
Friday, September 17, 2021

Keilens in Arizona

Michael and Brandon Keilen celebrated six years of marriage in August. In honor of this milestone, they took an anniversary trip to Arizona. They spent time in Sedona and at the Grand Canyon, and they were also able to meet their new Keilen nephew in Phoenix.

Brandon Keilen and Michael Keilen

Photo courtesy of


  1. What a beautiful picture! Happy Belated Anniversary!

  2. They are actually luckier than the other Bates couples, because they have the time to get to know each other and have adventures. They can also see their nieces and nephews but then go home to a quiet house!

    1. Yes, but for all we know going home to a quite house after enjoying being with the children could make her crave them even more after all she's the one who loves being with children more than anyone they bring her joy which her destiny is not allowing her to have, but I'm sure she has other blessings in her life and is grateful for them, she's been positive and tries to keep busy to keep the loneliness away.

    2. The "quiet house" comment is pretty insensitive. I'm sure that they would much rather have the noise of children in their home.

    3. Yikes. I don’t know if that makes them “luckier.” I don’t think they’d agree with you. I’m glad they can enjoy time together though.

    4. I really don’t envy her sisters and brother, giving up their twenties to childcare duties. Michaela can enjoy adventures and fun and have kids a bit later, whether through adoption or birth.

    5. It's probably too quiet. I don't think they would agree.

    6. 11:44, they seem to be enjoying how they chose to spend their twenties.

    7. Actually some of them--Alyssa, Carlin, for example--seem really frustrated and bored.

    8. I haven't seen frustrated and bored from either Carlin or Alyssa.

  3. Thats so nice! Such a lovely couple.

  4. Too bad she doesn’t wear pants or long shorts! It’s too hot there right now.

    1. A dress with a flowy skirt is actually cooler than pants.

    2. Pants and long shorts would be close to your skin - I think I'd rather wear a dress that gives some air flow.

    3. I live in Arizona and wear dresses all the time and I'm very comfortable.

    4. I hope they enjoyed their visit here. We sure love living here and can't wait for our first snow!

    5. A long, lightweight, loose, breezy dress is better on a hot day than either pants or shorts. You get cooled by the airflow on your legs and the skin on your legs doesn't get heated up or sunburned as they could in shorts.

    6. I’m not too sure that a dress is any warmer than a pair of pants.

    7. This is funny. In cold weather people say they shouldn't wear dresses because they're too cold, and in hot weather people say they shouldn't wear dresses because they're too hot.

  5. Happy anniversary, Michael & Brandon! Hope you enjoyed your time in Arizona. I've been to both Sedona and the Grand Canyon and it's such a beautiful area. Also, congratulations on your new nephew. Many blessings to both of you!

  6. That's awesome that they could get away and celebrate!

  7. I was in both Sedona and the Grand Canyon a year ago. Beautiful places.๐Ÿงก

  8. Brandon and Michaela should be enjoying the time they have together; just the two of them right now. Perhaps this is God's gift to them to have this personal one on one time to really know one another. I bet these are the two that know each other the best. The other marrieds, who have had children asap do not. Baby after baby is a distraction in the relationship. These couples do not even know each other personal and up close when they marry. They themselves have said publicly that they can finally relax together, talk and get to know one another AFTER the wedding...then a very short time later, a baby is on the way. Do they know what each other is like when they are angry before marriage? No, they do not. This is a very important thing to be aware of...courting in their style, leaves no opportunity to let their hair down in front of each other...the hair, makeup, etc is always perfect etc. Not real life. So, Brandon and Michaela, I bet have the best marriage so far.

    1. They also were in a relationship for several years before getting married while they waited for him to finish school.

    2. This is all very true!

    3. I agree with some of what you said, particularly that couples take time to get to know each other. However, as someone who faced infertility for many years and the emotional roller-coaster that comes along with it, I can tell you that I never thought of that time as "God's gift" by any stretch of the imaginiation. Infertility can severely test a relationship, for sure, not to mention a couple's finances. I have no idea what the Keilen's circumstances are, but I do hope they are very happy. My husband and I wanted so much to be parents and we did through adoption. If God was handing out gifts, He certainly gave us the grand prize x 2.

    4. Telling them they should be enjoying the time they have together doesn't fill the hole in their hearts of an unfulfilled desire.

    5. I agree I that they do have more time to relax and travel and do things alone than the couples with kids, but the way they courted didn’t hinder getting to know each other. Courting makes for an excellent time of talking and getting to know each other as good friends. I mean let’s be real touching in dating is just one big hormonal mess and doesn’t help you get to know the person at all. Also you very much have time to get angry at each other while courting!
      When I was courting my husband we got to have lots of fun really getting to know each other and when we got married our friendship continued to be a great strength in our marriage. There is more than enough time to have physical contact in marriage and more than enough time to spend together when you have kids because kids sleep a lot!

    6. @11:58 If your courtship worked for you, that's wonderful. However, don't be too quick to assume that couples who were intimate before marriage were reduced to a "hormonal mess". I can assure you, that was not my situation at all. My husband and I have been happily married for over 30 years. We lived together before marriage and that worked out very well for us. If two people are commited and love each other, I don't see a problem. If your religious beliefs differ, oh well. BTW, not all kids sleep a lot, at least not all at the same time and definitely not all soundly!

    7. "A hormonal mess?" If it's a hormonal mess, you are doing it wrong.

    8. ๐Ÿ˜‚ I guess some people have really low hormone levels then because I know I am not the only one who would stop thinking straight when hoking hands or even just looked into the eyes of the person you are dating. Josie was extremely effected by holding hands and hugging Kelton when they where dating. You could see it !!!!

    9. True story, 10:33. I totally knew what 11:58 was talking about. ๐Ÿ˜„

  9. they are such a cute couple together! michael is absolutely beautiful

    1. She's definitely the prettiest of the Bates' daughters.

    2. I think the Bates daughters are all beautiful; but Michaela is defending a twin of her mom!

  10. Such a sweet couple! Happy Anniversary!

  11. What’s with all the various Bates families visiting this area at different times?

  12. Her dress is beautiful!

  13. Congrats on your wedding anniversary. May God bless you both. My husband and I have just celebrated 27 years of marriage on September 17.


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