
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Miracle Baby Paine on the Way

Holland Paine, Chad Paine, Erin Paine,
Everly Paine, Brooklyn Paine, Carson Paine

Erin and Chad Paine are expecting something that was completely unexpected. Erin is due with Baby #5 in January 2022! Back in February, the mom of four told fans about the surgeries she had had to remove one ovary and most of the second. At that point, she and Chad thought it would not be possible to become pregnant again. 

For that reason, we know you will be rejoining along with Erin and Chad at the news of this little one. The happy couple just uploaded a YouTube video sharing their story (link below).

Erin and Chad Paine Announce Baby #5

Photo courtesy of


  1. Wow so exciting. I’m sorry, but I bet Michaela is like really…really…🙄

    1. Or maybe this gives her hope for her own miracle.

    2. Michaela could be a Mother if she chose. Adoption is just as much in God’s plans for building families. She has to decide what is more important. 9 months of pregnancy or a lifetime of Motherhood.

    3. 10:10 Stuff happens, good and bad, and there's no explanation. ( If Erin went to a fertility doctor, she likely had medical intervention to conceive.) I don't think God is picking and choosing who gets what.

    4. 10:10. Miracles come in many different ways. If Michael and Brandon wanted to be parents they could choose adoption.

    5. Michaela and Brandon should go thru this fertility specialist.

    6. I’ve heard of people having fertility problems and then they adopt, and shortly after surprisingly become pregnant, makes you think miracles do happen, or God is looking down laughing, like here you go!

    7. Mabye the problem is Brandon, not Michaela. Men have fertility issues too!

    8. 8:57. As an adoptive Mother..I actually hate that phrase as I’m just a Mother like any other..your comment is offensive. Adopting with the idea it’s a gateway to the real “miracle” of pregnancy is just wrong. My children are miracles from God.

    9. 8:57. It saddens me that people still have your ideology in regards to adoption. I actually had biological children and then my husband and I chose to adopt. The gift of children is a miracle. Our children are all God given. I assure you parental love goes WAY beyond biology.

    10. Anon 2:32. Why would God be laughing? He gave them a wonderful gift through adoption. Are you saying the adopted child is a funny detour?

    11. @8:57 That phenomenon is not as common as you think. Also, one explanation is that stress can play a role in infertility.

    12. So @8:57 the only miracles that happen are biological children?

    13. 12:10. Well said👏🏽

    14. @10:24. My husband and I did the same thing. Had biological children and then adopted. All our children were prayed for and absolute miracles from God.

    15. I see the “adoption vs biology” debate getting a bit terse. As an adoptive parent ( agree with the poster who doesn’t like that) I would like to give some insight. In most cases those of us who have built our families through adoption do so through trauma. Infertility. Miscarriage. Infant loss. A child who is placed for adoption has come through trauma as well. For various reasons they were unable to stay in the biological environment they were born into. An adoptive Mother hears more times than we can count “ couldn’t you have any children of your own?” An adoptive child hears more times than they can count “do you know who your real Mother is?” ALL THE TIME. When we correct and say “these are my own children” and the child “this is my real Mother” we get quippy remarks such as “you know what I meant”. Yes. We do. My daughter came home from school crying because her teacher wouldn’t accept her family tree project because we weren’t her “real” family. It’s hurtful and it’s wrong. And to still have comments about God laughing and giving a “real” miracle of a biological child still stings. So however God in His glorious miracle working power chooses to have a husband and wife become parents it is indeed all miraculous.

    16. 8:57 here. It was a joke, like God is laughing because someone trying to get pregnant forever, then goes through the adoption process, then surprise, you get pregnant. I didn’t mean for anything to be offensive, my goodness. All I was saying is I have personally heard of people having fertility problems and told they will never get pregnant, so they adopt and then surprise, they get pregnant. I think some people on this chat need to lighten up a bit and not take everything so personally. I’ve had 2 children of my own, and then my step-daughter who I treated like she was my own daughter. I’m sorry, but the bond between your biological children is different. Everyone can get offended by that, but it’s the truth. You grow that baby inside you for 9 months, there is a deep connection and bond.

    17. @8:57 I'm sure you didn't intend this, but your comment implies that adoption is a second-best kind of arrangement and that the "miracle" of pregnancy is somehow the main event. If God is laughing and playing practical jokes on people, he has some explaining to do.

