
Friday, September 3, 2021

Zach and Whitney's Big Move

Whitney Bates, Jadon Bates, Zach Bates, Khloe Bates, Bradley Bates, Kaci Bates

Do you remember the post we made back in December 2017, with the news that Zach and Whitney Bates had purchased their first house? A few months later, fans watched them do a complete renovation on Bringing Up Bates

Now almost four years later, Zach and Whitney are moving on. After closing on a house that sits on 17.5 acres, they have spent the past several weeks on this fixer upper project, with lots of help from family members. 

Photo courtesy of @zachnwhitbates


  1. Congrats Zach and Whitney!!

  2. Why are they moving again? Is the house they have now too small for their family of 6 or are they planning on making it a living to flip houses,live in them for awhile then move on and flip another house until they feel ready to stay in one place and not move again? H.P. from Colorado

    1. 3:18 Maybe they simply wanted more acreage and space.

    2. Eventually they can sell some of the land.

    3. Hello Zach and Whitney,, reading that moved into new your little angels your litte they are so amazing im so sorry they took you all off. Being able to watch your show what its like to grow love and God. Love your familylike our own God Bless you all

  3. Where do they find the time??? Four kids. working parents!!! Tell me your secret!

    1. Because they have a large family with many trades and skills to help them.

    2. Their secret is they have several family members who are experienced in construction, and additional family members who babysit! Wish I had that kind of help!

    3. Sounds like they have lots of energy and motivation, doesn't it?

    4. Zach quit his job

    5. 7:35, yes, but he quit his job so he could get another job, working in his dad's tree business.

    6. They are definitely motivated, and it seems clear that they have their situation under control. They have both worked for years and years, and seem to have made some wise real estate decisions. They work hard, and are reaping the benefits. Zach might have stopped working for the police dept, but he immediately started working with his dad. Best of luck to them!

    7. With lots of family to help them do the renovation, it ends up costing less. Then they in turn, will help out other in the family with their projects. As far time, they are a busy family and they are obviously able to make it work out. congratulations to them.

    8. If Zach now works for his Dad’s tree business and quit his other job then he has a flexible schedule now

  4. Yeah and their plans for it are somethinf. Congrats to them

    1. What are their plans for it??

    2. Well you forget the show brings in alot of income for the whole Bates Bunch.

    3. No more show, it got cancelled.Iwonder what they will do for medical insurance with four kids.

  5. Jadon is soooo cute!!

  6. So Exciting! Would love to see pictures of the house when they finish and move in! Congrats Zach and Whitney, Bradley, Kaci, Khloe and Jadon!

  7. Fixer upper or not, Zach quits his paying job and buys 17.5 acres of land with a house on it. How does one do that? Did he cash out his retirement? He has no visible means of income and Whitney sells online dresses with how many sisters-in-law to split the profits with??? Does not add up to me. YES, I do wish them well but it does not add up to me.

    1. he works for his father and she has a storefront

    2. On the show they said he quit the police department so he could work in the tree business. That sounds like a job to me. Plus the dress business seems like it just keeps expanding. Makes sense to me.

    3. That ole green eyed monster sticking his head up pretty high. Zach works and so does his wife. They sold their house and bought another one. They did not buy land in downtown New York

    4. Zach works for the tree business, and it seems like the boutique does very well with how quickly they are expanding. Plus the income from the show and social media. It definitely adds up!

    5. Zach has said multiple times that he quit to go back to Gil’s tree business. I believe he will take it over for him when the tile comes. The tree business can likely pay more than a deputy in that area anyways

    6. He actually does have job, he works for his Dads tree business and it’s there business about their finances not yours or anyone else’s. In an episode, he states that “I am back working for my Dad now.” I am absolutely so happy for them and there little family!

      God Bless!!

    7. Uhh, the same episode of the show that showed him quitting his job ALSO showed him joining his dad's tree business. That is a job. Not sure how you heard only half the story.

    8. They receive income from the tv show and probably have investments.

    9. I had saw something where he went back to the family business with his dad , the tree cutting one. So yes he actually does have an income.

    10. I don't understand why to people always say they don't work just because he works with his father at their FAMILY business. Lots of people have been going into business with their families since forever.

    11. He said at the beginning of last season he works with his Dad in the the tree business.

    12. I think you're behind the times. Didn't he switch jobs like last year? And don't people usually use profit from selling their last house to put down a down payment on the next house?

    13. Up must pay well.

    14. He is working with his dad in the tree trimming business

    15. He works with his father in their tree cutting business. He definitely mentioned that aspect of income

    16. I would bet they get a hefty amount from UP TV for their show.

    17. Well, let's think about it. 1. Zach quit one job and took another job in the tree business. That's one income. 2. The dress business seems to be doing well, since they keep having to expand. That's a second income 3. Whitney has her real estate connections, so they probably got a good deal on the new property. 4. They are selling their last property, which means money toward a new property. 5. Since they are on the show, they may possibly have a third source of income. It all adds up to me!

    18. Maybe it was cheap. They both work. Not sure why you think Zach didn't pick up another job when he quit being a policeman.

    19. 6:23 You forget about what is very likely a handsome monetary compensation for their TV show. Gil seems like the kind of person who would share equally with his kids on the profits. In any event, Zach and Whitney do have jobs (tree-trimming, realtor, clothing business) and they had property to sell. I don't think real estate prices in Tennesse are as outrageous as in other parts of the country. There's also such thing as as mortgage- you know, a loan you take out in order to buy a home. You make a down payment, pay interest... yada, yada, yada.

    20. Why is it necessary to cast doubts on them in their big news? Why do people do that? Always having to turn everything into some supposed controversy and create drama where there really is none?

    21. Because people find it more interesting to create drama...I don't know why...i think it's interesting the way it really is! Happy for you all Zach and Whitney!

    22. It's easy to poke holes in the drama comments (like this one).

  8. Congratulations! Wishing you great luck in your new home. Please post progress pics so we can follow along.

  9. Whitney is a realtor too. She sell houses. That's their income

  10. Hey Lily and Ellie!

    Can we get an update on the new babies (Jadon, Hazel, and Charlotte?) would love to see how much the precious babies have grown.

    God Bless!!

  11. Zach works for his dads company trimming trees. Whitney was selling real estate but not sure she still is.

  12. Didn't Tori and her family just moved down the street from Zach and Whitney? Mmm....

    1. They are still neighbors. The new house is very close to the house they just moved out of.

    2. Yes, Tori did, and the cousins were having so much fun living so close! Too bad Whitney same Zach have now moved.

    3. No drama. Zach and Whitney said they moved one minute down the road. They're still neighbors. Now Zach and Whitney have the amount of land they wanted.

    4. That's good that they're still neighbors!

  13. By the way I love the Bates.Congrats Zach and Whitney.And to Erin and Chad on baby news and also to the Stewarts.

  14. 😊 congratulations Zach and Whitney on your new home. I'm really sure the kids will love it also. I hope the kids have their own rooms for now. I can't wait to watch the renovation on the new season. Natasha b

  15. MO- Great news- Congratulations. :o)

  16. congratulations on the new home. One thing for sure, the Bates families are hard workers and willing to help each other.

  17. I love Zach and Whitney and their sweet little family. So down to earth and deserving of their dream home. Congratulations!

  18. Oh wow! 17.5 acres is going to be great for their family! So nice!

    1. Later they sell part of the land if they choose. Maybe to Erin and Chad to build their house.

  19. Is it just me or does Zach look like a different person. His appearance in the picture had me confused. Great news on their new home.


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