
Thursday, September 16, 2021

Judson and Brandon's Birthday

It has been just over two weeks since the Bates have celebrated a birthday, which is a pretty long stretch of time for this family. But yesterday, two Bates family members turned another year older. Happy 32nd birthday to Brandon Keilen, and happy 11th birthday to Judson Bates! Fun fact: Brandon met Michael before Judson was born. 

Brandon Keilen, Michael Keilen, Judson Bates, Jeb Bates, Callie Bates

Photo courtesy of


  1. Happy Birthday Brandon and Judson! Hope you both have another wonderful year and years ahead!


  3. Happy Birthday Brendan and JudsonπŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽπŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

  4. Still wondering why they are not adopting a child. Or even talking about it.

    1. We have no idea what the situation is. Maybe they're saving money for an adoption. Maybe they don't feel it's the right choice for them. Maybe they are in the adoption process but are keeping it quiet because they don't want it on social media. Maybe they are thinking about being foster parents. Maybe they're going through fertility treatment but don't want it on social media. When they have something they want to share with the public, they will.

    2. This is a process that can take years and some people chose to keep it private until they’ve been matched with a child. Sometimes keeping it private is required. Just because they haven’t said anything about it doesn’t mean that they can’t be in the process right now

    3. Some people are more private and some things are personal so I assume they will tell whatever they want to tell whenever they want to tell it. People don't need to know every detail about their lives.

    4. If I were them, I would really hate it that people keep asking about this emotionally charged topic.

    5. Perhaps they prefer to keep some things private. Adoption is a long process and I imagine, if that's what they're doing, they would want to announce the adoption when they are awarded a child. Just a guess.

    6. I wonder why you seem to expect they will adopt. It's a personal decision, not one that should be pressured by anyone, let alone strangers on the internet.

    7. 6:09AM: If adoption is even possible, with so many abortions out there. And then if someone does carry an unwanted pregnancy to term, they mostly end up keeping the baby rather than put it up for adoption. All the parents waiting to adopt wait for years upon years.

    8. If they don’t accept an adopted child as fully their child then they shouldn’t adopt.

    9. @9:05 So many abortions? You're wrong on that. Those numbers have been declining for years and are now at an all time low. We can thank better access to contraception. BTW, there are many older children in foster care wating to be adopted. If you want an infant, it can take a long time. My husband and I adopted internationally and it took less than a year for each of our children. They were both under a year old at the time they were placed with us.

    10. Anon 9:05. Most adoptions are not babies, they are older children.

    11. Anon 9:05 seems to think only babies are adopted. How sad for older children waiting for adoptive homes. There are many of them out there, whether abortion is legal or illegal.

    12. 9:05. It’s not entirely true people wait years upon years to adopt. People wait years upon years to adopt a white baby. My husband and I wanted to be parents. Our baby is black. It did not take years for us to be holding our beautiful child in our arms and become a family.

    13. @9:05 If you expect to adopt an infant, yes, it can take a long time. However, there are plenty of older children languishing in foster care, waiting for permanent homes. BTW, abortions are at their lowest rate since Roe v Wade.

    14. Interesting how an anonymous stranger not even wanting to put their name public seems to know how a public figure should make their private life public or not. - Erica

  5. At 6:09, a nice hobby might help you to keep your mind focused on your own business instead of on someone else’s private and personal business. I’m sure you meant well though.

  6. Judson's looking more and more like Jackson!


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