    18. 8:57. You are once again very offensive. The bond between my biological children and my adoptive children is exactly the same. They are MY children. You comment wasn’t funny or a “joke”.

    19. 8:57. You are completely wrong.

    20. That’s not what I meant. But people DO adopt because they can’t get pregnant

    21. Anon 12:24. It sounds like the bond between you and your stepdaughter is weak. In any event, step children and adopted children are not the same. They shouldn't be lumped in the same category. Adopted children ARE your children, while stepchildren really belong to the biological mom and dad. You don't know if biological and adoptive bonds are identical, because you have not experienced the joy of adoption.

    22. @12:24 Your rather prejudice opinion implies that adoption is somehow a less desirable outcome. What may stand in the way of bonding in an adoptive family are the preconceived notions and prejudices that we are somehow inferior if we cannot procreate. These fundamentalist families place such a high value on having as many children as possible that I can see why anyone who adheres to this religion would hesitate to adopt. You refer to a step-daughter, so I'll assume you didn't officially adopt her and are not her legal parent. It stands to reason that your bond is different. (Those terms of step-mother, step-daughter, etc. by themselves have negative Cinderella- like connotations.) If you did legally adopt her and still refer to her as a step-daughter and not just your daughter, you do have some serious issues going on.

    23. 6:53. So beautifully explained. My children are of a different ethnicity than my husband and I. Therefore it’s quite obvious we adopted. We, too, experience everything you said. My Mama Bear instinct wants to lash out. And My Mama’s heart breaks when my children feel like they have to “prove” we are their “real” parents. One of the saddest things for my husband and I has been within the Christian community. By far they have been the least accepting as my husband and I have literally been told “now you can believe God for your own”. It’s my non-Christian friends who have never once questioned if we were “real” parents or a “real” family. As Christians this has been very disheartening. So, Christians. Do better. The parental bond is absolutely as strong with adoptive children as it is with biological children. For all of us can say of the Lord for this child I have prayed.

    24. 8:57. Our children are personal to us, therefore we take it personally when we read comments like yours. Our bond with our children is just as strong as any DNA child. Your “truth” is actually just your opinion.

    25. "You grow that baby inside you for 9 months, there is a deep connection and bond." I am guessing that Anon doesn't think much of the father-child bond in this case.

    26. 8:57 “Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bones.
      But still, miraculously my own.
      Never forget for a single minute,
      You didn’t grow under my heart, but in it.”
      -an Adoptive Parent

  2. Wow!! God works miracles!! Congrats!! 🎉 👶🏻

  3. Praise God!!! I am so happy for them. Kim


  5. So excited for them!!🤩 What a wonderful and mighty God we serve, this shows he truly does answer our prayers he’s timing is always best. May God keep Erin and Baby healthy, I pray she will have a non complicated pregnancy and birth. Love there little family and can’t wait to see the new baby. Will keep them in my prayers! 🙏🏼

    1. I am truly glad for Chad and Erin and I hope things go well for them. As far as God's timing, I don't think he's planning things out for us. Stuff happens, good and bad, and our plans often don't work out the way we were expecting. For Erin, who's still relatively young, all it took was for one egg to release at the right time and there you go. Lots of people pray very hard for things, but it doesn't always work out. It doesn't mean they are less faithful or less deserving than anyone else.

    2. I am the original commenter. I agree with others prayers not being answers doesn’t mean they are being less faithful or less deserving. I have had others prayers answered before my own and still knew God had a plan for my life and sure enough he did things I prayed about eventually worked out. I was saying all in Gods timing because it is when God let’s it happen. Life doesn’t always work out the we expect I agree but that’s okay because I know God is in control and Erin was told that she would never be able to have anymore children due to the multiple surgeries she had on her ovaries and removing 1/3 of one of them which made it almost impossible for her to get pregnant on her own they prayed about it and God blessed them. I agree with you on the majority of your comment!

