
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Paine Party of 7

Did you hear the happy news about Erin's pregnancy? We just had to share this sweet family photo by Taryn Yager. The new baby is sure going to have a lot of excited little ones to love on him or her! The link below will take you to the announcement page on UPtv, where you will find additional snapshots.

Paine Pregnancy Announcement: UPtv

Holland Paine, Erin Paine, Chad Paine, Everly Paine, 
Carson Paine, Brooklyn Paine

Photo courtesy


  1. Erin WOW another baby!!!!!! I remember when U thought U'd never have a baby, now 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I am happy for U, please take good care of yourself, put your feet up, I pray for U!!!!! I love U Erin!!!!!

  2. I think Carson would like the baby to be a boy, so he can have brother, like his cousin Bradley has with Jadon

    1. In the you tube video, Carson says he has been praying for a baby brother.

  3. Congrats Erin & Chad i am so happy for u all what a glorious surprise i hope Carson will get a lil brother but even if its another girl it truly is a blessing such happy happy news

  4. Boy Erin looks like Katie here! Holland looks thrilled about the news haha! And Chad’s showing off his arm muscles!!

  5. So wonderful! What a miracle!

  6. What a gorgeous picture!

  7. This is beyond amazing. Congratulations to the couple.

  8. Truly Blessed by God
    So very happy for you and your family 💕

  9. So very Happy for you and your Family
    You are Truly Blessed by God

  10. See it's not done until GOD says it is

  11. I’m very happy for them; since having children is their biggest priority. However, I still see worry across Chad’s face.

  12. You’d think she’d just be happy to focus on the beautiful, healthy children she has. That’s a lot of little ones to raise and homeschool. I guess I’ll never understand this quest for mega-families. JMO

    1. No, I would think if her heart desire was to have more children, then that is her heart desire. The heart wants what it wants.

    2. Some people just desire a big family, like other people desire to travel a lot or to become a doctor or any other number of things they want their life to hold. Just because you don't personally share their desire doesn't mean that their desire is not valid. It just means they aren't you. And that's ok.

    3. I don’t think they were “trying” to have a baby. I think they thought they couldn’t get pregnant again. So I think they probably weren’t worrying about being careful considering her health issues

    4. I wouldn't consider it a "quest". A desire, maybe. Is there a problem with wanting to have children? I guess I'll never understand why people think there's something wrong with having more than three children.

    5. I don't understand why people get so bothered about other people's family choices! It's literally none of their business and doesn't affect their lives.

    6. I don’t know why people have to be negative about someone wanting to have a large family for me 2 a boy and girl was enough but congrats to Erin and chad. She is a great mom

  13. God's Amazing Grace!! This is sure a testament to God's everyday miracles!! Anyone out there waiting on the Lord?! This is a testimony of what God can do!! Keep your faith to all who are waiting on the Lord to grant you the desires of YOUR heart!! Congrats to the Paine family 🎉💕

    1. What must Michaela think? She is so faithful and in prayer with God. I know she is thrilled for Erin. But still, it has to be difficult.

    2. Yeah I agree. Everyone around her is getting pregnant, and now her sister gets pregnant when she was told it’s probably never going to happen again. If I were in her shoes, I’d probably be happy for her but also crying my eyes out

    3. God has a plan and a purpose for everyone! I've heard/seen so many testimonials about having children and waiting many many years! Can't give up!

    4. 7:59 That's a nice sentiment, but it's not the reality for many, many couples who face infertility. It's a costly, heartbreaking, and overwhelming struggle with no guarantees whatsoever. Adding to the difficulty are the all-to-frequent platitudes from well-meaning people.

  14. Well, Jill Duggar Dillard said it have as many babies as possible at all costs. She was right. These people keep playing the odds.

    1. It's ok to love kids and want to have a big family.

  15. Reminds me of the 50’s song Que Sera, Sera. I wish them well and will be praying for them all.

  16. How awesome is this! I remember in a video she said it would have to be a miracle for her to conceive again. She got her miracle! So so happy for you all!

  17. God does work in mysterious ways. Erin has another baby and Michaela has none. I am happy for Erin but remain sad for Michaela. Praying that God will allow Michaela a precious baby. My family had to wait eleven years.

    1. Adoption or fostering is always an option. At some point you have to decide what's more important, having a biological child or being a parent.

    2. Life isn’t fair. Obviously Erin is especially fertile. Michael and Brandon are not.

    3. Michaela is such a sweet and loving soul,I can't help but think it would sadden her to see people bringing up her not having a baby yet,during a time of such celebration for one of her siblings. I look forward to the day too , where she has this wonderful news to share about expecting her own baby,so I understand where your coming from.

