does Gil have an investment in whether Erin holds hands with her fiance? If so, shouldn't he show respect for Kelly as well?

    3. Respect as her dad. That's a tradition that's been going on for a very long time.

    4. I don't understand this. Why would her dad care? If he does, wouldn't Kelly Jo care as well?

    5. The dad is considered the "head" of the home, so it's showing respect to his position. I'm sure they showed respect to Kelly in other ways.

  6. I can't believe what a big deal they make out of an engagement. It's like they are still children or something. I remember about my engagement, but I couldn't tell you the DATE of's just not that important. The marriage and life that comes after is what counts. Some of these grown adult-children, still need to mature a bit.

    1. Um, getting engaged IS a big deal. How rude to imply they're childish. The engagement counts too - it's a unique and special time when you're planning for the beginning of your married life. The insults were completely uncalled for, immature even.

    2. I think elaborate engagements are more of an overall trend now, not something unique to this family. (Although, it does make for show content.) My own kids' engagements have certainly been more involved than mine was 31 years ago. Back then, it seemed most proposals included a simple dinner out or walk in a park without an entourage following along with cameras. One way is no better than another.

  7. They were a very cute couple (still are).

  8. Vous ĂȘtes magnifique et telle beaux joyeux anniversaire et mille bisous de bergerac France

  9. Erin has her mother’s sparkle. That’s not an easy thing to keep. Times get tough. She maintains her light. Keep shining Erin!

  10. Chad is such an amazing husband. In all my life, I have never seen a man so passionate about, and attentive to his wife. Chad is also a hard, gifted worker. I think Erin is sweet and appreciates what a extraordinary man Chad is. Sometimes the family takes advantage of him, but he doesn’t seem to mind. Lovely marriage.

    1. I agree that he seems like such a genuinely all-around great guy.

  11. They are my favourite bates couple.

  12. Years ago we celebrated the finalization of one of our adoptions with a weekend stay at beautiful Whitestone Inn. Watching you look thru your scrapbook was so special as I scrapbooked a few pages to commemorate our visit there as well. God has blessed us with the opportunity to adopt more children since then but there will always be a special place in my memories of Whitestone. If you by chance don't know where the name came from, it's found in Revelation & has a beautiful meaning. Well worth looking up. Congratulations on your new miracle baby by the way.


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