      God Bless! ❤️

  6. Congratulations to one of the sweetest couple on TV.

  7. How great is our God! Celebrating with you all!

  8. She said they went to a fertility specialist. They can work miracles indeed, this is a miracle baby for sure.

    1. Yes, you wouldn't go to a fertility specialist unless your goal is to get pregnant.

    2. They explain why they went and it was to deal with her hormone issues and get answers

    3. They explain why they went and it was to deal with her hormone issues and get answers

    4. I went to a reproductive endocrinologist(fertility doctor) for about a year while I was single and not doing anything that would lead to babies. They also help diagnose and treat female hormonal issues like having your ovaries removed. I saw him for PCOS which they are better trained to treat than a OB/GYN.

    5. She also said it wasn't for her to get pregnant it was to see about her hormones and what they needed to do after the surgeries

    6. You don't go to a fertility doctor unless you want help with fertility.

    7. I wonder why Erin and Chad are hiding the fact that they needed help getting pregnant? They seem sure sure this is her last child, which means it was probably conceived with some medical help (perhaps shots).

    8. 1:54, that appears to not be the case. They are not "hiding" anything.

    9. what does it matter. Erin and Chad and their children are happy and God blessed their prayers so let it be. Just rejoice with them! Pray for them and be happy.

  9. What a sweet surprise! Will be praying everything goes well.

  10. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy on the way

  11. Oh that is wonderful news! Blessed be God!

  12. Literally the coolest pregnancy story ever. Little Carson is so going to get the little brother he prayed for with child like faith.

    1. Where does it say that the baby is a boy?

    2. 10:34, "is so going to get" is a prediction, not statement of fact.

    3. 10:34 - They don't know yet. But in their video Carson was saying that he prayed to have a little brother (I think maybe he was inspired by his cousin Bradley who was also praying for a baby brother, and so he got little brother Jadon back in June).

  13. Time 1:08AM Wed 8/25/21
    Congrats to them & also
    Priscilla & David Waller they are
    Excepting baby number 6 next year.
    So.congrats to Erin & Chad on
    Baby number 5.

  14. Oh that is wonderful! And shows you that almost anything is possible. Big Congratulations to them!

  15. Do they know the sex of the baby yet?

    1. I really hope and pray that no one cares about the gender with this baby. It's a miracle baby and all that matters is that Erin and baby are healthy!!

    2. Well I hope carson gets a healthy brother! SO shame on me lol

    3. 12:22, it's still ok to ask. 🙄

    4. We can still care about the baby’s gender lol!

  16. I am so excited for them. What a huge surprise blessing!

  17. Congratulations to Chad and Erin!

  18. Thank God! That is so exciting, and I am so happy for Chad and Erin I know they wanted more children.

  19. 👏👏👏🙌🙌🙌🎉🎉🎉!!!!

  20. Baby will be God's little miracle. Blessings on them all.

  21. All I can say is WOW! Good and exciting news for the Paines, but I couldn't help but feel for Michaela.

    1. I’m of course excited for them, but my first thought was Michaela too.

    2. Your comment makes me think of the episode where Kelly and Erin went to visit Brandon and Michaela to help her decorate the living room in their new rented home in the Chicago area and they went to go bowling and during the bowling Michaela said she can't stand for Erin to beat her not that having babies is a competition... Michaela is happy to welcome every niece and nephew she had said!!❤️

    3. That was my though too... Even after her surgeries, Erin is able to have a baby, and Michaela still is not.

    4. I know Michaela loves her nieces and nephews dearly, but deep in her heart I imagine there is pain and unanswered questions. At least it would be for me.

    5. Yep, just saying the obvious truth here

  22. Praise God and congratulations Chad and Erin!!!!

  23. Chad seemed very worried and stressed out in the video. I felt bad for him. I hope Erin and the baby don’t have any complications and everything goes well.

  24. Congratulations Chad and Erin on baby# 5. I'm very happy 😁 for everyone. I'm glad to hear the announcement on the blog but I can't wait to hear the announcement, see the gender reveal and birth for baby# 5 on the show. I'm so excited for Bringing up Bates season 11😄 I can't wait for it to come ♥️ I really love the show❣️ Natasha b

  25. What a miracle! God has truly blessed you! Wishing you the best

  26. I am very happy for the whole family. Miracles happen everyday! My cousin could not have a baby. She had surgery & only had a 1/4 of one ovary left. Odds were not good. She gave up on getting pregnant & started adoption filing. Not long after she found out she was pregnant & had her first daughter! She was followed by (2) more boys! Now she is enjoying grandchildren! So the sky is unlimited, you just have to have faith! Your thoughts & what you believe creates your direction in life. I wish them all the Happiness they will have with this new baby!