    4. Ya I agree. My first thought was Michaela.

  18. Soooooo happy for Erin and Chad!! A sweet miracle for sure!!

  19. I’m not surprised. Half an ovary was left. The ovary will keep releasing eggs even after some/part of it is removed. My cousin conceived 3 kids with 1/2 an ovary. I don’t know why Erins doctors said she couldn’t have any more kids. That would only be the case if the entire 2 ovaries were removed. Thoughts are with Michaela who is probably heartbroken that Erin can conceive with half an ovary and she cant conceive at all.

    1. I think what she was told was that it was much less likely, not that it wouldn't happen at all.

    2. But I don’t understand why she was told much less likely. The ovary is an incredible organ. Remove one ovary, and the other ovary will recognize this and release an egg every month instead of every other. Take part of an ovary away and it will still release eggs if it has any to release. Incredible the way bodies work. Again, just shocked she was told less likely that’s all. Any ovary that is left, you can get pregnant if it is releasing an egg. Unless they thought she wouldn’t release any more eggs but then why leave half an ovary? I only have one ovary and I was told my chances of getting pregnant were not any different than had I still had 2 ovaries.

    3. 9:43, it's possible there was a fallopian tube issue too. From what I've read, it's much less likely to happen if there is only one ovary and it's not adjacent to a functioning tube. She may just not have given us her whole medical situation.

    4. 3:44 Erin only has 1/3 of an ovary left and her doctors told her that her hormone problems made her start early menopause. It is much less common to conceive a baby when your baby has entered menopause...

    5. She said that there was scar tissue from the multiple surgeries. They didn’t believe due to that they she would be able to conceive.

  20. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I was just wondering who would be next. Congrats Chad and Erin!

  21. Michaela , issues are not any concern of ours private and personal matter. Do know her personally? This article is about her sister. When she is ready to talk about her situation she will. People need not speculate. It's her own private matter. Be considerate to her.

    1. I think people just can’t help but feel bad for Michaela, just being honest. I think it’s how any of us would feel in that situation, Atleast I would.

    2. I agree with 6:23pm. It is only natural to think of Michaela, especially with Erin’s pregnancy. These two are at the ends of a wide spectrum, and yet their strong faith is so similar. We all rejoice with Erin. It’s easy to feel how she feels. But we also feel discouraged for Michaela. When people are on a reality show, it becomes normal for viewers to the family members. Our feelings are human nature. We are entitled to our feelings!!!

    3. At the same time, I'm sure having her lack of a baby thrown in her face all the time has to be awful. I hope she doesn't follow the social media.

  22. This post is to celebrate Erin’s new baby. It’s not about Michaela. Michaela is obviously content with her choices.

    1. But people just honestly can’t not think about Michaela. I’m pretty sure we just all feel bad for her. What’s wrong with being honest?

    2. You are right, 6:24. Even in the midst of our rejoicing with Erin and Chad, we feel the difficult situation of Michael and Brandon. They are two faithful beautiful families, so it is hard not to think of one and not the other. And so we pray for both.

  23. I heard the news on Wednesday and was so happy to hear the news of Miracle Baby Paine #5. It almost made me cry and at that moment,I praised God for working His miracle of giving Chad and Erin another baby after thinking that they never could have another of their own. Praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy and that she will go full term (meaning January even though she is due in February since normally it seems she goes into labor weeks before her actual due date). And I hope it will finally be a boy so Carson finally gets a little brother like his cousin Bradley did with Jadon. Although I have 1 question and that is, due to having almost 1 1/2 of her ovaries removed,does this pregnancy count as a high risk pregnancy because of that that Erin has to see a high risk pregnancy specialist? Congratulations to the Paine family and the Bates family. -H.P. from Colorado

    1. I think all of Erin's pregnancies have been considered high risk because of her clotting disorder.

  24. In addition to being Erin & Chad's 5th child, this baby will also be Kelly & Gil's 19th grandchild. Thus, Kelly & Gil, will now have the same number of grandchildren, as then do children.

  25. Yeah! OMG! So beautiful!!!

  26. I know this isn'nt a name thread but I think Matthew Aaron would be a cute name for a boy.

    1. It doesn't really fit with the style of the other names, though.

  27. Congratulations to Chad an Erin. Praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery.

  28. So happy for Erin, Chad and kids! Praying you have a safe pregnancy Erin.


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