
Saturday, August 7, 2021

Josie’s ER Visit

Kelton Balka and Josie Balka 

This week, Josie Balka ended up in the ER in the middle of the night. What began as a headache and nausea quickly worsened and resulted in her having difficulty communicating. After running tests and receiving fluids and medicine, Josie was feeling a lot better and was able to return home to her babies. She and Kelton say that the cause of the symptoms was likely food poisoning and dehydration. We know that the Bates and Balkas would appreciate prayer for Josie as she heals. 

Photo courtesy of @josie_balka


  1. So sorry Josie and Kelton! What a scare, my sister had a similar incident a couple of months ago. We keep y’all in my prayers! 🙏🏽

  2. Praying for sweet Josie! So sad to hear that, must’ve been very scary for them. Praise the Lord that she is feeling better and is back at home!

  3. Poor Josie… just finished praying for her and her family. Last week in our state there were warnings about contaminated foods. Bagged baby carrots was one of them. Others were McCormick seasonings
    and Italian and Ranch seasoning.

  4. That seems unusual difficulty communicating being a symptom of food poisoning, that happened to me years ago when my son was a baby, my difficulty communicating was so bad I wasn't able to think or speak or understand what people were saying, I was bought to the hospital but after a few tests found nothing so sent me home I had it for a few days and was cured without medicine, when I looked up the symptoms online I found it to be stress and lack of sleep and low blood sugar as I had a newborn, anyway a few years later I was diagnosed by a Naturopath with high cortisol so that must have been the beginning of it, so I advise Josie to eat healthy and control stress and hopefully it won't become high cortisol for her too.

    1. What. Is High Cortisol? I never heard of it before.

    2. I have had issues with high cortisol too. Hopefully she will recover soon if she hasn't already.

  5. Bon rétablissement bisous de france

  6. So scary! Praying she’s all better by now!
    If it was food poisoning; did anyone else ingest the same food? Dehydration can certainly cause these symptoms, too! Drink up!!!

  7. Food poisoning is the worst! It was worse than labor and lasted longer too.

  8. Poor thing, that's scary. Hope she recovers quickly.

  9. low potassium can do it too especially if dehydrated besides. Kiss the babies and heal quickly.

  10. Praying for a quick recovery for Josie.🙏

  11. So glad your feeling better Josie, I know how scary that had to be. Please get lots of rest, dehydrate.

    1. You probably mean hydrate

    2. I think we all knew that's what she meant.

  12. Praying for you Josie that you will be 100% better.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  13. Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! You and your family are definitely in my prayers.

  14. Don't worry, I already commented and I'm not just skimming...

    Could we get an update on Hazel, Charlotte, and Jayden?

    1. Yes! Would love to have an update on the sweet babies.

  15. Since Josie had a severe headache, could she have had a migraine. Before I grew much older, I would get bad ones that would last 3 days. My face would go numb. My vision would be affected. They were miserable. In fact I had an acquaintance whose migraine set off a stroke. .

  16. Oh my how scary. Thank goodness all is well. I will be praying for a speedy recovery.

  17. Feel better sweet Josie! <3

  18. Love Love her bathing suit, super cute. Praying for her to have a speedy recovery.

  19. Josies bathing suit is super cute!! Love it! Glad she’s doing better.


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