    1. So she didn't continue with adoption? We are called to help orphans and widows, so I wonder about people who use adoption for their own benefit and drop it when it's no longer needed.

    2. 6:43, helping orphans and widows does not literally mean every single person has to adopt one. There are financial ways to support too.

  27. Congratulations to Erin and Chad on baby number 5. Maybe Carson will have a little brother. So happy for you guys.

  28. WOW! When several months ago I've read sad news about Erin's surgeries, it was so sad. Even though they already had 4 beautiful children, they would so enjoy more... And now this exciting news!! This is really a miracle! If the baby is already due in January, Erin is probably at a safe point in her pregnancy too. And so hoping for a little brother for Carson to play with!!

  29. Congratulations!!! "For with GOD, all things are possible". Continued prayers for you and the baby's health and your family. A wonderful Miracle!!!

  30. congrats did someday hope for a miracle for erin,have followed the bates a while and also pregnant with my child number seven due any days now,also a coincidence that my six kids share name with some of the bates love from elise from england

  31. Congratulations to the all of the Paines. Blessings . Prayers for Erin and the baby.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  32. I couldn't be happier for Erin and Chad, this baby is truly a miracle! Congratulations!

  33. Congrats Erin and Chad!

  34. I find it amazing, like all their kids are very close in age: Brooklyn was born when Caron was not even 15 months; then Everly was born when Brooklyn was almost 20 months. Holland was born when Everly was also around 20 months. And the new baby, despite all obstacles, is also due a month after Holland's 2nd birthday.

    1. Anonymous August 25,2021 at 5:04. Erin baby will be due 2 months after Hollands 2 birthday not 1 month.

    2. But if January is her true due date, she will probably give bieth in December because of her blood disorder.

  35. Wow, that's amazing! Also Erin is the first to have 5 kids. Zach& Whitney and Alyssa& John have 4 each. Also amazing, because Duggars have only Anna having the 7th child, and then only Jessa has now 4 kids, others are at 3 and less.

    1. it sounds like it is a competition

    2. 6:11, not really, just analyzing the numbers.

    3. 6:11: I'm sure the grandparents are very proud to count how many grandkids they have!

    4. Anon 6:11. You think the grandparents care about having a lot? I thought this was a quality vs. quantity issue.

  36. You will do great and baby will be fine

  37. This is positively amazing. To become pregnant with so little of one ovary left is simply incredible. I simply can’t imagine how stunned she must have been when she found out - Chad, too!!! Congratulations to them both.

    1. She was going to a fertility doctor. I doubt she was that stunned. They were probably tracking her ovulation and hormone levels quite carefully.

    2. Shouldn’t be stunned if you never use birth control.

    3. 11:50, nothing to do with birth control and everything with a doctor telling you your chances of conceiving went way down. They beat the odds, which, yes, could be stunning.

  38. I believe the fertility issue is with Brandon, not Michaela. The Bates daughters seem to be able to conceive against all the odds. They never stated if it is Brandon who has the issue here. I wonder why they never said? Everyone is assuming it's Michaela.

    1. 1:42PM: No one will ever divulge such personal information, and point out who has the issue.

    2. Actually,they have stated that they have both been tested by a specialist and has found nothing wrong with either of them, a friend of mine said her mother had been trying for ten years after getting married so thought she was infertile, so got a shock when she got pregnant naturally three times!

    3. I know! Statistically, it is just as likely to be Brandon than Michaela.

    4. I’ve always wondered that too. Mabye she needs to get a “donor” if that’s the case. Hopefully he will let her experience motherhood

    5. Probably, they are never to reveal if it is with the husband. I feel like that would be a rule in their religion. Also, it’s their very private business; so whatever they feel comfortable sharing that’s only what they share.

    6. Michaela has just got to be feeling so dejected.I mean it would only be natural to feel like why can’t I get a miracle and be pregnant.

    7. They said Brandon was tested and cleared. It was the same episode Dr. Vick
      flushed out one of Michaela's fallopian tubes (due to a blockage). Gil's sister also had infertility issues.

    8. Wow, I really don't need to know whose body is having the issue. TMI.

  39. And now Carlin is pregnant. It has to be sooooo hard for Michaela and Brandon.


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